What have you learned from browsing this horrendous site?

What have you learned from browsing this horrendous site?

Other urls found in this thread:


That I''ll be here forever

that I fucking hate console war bullshit

>if you have fun with a game, don’t apologise for it
>let people play on the platform they prefer
>don’t be a faggot


Monsoon was right

got convinced to buy ni oh
it's fun

For Sup Forums it would be sometimes places aren’t like what you hear they are

that m00t will never come back


WHAT I LEARNED IN Sup Forums IS............

That my legs are ok.

Dangers of soy

That I'm a closet homosexual who hides the fact that I'm gay by claiming that wanting to pound cute feminine boys isn't gay.

Your favorite game is shit and you should feel bad for liking it.

Ive been here for 9 years and my feelings that furfags should die and rot in a hole are the same as ever, ironic or not its disgusting

These desu

Conservatism is a cancer that ruins everything

People are easily sidetracked and derailed by the smallest shit.
Shitposting used to be ignored a good amount of times a long while go but people have to fucking reply to them at all goddamn costs now to prove something


It's really fucking easy to trigger the alt right for laughs

Religion is the most interesting topic.

It's amazing that the existence of a certain console and games being made for that console can make people so upset. Those people need to breathe into a bag or something.

I visit here for game recommendations, but it's a proverbial flower growing on a massive pile of shit.

to take my daily dose

cute bear penis :3

That western video """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" are manufactured cinematic garbage for a lowest common denominator that has no soul or inspiration or respect for the medium itself and that only the Japanese can make actual legitimate video games, let alone raise them to an art form.

nobody has actually followed "don't feed the troll" at fucking ever

Sup Forums is almost always wrong
>switch will fail
>pubg is the flavor of the month

That I shouldn't have complained about generals taking up all of Sup Forums (leading to creation of /vg/) because now every thread is "whats a good video game with trannies?" or a screencap of a political tweet.

i learned that people actually thought kotor 2 was better than the first

Sceptism 10 fold

Nobody plays games

anime is a gateway drug to becoming a national socialist

Literally who?

Traps aren't gay

That the hivemind latches on to a different game every few months, said game is considered the greatest game ever released, and nothing will ever come close to it's greatness ever again, if you dislike it, you're a shitposter looking to ruin their fun, then in the coming months, it becomes popular, and the hivemind sees it as irredeemable trash that was never good.
This cycle will continue as long as Sup Forums exists.


are you gay or do you just like to show off to the chubby chasers on v

Trips of truth

Me too, buddy. Me too.


Shitposting is fun.

Even Japan is in a pretty bad place now.

The sea of shit isn't as big as western games, but you still have to look for gems.

Poe's law is real and this website is like fly paper for dickheads. I disagree fundamentally with almost every post I see and I'm amazed most of the people of this website haven't choked to death on their own spit. I love you all and each one of you is unique in their own way

It's just basic tribalism user; human nature. Same reason normies get so bent out of shape over sports teams or truck brands, it's all tribalism.

Our technology has outpaced our evolution to such a degree that we're constantly trying to reconcile our modern world with inadequate caveman brains.

That even with anonymity, I still try to adhere to some form of decency and politeness while posting.

it's like a really interesting experiment on human culture



Not participating in a Two Minutes Hate thread against Bethesda hourly means you're an inbred casul.

it's not that deep man. the vast majority of people that do that just need to justify their choice because their parents will only buy one console

that off topic threads are ok as long as they don't hurt leftists feelings

How does something like that even breed?

That humanity was a mistake and that on Sup Forums everything is shit


It doesn't, probably.

To always, ALWAYS form your own opinion.

>e-celeb posting

video games cannot get me sex


That I love loli

Have enough decency to salute to our fallen comrade

That most of the time this place is shit, but sometimes a thread that I like happens so I have some fun.

is this loss?

That I fucking hate yurifags

>fatass switch poster gets deleted instantly
>gurololi like isn't
That mods really are inconsistent.


games fucking suck

I used to play a ton of western games. But I honestly rarely find myself buying them anymore. It wasn't even a conscious choice, I've just noticed it recently, but I haven't bought one in a couple years other than good indies. It's actually insane how bad the modern western game devs/publishers have become.

>hey guys, aren't retards pretty retarded?
what an amazing insight

>meme answer
All Wojaks and Pepes are inherently evil, and must be purged
>real answer
Look before you leap when buying vidya

That all video games suck

That I like having no sense of identity and being detached from every group out there.

I learned that the culture is killed and replaced each year by the next generation, with only threads of the most essential traditions remaining.

That shitty moderators are just as bad as shitty users and carry just as much blame for the board being shit as the shitposters themselves.

That there's absolutely nothing to learn from discussions on the internet. Shitposting is the only way.


>You share a board with people who aren't going to play as Wei


Sup Forums actually greatly improved my taste in vidya and made me appreciate the medium more

That the threads with actual discussion are always the offtopic ones. Fuck the other day I learned about the power tiers on Christianity

Thanks doc

That ignorance is fucking bliss.

I've encountered opportunities that have allowed me to make monetary gains. I've derived an absurd amount of entertainment and laughs as well as numerous hobbies I would have never likely gotten into. Don't blame the site for your own failures.


"Fun" is a buzzword


Every post needs to have bait attached to it or else it goes completely unnoticed. This leads to the horrible console wars, twitter posting and just shit content in general, while everyone tries to be as ironic as possible.

I wish I could go back to the days before I was redpilled. I was happier.

I should have just read the greeks instead.

I sadly agree with this

Culture is stupid

Nobody's opinions about video games matter and everyone is an idiot except for me.

Basically, pic related.

But if there's one thing I've learned more than anything?

Habits are a bitch.


Only true for the fast boards, which Sup Forumsis of course.

The fishing analogies are so apt it's scary. Used to be a time when just trawling was enough, but you actively need bait to even get a second look.

Might be why I like the slower boards. Can just set a jig and be happy with what you get.

>yakuza 0 sucks
>kojima is a hack

Just go look up Methonium or Synechdoche, and then be sad when you realize he gave up porn to go full time on writing his manga.

>Want to go to Reddit to see if they have decent conversations about video games
>The entire website is a fucking clusterfuck design-wise
>Everyone sucks everything's dick, which is a result of both everyone being a fucking pansy and the downvote system, which means any dissenting opinions just get brushed to the side
That's the only thing keeping me here. It may be a hellhole, but it's a decent hellhole at times.

My friend, 99% of the places in this world are hellholes