Online service extended for another 6 months

>Online service extended for another 6 months
Why haven't you bought Kat's game yet, user?

Other urls found in this thread:

she's a dirty smelly stinky sewer hobo

I already have
I have been constantly playing it since the announcement of the closure
>mfw I have more challenge wins than losses

Stop bullying Kat.

can't find my vita memory stick.

Still waiting for them to get here


oh shit
>no ps4
my bad
where is my head tonight?

*hint* stuck on you

Well get a PS4 and buy Kat's game!!!

torn between ps4 and switch. what do?

Will it be on PC some day?

look at what is currently released and pick the one that interests you the most.

ps4 then. thanks m, you still the best

Get both, but PS4 first as the PS Store has some nice deals right now.

No. Fuck you PC faggots.

Like what?
Tell me quick, my free PSN expires in a few hours.

that was the plan. couldn't decide on which 1st though. don't care about deals, just want to gaym again

The christmas sale is still on, there's a lot of shit on there.

I got GR Remastered for $10, GR2 for $20 and every Resident Evil available on PS4 (Except 7) for $8 bucks each, if that helps.

The game bombed so hard they were going to shut the servers down this soon?

wtf happened

There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't have White Kat

>Server admins confirmed Whitekatfags
The sheer RUDENESS of these fuckers. Writing to my Uncle (he owns Sony) to close down the servers TONIGHT.

still care about you, but i gotta go for a bit

Literally never ever since it's published by Sony. Gotta wait for PS4 emulators I guess.

>Online service extended for another 6 months
time to drop this game and wait two weeks before they really shut down and complain about the servers closing down

I want to fuck that kat


What's Kat thinking here?

thank god

>they did this after the sale

>when you get a challenge with three other players and you win first place

"Time to dress up my pet autist in revealing clothes and take her to the shady part of town"

Raven is hot

Nice. I had already gotten the dusty token rewards but I were missing a large deal of furniture so the treasure hunts will help with that.

Did anyone else hate that quest where you help someone move and need to load her furniture on a ship/boat? Very frustrating.

Sony/Japan Studio trademarked something called "RaySpace". What do you think it could be?


Agreed. I expected there to be a raven costume for Kat though.

>game not on sale anymore
>probably won't go on sale again
Idiots. The extension doesn't matter, I won't buy a game that sold poorly and it having its online shut down at near full price.

The game gets on sale like once per month on the EU store.

>using sales to determine if a game is good or not

The game is fun you fucking retard

This game goes on sale all the time, but for ridiculously short amounts of time.

>best costume is the first dusty tolken costume

Good shit, never took this shit off.

Screw that, Raven needed costumes herself, and being playable once you beat the game.

me too, around +10

Well yeah I agree that a playable Raven(at least for free roam) would be even better. But I still expected a raven costume.

>I think I'm too far away. I should head back.

I had almost given up hope.

I think all the dusty costumes were very disappointing. The last one especially, I had to look up online what people said the differences were between the original one because I didn't spot any. For a long time I thought the last one unlocked with tokens was the white one I'd seen in promotional works, only to realize that it was a pre order dlc.


What are the left column, second and fourth from the top?

second looks like FFVII which isn't even out yet

So does anyone else plunge Kat into the abyss immediately after taking a treasure hunt photo?

But I have

Kat's Game: Remastered is on its way to my house right now



My thing is that I always try to pick up at least one gem.

What's your favorite Kat sound?

4th looks like ratchet and clank (2016) which is fucking garbage


I did
I finished the game the day before I started work and haven't really gone back to it since, I was afraid I wasn't going to get to 6k but now I don't have to worry


Don't have a ps4 yet. Waiting on Death Stranding release date then I'll get one and then get this. I still play 1 on my vita, mostly just floating around and enjoying the music.

>Online service extended for another 6 months
Are you kidding me? I just traded this fucking game to Amazon yesterday for $20 because the servers were supposed to be shutting down.

Why would you sell a singleplayer game because auxiliary features were closing?

Because I liked the auxiliary features and figured that I wouldn't want to replay the game without them.


They forgot to advertise and then even release the remaster of the first game which was originally on a dead on arrival handheld and then they forgot to advertise the sequel.


will it be hard to adjust after playing GR2?

2 is great if you like wandering around aimlessly. Lunar style rocket jumps are fun as heck

The date of Kat's execution...changed.

Pick up a gem and then plunge her.

I'm not, but I expect a game that sold poorly to be discounted.


pls respond

You think people will lay down and take it a second time? We've started the fire!

Anyone feel that GR2 is a letdown from GR1?
GR1 had a cool French feel to it wheras this feels more animu to the extreme.

No, it plays mostly the same. There's no different styles though.
Hekseville looks quite a lot different though, it was seemingly remodelled and overhauled from 1 to 2.

I don't think so. The only real difference to how Kat functions is that you now won't have lunar or jupiter style. Other than that there's just less stuff to do I guess. On the plus side though, the first game had a better field of vision.

Can I get the dusty tokens and all that shit if I haven't finished the main story? I bought it on release and haven't touched in a while since a shitload of games came out

Best song comin' through

>Can I get the dusty tokens and all that shit if I haven't finished the main story?

Yeah you can. You'll miss out on some treasure hunt rewards until a certain part of the story but you can get most of the rewards early on.

I was against you at first, but I see where you're coming from. If they expect you to buy a poorly sold game that's literally not going to be fully available in 6 months for basically full price, then what kinda shit cash grab is that?

This is the best song

It gets on sale regularly.

Thank you my man. I'm ill and I feel like dying so I guess I'll start grinding the coins.

I thought online was needed for trophies. Is it not?

I'm gonna really miss lunar style, oh well. How is it visually compared to 2?


Draw distance is massively reduced, along with texture quality. It runs at 60FPS, though.

They why did i keep hearing it was needed to collect dusty tokens or something? Or was it just helpful?

no trophies require dusty tokens

Trophies are a separate thing from the servers the game uses for multiplayer stuff.

Be fucking honest no fanboy shit

is Gravity rush 2 good??

but also very flawed


>Why haven't you bought Kat's game yet, user?
Should I buy digital or physical?

>Why haven't you bought Kat's game yet, user?
I would if I could find a physical copy for ps4.

what's the appeal of a physical copy?

If you want to help kat digital.

If you're like me both
(I had both because some friend of mine give me a copy of GR 2 yesterday because he saw one at walmart)

It's mediocre. Expect some pretty visuals, nice music, fun powers and likable characters marred by AWFUL mission design, a tiny world. and a total clusterfuck of a story.

Just look at this cover