So why haven't you joined the Greater Good yet?
So why haven't you joined the Greater Good yet?
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Stop posting anytime heretic filth.
shit nigga what gaem?
Join Chaos
Yo where the fuck is that from?
Not a game unfortunately, alas it is a very well worked video of the Horus Heresy.
>Helping Aliens of any sort ever
Even worse than elves.
Sisters of Battle were a fucking mistake.
They must be doing something right because only one of them joined Chaos willingly.
They can't even join Chaos properly because their nasty Red Rage minge blood sends any and all Khornate daemons into an uncontrollable fit of bloody rape.
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Was the poor pilot shot in the head for this?
fucking hell that's impressive animation
post links
Pretty boring army wise, not a fan of their design not suit spam
If there was a bigger focus on Kroot, Vespids and other auxiliaries I might give them a go, but I already have 3 armies and if I ever had to get another it'd either be SoB (when new plastic minis are released) or Nids (primarily Nidzilla)
>portrayed as the fast and agile fighters they are in canon instead of slow clunky golems
>greater good
The T'au empire wouldn't know the greater good if it bit them in the ass.
But why? Pinups have been human tradition for millenias.
True loyalist when?
Inquisitors actually don't have the right to shoot imperial guardsmen at the drop of a hat. For one that's what comissars are for, for second, executing anyone, especially one serving the imperium, involves shittons of paperwork. If the inquisitor in this instance for example shoots the pilot then his respective ordos are going to get inquiries by angry Munitorium officials
Post more Tau Gals.
Pinups are Slaaneshi Heresy.
Inquisitors can literally do whatever they want.
kinda letdown
>t. Female inquisitor whose lady parts are so dry, unloved and un-used it's got cobwebs and spiders in it
*gets courted, marked as radical and loses his inquisitor status*
>Tau in a nutshell.
The Ethereals would like to have words about that haircut.
He's not wrong user, it just depends on who you kill and how big your hat is. If you're some low ranking inquisitor and you shoot a guardsman, you will not get away with it. If you have gold plated everything and are known throughout the system, then only very few people can talk back when you raze a small continent for potential heresy. However this does not mean inquisitors should not know their place, unlike the sisters of battle they know when and when not to push a Space Marine's buttons.
Too bad, ain't no ethereals in the Enclave!
Besides. The Imperial Guard tend to not give a fuck about most Imperial Law. Hell, Space Marine shows that a good portion of them have illegal field repair manuals and can take care of their own shit. Also the Catachan make a sport out of fragging the higher ups.
>throughout the system
I hope you mean sector.
And if you're famous as an inquisitor, you're doing your job wrong
Also, SoB are often mandated to purge rogue space marine chapters, they don't care
How the fuck do little bitches in Power Armor manage to kill Space Marunes who fight like
It doesn't make sense at all.
I miss when the Noise Marines were 80s Metalheads.
If an IG scrub with a meltagun can take down a space marine so can a bitch with power armor, a jetpack, and a double melta.
>How the fuck do little bitches in Power Armor manage to kill Space Marunes
They have Powered Armour. There's a lot more SoBs than SMs so the casualties are more acceptable. They have special units, too.
>it don't make sunse
same way it works on the tabletop
the fluff exists mainly to justify having your army fight the opponent's army
if your SoB can kill a space marine army on the tabletop, they can be expected to do it in the fluff
Both of those are my mistake user, system was by accident abd I forgot that the Inquisition is the secret police. What I think I should've said though was feared instead of renowed, I think that would make it better.
Also what I mean for the Sisters is how they unintenionally disrespect the Emperor's legacy by reffering to SM as 'mutated freaks' or 'dusgusting mutants'. The ones who do that are just a hinderance to everyone.
How come its always non-english speakers making these animations? The voice acting for these are always abysmal.
>The Sisters manage to fuck up everything in Soulstorm.
Remember user, the Imperium's greatest strength is it's exendable manpower. It's not as if a single one can just kill a SM, it's like shooting a bear; one bullet will not kill it, but shooting it a fuck ton of times will. Plus it won't just be one person alone fighting.
By rolling higher numbers.
Orkz da best!
Exactly, when the ordo hereticus goes against a rogue SM chapter, they bring along whatever they can find and trust. the SoB just happen to be the most reliable.
