Paid emulators need to stop existing

Paid emulators need to stop existing

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CEMU uses stolen code, if they open source it Ninty buttfucks them.

Decaf is honestly half decent and will eventually get upto par.

If people are willing to part with their money, let thm.

Tell that to MagicEngine which gets it's ass kicked all day by Mednafen or iDeaS which exists only to milk shekels from casuals that want to play pokemon on their phones.

>CEMU uses stolen code
Unironically and asking honestly: What do you mean by that?

>CEMU uses stolen code

CEMU uses reverse engineered code, it's not like the WII U's BIOS were hard to figure out since nintendo has been using the same shit for the last three console generations.



Yeah it's been confirmed.

I agree. From an ethical standpoint I have no problem with emulation as long as it stays in the 'free and open' category of software. Money shouldn't be involved.

so where's the evidence?

closed source emulators need to stop also. We've lost so many good emulators because the author got bored or whatever. If they hadn't been so goddamn precious about their work, we'd still have the emulators.

I'm skeptical, it seems like a rumor to try to discourage other developers from doing the same thing they did and undercutting them.

Reverse Engineering is legal, documentation for PPC750 and AMD GPUs is plentiful. If they'd really gotten a code dump and incorporated that Nintendo would have been able to work that out easily source code or not.

Is right, they're risking the future of emulation to make a quick buck.

this, letting others contribute or pick up the project when one decides they don't want to do it anymore keeps the scene alive and prevents needless reworking and re-inventing the wheel

I don't like the idea of paying for emulators but isn't this "patreon version" just a version donators get before the rest of public?

Sorry dude, just because you couldn't hop on the Patreon bandwagon and get paid doesn't mean you have to be salty about it. I guaranfuckingtee if Mame was started in 2015 then he would've been on that gravy train day fucking one.

>complaining that you can't get the software to play your pirated games
Why not just pirate the software?

Its more worrying that its Windows-only. They would produce higher quality code by making sure everything is cross-platform friendly from the start, instead of trying to awkwardly force in cross-platform support later.

Even with OpenGL its foolish to develop on the closed source Windows drivers when the open source Linux drivers (especially for AMD cards) is so high quality and standards compliant.

>If people want to send money to ISIS let them

Do developers not have the right to request reimbursement for giving you an amazing piece of software you can get endless hours of entertainment out of?

fuck off you commie faggot, stop expecting people to work for free

No no, provide a link to proof of your lie please.

fuck off identity politics faggot unless you can point me to somewhere in open source licensing saying they can't charge money for their work

why am I reading a reddit post on Sup Forums? if I wanted to read what they say I'd go there instead.

They are not contractually bound to working on it.

If you have any insanely niche skill that's finely honed enough to reverse engineer the work of Nintendo engineers, how would you feel if some anonymous dickhead said you were being unethical for asking for payment

>people mad that they can't play their pirated games for free

you are though,you're not special, there are thousands of other who do the same shit for free. Stop being a tripfag.

that guy seems to have a very bright intellect, but he demonstrates just how much he doesn't care by using his intellect to explain the question rather than answer it

ok so where are all the other emulators then

emulators went from
>some kid in college looking to fuck around with coding and wanting to do it
>I can make a career out of this, i bet!

The money is the problem.

>if they open source it, ninty buttfucks them.

Oh, so they are within their legal right to sell stolen code?

Full of shit.

if the emulator is open source, i'd pay for it. i've donated to open source emulators in the past

>Demanding payment
fixed that for you

His tone is incredibly self-important without anything to back it up. Unless he's a developer, he needs to shut up

>stolen code
do you have evidence it was 'stolen'? or are you just shitposting?

>I'm being forced to buy his product
He's offering his work to the community, asking for something in return is not unreasonable. If you don't like it, try replicating his work, oh that's right, you can't.

>His product
Sure thing boyo

More like consoles got exponentially more complicated and the work to maintain an emulator went from a few afternoons to make a basic one, to multiple full-time jobs worth of work just to keep compatibility, amidst all the grotesque hacks game developers are using to get their games performing well.

When you're spending hundreds of hours working on an emulator, and the community is ungrateful as fuck (it's gamers, of course they are), arguments about how you shouldn't be selfish probably aren't very compelling.

