DBFZ is for spics and ironic weebs

DBFZ is for spics and ironic weebs.
Fighting game players who also like anime will be playing The Chad CTB.

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imagine walking into a grown mans house and seeing

Everyone watches anime now bub :^)
That football player that shoved you into your locker is shitposting about Yuru Camp right now.

Not if the control scheme is as shallow as it initially looks. Light, heavy, overhead and tag? With auto combos? I’m worried.

>Literally autism, the post

In RWBY's defense, it should've always been a fighting game.

I think the game is designed in such a way that you're expected to make frequent character switches between games, which works as part of the mixup. Just speculating, though.

>he's not getting both

On a related note. ArcSys FGC awards is in a few hours from now. Hoping to see some new info on CTB (as well as GG and BB)

Post yfw there will only be 4 RWBY characters in the game

dbfz looks good

Yeah sure I'll just be playing UNIST.

Wouldn't be shocked really. Even though I want some not main cast RWBY and Persona characters in we will probably end up getting
Main 4 RWBY characters, Persona 4 main cast, some Under Night characters and a huge amount of Blazblue ones.

>Hoping to see some new info on CTB (as well as GG and BB)
There won't be shit

>Blazblue Cash Grab Battle

We're guaranteed 7 from each at least

Placeholders are still placeholders, there's no guarantee about anything.

>Any Aksys game
>Serious fighting game
No, you have to go back to Sup Forums.

Oh really? Wonder who the other 3 will be. Maybe it'll just be 3 or 4 members of JNPR

>Ironic weebs
>Not liking RWBY

>implying GG isn't the pinnacle of fighting games
Get off my board.

ok so

My hype has been completely drained from this game
>2 button fighter
>no walking
>214/236 motions only
>no drives for BB characters
>no GRD for UNIEL
>no air turn/rolls or awakening for persona

Literally all the things that made each series unique and interesting have been completely stripped and the game is just watered down trash.

Labrys fucking WHEN

who here getting both

>Literally all the things that made each series unique and interesting have been completely stripped
There had to be compromise, this at the very least, was expected. The lack of command normals is painful though.
>just watered down trash.
This however stings, nothing really seems all that interesting aside from the fact the game exists and that it's just a crossover.

I hope one of them is Penny.


I'll end up getting DBFZ on PC and this on Switch. I'll probably play this more since I'm a Personafag. Here's hoping that it's not just the 8 Investigation Team members.

Anyone remotely interested in [st] was going to get it anyway.

damn slayer, chill

>2 button fighter
Wait, what. How does that even work? and you can't even walk?

You disgust me.

But I already have UNIST


Not gonna buy it again. Maybe if it gets a PC release and I'll torrent it :^)

How the hell does the front flap stay up

>GGfags shilling anything that isn't their own game
What happened?

>Es, Azrael, Nu, and potentially Litchi and Taokaka will all be playable before /ourguy/ Hakumen
How is this allowed bros?

>this was all Switchfags were getting as a fighter until yesterday
>chad SNK had to come & save the day
Fingers crossed for CvS3 into the future.

>20 more BlazBlue characters will be announced before another P4 character is announced
How is this allowed bros?

Hakumen isn't low IQ enough.

Can you send that 100 to my Paypal?

How much will it cost on release?

>Litchi in at all
>Not Hakumen

>crossover game with only a single good franchise
What a disaster.

When's the next news?
oh boy I wonder which one you mean

Subtle fanbase war bait, user

well, it all seems to imply that we will get something at that FGA tourney.

>it all seems to imply that we will get something at that FGA tourney.
I thought we were going to get something during EVO Japan instead

>Litchi and taokaka will be playable
Is there a confirmation? If yuzu gets in I'm definitely getting this over d*fz. Though I want hakumen in.

maybe too, but one could imagine that there would be Arcsys fightan news in this Arcsys fightan tournament.

>Is there a confirmation?
Absolutely none

I recall there was a leak but I don't have it saved unfortunately.

Both of them were proven false.

that leak was false, even Arcsys confirmed it was fake, dont worry.

not ggxrd, they fucked it up after accent core. 3d was a mistake

DBF has a chance of coming to switch too. The producer said so.

