FUCK you
>have to spin my headphones around because the cable twists into circles
i have decimated so many logitech headphones by crushing their black asses on my black ass carpet with my black ass chair. everything is blurred.
I really hate this.
Your black ass doesn't know what this word means.
>How dare you shame my family
sounds like you don't, you fucking retard
MFW I have a wireless headset and controller
Changing batteries or making sure things are charged annoys me more
>*playing quake*
>*plops out*
I have broken so many goddamn headphones because of that shit that I bought wireless ones.
I fucking hate them. I fucking hate them so much. I fucking hate the background noise you get when you're not listening to anything. I fucking hate the background noise you ALWAYS get. I fucking hate the fact that you have to position yourself in a certain way or lmao background noise.
I would gladly buy a headphone every 6 months than this piece of shit I currently have.
>trying to snipe with a dirty mouse ball
I'll give you swapping batteries can be annoying if I'm mid game (avg maybe 80 hr life if i turn rumble off, 40 on) but the headset has a nice charging stand, real comfy
>not using a track ball
It was so much faster using this to play Starcraft
>this amount of bait
only carpal tunnel faggots used these and they sucked balls
you couldn't even shoot yourself with that
I mean... several of my cords have been cut up because of this
sometimes not even electrical tape cant keep the insides from pushing out
Did this really happen to Boogie or were people just japing?
That only happen when you're an adult. Being at teen with it use the max amount of agile a young arm can endure.
I want a stamp that says faggot.
>playing game
>things going smoothly
>all of a sudden headphones cut out
>speakers on full blast
I bet you're gonna tell us, Sheldon
oh man I miss cleaning these things. I used to love picking dustbabies out of the rollers with tweezers.
You don't deserve wired devices
This was quite a journey
Best feeling is when it all comes off without breaking the line of dust
nah you just couldnt afford a mouse and adapted. same argument controller fags use
Most of these things don't trigger me
>mfw used to take out every single mouse balls in computer classes
>mfw seeing the kids' reactions when their mouse doesn't work
Trackballs are great for leaning back and getting lazy. Sit it on your armrest or thigh, no sliding needed. Even better when paired with speech to text.
barneyfag's been slacking off lately huh
I agree, that was kinda fun
I haven't seen him in forever, has he died or retired?
Didn't he get BTFO to an insane degree recently? Maybe he anhero'd