You make it sound like it's a fairly recent thing.

you'e right its almost as if we should pool together and research for the better of the community, increase knowledge and resource power, than being a sekrit club faggot.
Almost as if someone is being a bit selfish

Then why doesn't nintendo just fuck them? I don't want any emu guys to get fucked over but if they're using stolen code then how have Nintendo of all people not been able to find this out? Surely they've got a team of people hot on their arse waiting for a misstep

Because they're not, you could easily disassemble their binary and find it if they were

Right but I mean this in the nicest of ways right. If someone on reddit or Sup Forums can figure that out then how can't nintendo? Even if they just hear rumours or blog posts couldn't they just pull some poor wank off the animal crossing screen, give him the files and go "Hey see if they copied any of our shit"

Fuck the community, the developer is putting in the hours in a dark room, not the community. The community is lucky to be getting anything at all

They absolutely could, the idea that they haven't already is ridiculous.

They take down every fan project days after they appear (eg AM2R), they didn't miss anything, it's just not there.

Yes those hours could be elevated if he wasn't such a selfish faggot.
And shit could get done a thousand times quicker and more accurate/efficiently.

>they'll work for free because I said so

Meanwhile Citra updates every night and is open source.
Feels good.

>open source means you can't charge for the software
do you have a source to this?

Fun fact, donations do make it to open source developers.



coming from a fucking pirate fag

emulate and pirate all you want, but charge for the ability to do so is amazingly hypocritical

>Won't pay for games
>Pays to pirate

Except Citra is literally shit and can't even run Samus Returns full speed on a 6600 cpu

no, pays to emulate. if you're going to shitost, do it properly

>Things I don't like
>Vs things I like
You're doing the meme wrong retard.

>I should get everything for free because I'm a basement dwelling NEET who can't afford anything decent with only GBP

Proof is where?

It's theorized that they have access to official Nintendo docs regarding the Wii-U. Stuff like source code and such. Using that information to design an emulator would be highly illegal but would also make creating a good emulator much, much easier. Hence the suspicion. Two dudes are able to make a Wii-U emulator in stupid short time and refusing to make it open-source (which would be a dead giveaway if they were stealing).

It's suspicious but they could certainly be legit.

i'm much more likely to pay/donate to an open source emulator than i am to some closed source one

Says the pirate.

so you're saying he doesn't care

you're saying he's smug and needs to shut the fuck up

you both sound exactly what you're describing him as

You can still give money to open-source projects. Open source software means other people can criticize, improve, and audit your code. Emulators should be a group effort, but Amerilards can't understand that because the only thing they can comprehend is making as much money as possible, even at the cost of innovation and progress.

That's not proof, that's just paranoia.

user, if you can't tell, I DO like closed source emulators. Because they tend to be far more competent than open source clusterfucks. I was shocked when I opened Xenoblade X and it ran at full speed on cemu. I was appalled when I opened Samus Returns in Cita and it ran at 45/60 and sometimes worse

>Implying you own even 75% of the games you emulate
Unless you have physical copies of those games then it's pirating nigga, own up to it and stop trying to justify it.


LMAO as if ANYONE in the history of mankind has ever """""donated""""" for free shit. Next you're going to tell me private WoW servers are funded by donations and not the admins selling gear/mounts.

>be pirate
>yar har
>won't pay for a nintenbro flavor of the month console that will be replaced in a year
>only way to play wiiu emulated games is from some fags on patreon
>only legal way to get latest version of the emulator is to shell out 5$ on patreon
>already a pirate
>pirate the emulator
>play my nintenbro games in peace
>all is good aboard this ship.

>Using that information to design an emulator would be highly illegal

Would it be? Wouldn't source code be considered a trade secret, ergo utlitizng it as a third party be legal if you discover the informaton?

But its got denuvo my friend

I do own the games, or have in the past. my gamecube doesn't work anymore, so i emulate the games i have for it. my N64 is at my parents house, and i did own ogre battle 64.
and that's irrelevant because user said
>paying to pirate
when i paid $0 to torrent those games. However, if I were to pay for an emulator (which is what the thread is talking about) then i'd pay to emulate. see how this works?