SIGN is great, eat my ass.

>no walking

_____ ____

First of all I have a PS4 as well.
Secondly I'm not joking.


I'll be upset if Switch only gets Waifubait like this and Blade Strangers and doesn't get DBFZ.

Memes aside, you don't want your fighting games to the Switch. There are, quite literally, not enough buttons on single joycons, which they definitely don't want to happen.

Chads play GG bro.

a single joycon by default has 6 action buttons, like the snes.

more than enough for ANY fighting game.

>wasn’t announced in yesterday’s Direct
I hate it when this shit happens, because by the time they announce it, I already have it and all the DLC on another console & ain’t willing to buy it all again. Just a yes or no answer would be okay so I know whether to hold off or not.

Is adachi going to be playable

>being this delusional

Not anymore considering keybinding has become standard. Fighting games go out of their way to make everything completely bindable, mainly for multiple button presses.

Fighterz itself would be prohibitively uncomfortable on a single Joycon so devs would have to abandon that option which is a huge appeal for fighting games on the Switch.

Why do you think the the multiplat fighting games coming to Switch (XTB and new SNK) are 2 and 1 button fighters respectively?

im not buying it unless i get aigis and adachi lol

hakumen is a big one missing too

fuck rwby

do tourneyfags or Evochamps use Keybind on their setups?

he was shit in P4U2 though, he was literally only there to sell to edgelords.

You must’ve gotten hit by that insta-kill many times online. Give it to me straight user, Margaret or Elizabeth player?

tard alert, he was fun as fuck

what the guy above me said was correct

beautiful digits though

Not on stick, no. Because sticks have the benefit of allowing you to use all 5 fingers freely. But pad is becoming more and more common and those are all keybound often using all 4 triggers.

Until devs are willing to abandon the single Joycon option, you're going to get CTB and SNK Heroines, casualized games to a laughable degree. The "2 button fighter" used to be a fucking meme. Now it's a reality caused by catering to the Switch.

oh, i see, you just hate the switch.

ok, thats fair enough, totally fair indeed.

>give detailed reasons as to why catering to a certain control scheme has consequences and drawbacks, cite evidence of where that scheme leads
>"durr ur a console fanboy hurr"
Grow up, idiot.

Not even once.

i stand by what i said.

theres not gonna be alterations like you think.

Blazcross is not getting that simplified control scheme becuase of the switch, it was directly to cater to more people at all the platforns is getting released, you really think RWBYfans are gonna be fightan fans directly or will become fightanfans just by playing this game?, NO! because fightan is not for everybody.

About DBFZ? assuming it is getting a release, it is still gonna have a default control scheme, its not gonna be altered just because its on the switch, why? because 6 buttons is more than enough.

SNK Waifutag? Really? just because its on the switch is gonna be a 2 button fighter? WE JUST HAVE SEEN AROUND 2 MINUTES OF FOOTAGE!

>Grow up, idiot.
ok, fine, im an idiot, perfect, at least im not going around screaming EVERYTHING IS DOOMED BECAUSE PEOPLE CATER TO THE SWITCH!

When's the next announcement? EVO Japan maybe?

theres a chance something comes up tomorrow with the ARCFGA's tournament, but if it doesnt, then theres still EVOjapan.

>tomorrow with the ARCFGA's tournament
user, the ArcSys tournament wen't live 20 minutes ago. It's already Jan 13th in Japan

well, cant say i didnt saw that coming.

then EVOJapan it is.

>snk heroines
nintendo won

Is there a stream

At twitch /arcsystemworks
English commentary by the way

how far are we into the tourney? is it over yet?

cuz if dont, maybe we get something at the end.


it just started, it's guilty gear first, blazblue later

I dont want anything to do with light heavy SMART tag button set up garbage. Holy fuck this game is going to suck.

It's only been going for 30 minutes, showing Guilty Gear right now and next is BlazBlue. I imagine any news regarding CTG should be after BB award ceremony.

hmm, that post sounded like the tournament just ended.

still, no problem.