Pokken Tournament DX

Opinions on this game?

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With all the characters, it's gud.

I played the demo and it seems like an entry level fighting game.
Would probably cop for $30 or less, I thought it ws fun just not $60 good.

It's single player content is dull as fuck and multiplayer is filled with shitters that can't play

Post your mains and the mains you hate fighting most faggots.

Probably the only WiiU port that has even close to the amount of new content that would actually be necessary for their asking price of 60 to be reasonable. And even then it mostly achieved that by just withholding the arcade characters from the WiiU version because 20$ for DLC is a lot less money than 360$ minimum for a new console and Pokken DX

I feel cheated I put hundreds of hours in the wii u version staring at japan getting all the newer arcade characters.

Mewtwo and Machamp main
I fucking hate Braxien and Chandelure so much

Should have just been Tekken with pokemon as the fighters.

Pikachu is a BAMF. I don't have nearly enough experience fighting the rest of the cast as him to single out rage-inducing matchups, tho.

Decidueye player here, fuck Sceptile. I just can't deal with that ranged grab and seeds everywhere. Also Whimsicott best Support.

i only played the wii u version. did they add more Nia outfits?

A solid fighting game.

7 out of 10 for me.

Did decidueye finally get nerfed?

Pretty fun.

dead game

Decidueye is for shitters. No amount of nerds will ever change that.

Ironically it isn't.


It's at 16 of 20 top most played games in NA at the very least.

>It's at 16 of 20 top most played games in NA
>*on Switch
That's the thing, bruv.

Can't wait to try Aegislash

1-2 Switch is #17. Pokken is only barely beating 1-2 Switch