He's a retard, don't reply to him

Dolphin's the standard for open source emulator development and they barely seem to audit incoming code

It's going to be hilarious in 30 years where Americucks pay out of the ass for everything because they were so triggered by the reds back in 1970s that they went full retard.

The rest of the world is going to move on and have full automated luxury societies and waifu bots while americucks are stuck nickle and diming each other over the pettiest and smallest things.

That must be why the tech industry in the US is decades ahead of the rest of the world

>Emulators should be a group effort
says who?

>That must be why the tech industry in the US is decades ahead of the rest of the world
WOOO boy have I got news for you

China is beating the US in AI research and development and genetic engineering. Enjoy learning Chinese, gwailou.

You're posting on a site written by a US citizen, on a server hosted in a cloud facility in the US, on hardware designed in the US, using an operating system written in the US. 10/10 sites you visit every day are written and hosted in the US. 10/10 popular apps you use on your phone are written in the US. How am I wrong?

Reminder the internet was meant ot be free but not the SIP's have a lockdown, and thats why AJIT has been able to anally abuse you. But don't worry being a capitalist pig is great, can't expect the mto work dfor free hehexd.
Reminder Same shit happend to espurts and competitive gaming, now its the biggest cancer still growing because of clueless gen z's.
Now I wonder where this is headed?

>apps and websites are proof that the US is by and large ahead of evreyone else tech-wise
i'm not sure if those examples are meant to be serious or not. i'm not saying i disagree with you, but those were awful examples

That isn't leading technology my friend, And sorry to tell you but most of it is created by pajeet.

They're pretty much the dominant economic engine of the internet, so I don't see why they're bad examples

Common sense? You'll make more progress cooperating instead of being cunts who backstab each other and have constant internal drama and paranoia because of muh closed source. CEMU only works as well as it does because they stole source code from nintendo.

This isn't a professional company where people are hired with QC, executives making sensible decisions, and shit. It is a bunch of nerds trying to rip each other off.

because 'tech' is so far beyond the internet and websites hosted on it. oh wow, the US has 4 chan and the uber app invented in it, that must mean it's decades ahead of everyone else.

Do you have any counterexamples? All I got earlier was some handwaving about genetic engineering in China

The US has some of the worst internet infrastructure in the civilized world. Japan, Europe, China, South Korea, etc. have way better infrastructure to support the internet of the future. The only thing keeping the US relevant is its prior, fading status as global and economic superpower and the fact that Google and Amazon are based in the US. Eventually, our lack of infrastructure will catch up and big companies are going to start investing more and more overseas because they'll be able to do more impressive and profitable things with a more efficient infrastructure.

Remember, most americucks don't get more than 10 mbps for 50+ dollars a month. That's fucking pathetic.


Idk fuck about coding but it sure would be nice if more work was done to port shit rather than emulate. Both are pretty big tasks and emulation might pay off more kinda but the loss in performance is so depressing. I can play the port of gta san andreas on my phone like cake but i can't emulate a ps2 at all, when my phone has gotta be ten times as powerful if not more.

Maybe op is wrong. Maybe it should go in the opposite direction. If Sony made an emulator or a program that streamed games and everything was locked down but I could get better performance it would be worth it

oh, i'm not disagreeing with you. the US has been doing a lot with space machinery, medicine, robotics. i just feel that
>cloud storage, website made here, apps made here
is very limiting and not indicative of anything

I'm posting from a gigabit connection right now. It's widely available in the northeast. Maybe 10mbps is the only option in the middle of the country, but most of the population doesn't live in the middle of the country.

>mfw people now defend paid emulators

I paid 64 burgers/m for 20mbps in a capital city lol.
America is a shithole.

Donating to cemu patreon is as sensible as giving your dog a treat every-time he does something, anything at all bad/good/neutral.

If someone has the insanely fine tuned skill needed to crack safes for bank robberies, does that entitle them to rob banks with no consequences? It doesn't matter if it's a special, unique skill, the lack of money is the consequence for the gray legality

Woah, amazing! USA USA USA

Except its not, the thread is about currently existing donations for emulators and neets complaining about having to donate to get access, when they're definitely entitled to get access to it for free because reasons.

Is that a counterargument or just a shitpost, if so, carry on