I'm not sure yet, show me a really hot male Tau and I'll focus on the Tau campaigns on Dark Crusade and SS on the next days for the greater good.
>not executing the commissar for cowardice
And yet they aren't trusted enough to get a decent tank.
Bolters can be expected to kill a space marine in one shot, unlike the vast majority of imperial firearms.
That's why most noteworthy battles of the Horus heresy involved space marines on both sides: if your troopers aren't outfitted with weapons at least as powerful as bolters, they're gonna have a hard time against space marines, but bolters level the field a lot
Hot fucking damn
Not all Bolters are equal though, were it so then say someone like a commissar would be able to kill a marine with ease, let alone we even bring up SM armor quality. You have to remember that the SoS use a different bolter pattern, same thing with the Custodes and GK.
Also that implies that the Admech is considerate enough to provide everyone with equal gear.
Admech gets all the best toys.
What else do you expect from an entire empire of insane mega tech hoarders?
Thinking about sharing some of that tech with the rest of the Imperium? At least the autoloaders for the Imperial Navy?
Sorry, lad. I'm already with Necrons.
Stop seducing young boys Soritas.
Don't know what your are talking about
>sharing anything with pathetic unaugmented fleshbags
>don't even praise the Omnissiah
>can't even speak binary
yeah right, as if we would ever even think of leeting you taint even a single lugnut with your disgusting, non mechanical paws
Repent now Heretek
Why no love for Eldar ever?
>That pen and syringe
Thanks Doc
>egotistical elf faction
No flavour, overall a boring faction, second only to tau.
I would love them even more if we got some fucking corsairs, those space pirates look cool and they're underused
I only started liking the DE after ETTS had Vect on and well...
>egotistical elf faction
Yeah but they're not mary sues, if you want to talk about ego, literally every god damn faction except perhaps nurgle chaos and nids are egotistical lol, that isn't a valid form of complaint
Agreed, I'm hoping we can get some short stories on some wild card corsairs heroes and units
>boring we're better than you elves who literally fucked themselves and a large portion of the universe over and are now OH WOE IS US OUR IMMORTAL SOULS LOCKED INSIDE ROCKS ARE DISSAPPEARING CUZ PEOPLE ARE FINDING OUR NOT-SO-HIDDEN CRAFTWORLDS"
Nah you can fuck off. At least Dark Eldar have some flavor and are cool, albeit edgy. Plus it doesn't help that in tabletop and dawn of war 1, 2, and even goddamn 3 eldar are the most broken faction mechanically because HURR MUH 1,000 YEAR OLD SPESS ELVES
Eldar got the biggest gift on the last codex. It kinda made me stop liking them desu.
Reminder that the Sisters are the ultimate jobbers.
Fanks for da loot, burna humies.
Does waifuing count?
>not Avatar of Khaine
In terms of fluff? Vect
>be oldest being on the galaxy with more experience, knowledge and crazy tech that even the emperor wouldn't dream of.
>lose to a resurrected mary sue and some demons
Recommend me a 40k book, Sup Forums.
wich faction do you wanna read of, user?
I like the Imperium, particularly the Imperial Guard, and the Orks.
But whatever you think would be a good introductory book. I only know about 40k from Sup Forums and from a podcast I started listening to.
ciaphas cain series if you want guard
orks only really tend to be side charcaters/villians for other races in the novels
Bring back the Squats!
For orks you should read the comics "Deff Skwadron" and "Blood and Thunder"
Wish granted.
>You're a soldier of the Astra Militarum that has landed on an Imperial Sector planet filled with Imperial ruins.
>The planet has just seen a major war with the Tau and the previous army just left to replenish the troops.
>Your Commissar has order you and your fireteam to venture into the planet on a scout/sweep mission, and has given you a Aquila Lander shuttle that can travel large distances, even leave the planet.
>The planet is extremely foggy due to the fumes of battle, and you somehow end up lost from your party who is not responding to your coms. You have the keys to the Aquila Lander.
>You end up in the middle of nowhere with this in front of you.
>You can't understand her but she is wounded and is pleading for forgiveness and asking for help.
Would you run away with qt Tau waifu in your shuttle ride to patch up her wounds and commit heresy
Or would you report her to the Commissar and continue living a meager Imperial soldier existence.
These all look pretty promising. Thanks friends.
They break easily.
that filename will never not make me giggle/spoiler]