How do I turn off my brain off and fast forward 4 months so I can play this?
Dark Souls Remastered
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dark souls exists right now and has been playable for many years, user
I was playing it a few hours ago and got to Blighttown. Drops to 26 FPS. I want 60 FPS without dips
no need to wait
Use dsfix you mongoloid.
play on PC
>tfw as soon as you disconnect your PC from the internet because of meltdown and spectre they decide to announce this and now you can't get it
I was playing a few years ago and got to Blighttown. Drops to 59 FPS.
>being a paranoid cuck
grow up wiener
Will they be releasing individual games or just the whole set?
This has nothing to do with the government, I just dont want any potential performance hits
individual games
they wouldn't want to let their golden goose go that easily now would they goy?
calm down autismo, you won't get your tendies if you keep screaming
Are you actually fucking retarded?
Get Prepare to Die Edition for like 5 bucks on sale, there you go.
Honestly, modern games don't utilize your CPU enough for this be an issue. The mechanisms that can be exploited, and thus what would be "patched", are exclusive to CPUs and not GPUs. If your PC is close to bottlenecking on your CPU when playing something like Dark Souls, you seriously need to upgrade it.
he is
Wouldn't it be more GOY to have them only available in the set so they can force everyone to pay an upcharge for it?
Just freeze yourself bro it will be fine, trust me!
When playing the witcher 3 my CPU gets to about 70% usage, a significant performance hit could cause problems.
Are they actually changing anything aside from framerate and texture resolution? Will they upgrade the shit parts or is this literally just DS1 with DSfix bundled in for idiots who can't change numbers in a notepad file?
>are they putting in effort?
You already know the answer
>ds on big discount
portable souls though
we will be the first among mankind to play dark souls while taking a shit
>he wanted to freeze himself because he wanted a fucking Wii
why do that when you can call it a remaster by repackaging the game with DSfix and change the lighting slightly and then upcharge for it? by the way, owners of prepare to die edition get a whole 10% off! buy now Goy!
nvidia shield
Streaming doesn't count, shield is a joke
switch fatties are disgusting.
Some places are saying it'll have dedicated servers. Honestly the only reason I'm buying it is to have fun in PVP again with a fresher playerbase.
Isnt it full price? Why would you pay $60 for a $5 game on pc with all dlc or for free with live on xbox
do you think we'll be able to twink like the good old days?
Ive taken a shit playing it or DeS on my PS3
Laptops also exist, though what animal does that
>there is no discount if you own the original on steam
This is a fucking scam.
Owners of the original game should get a 90% discount, if not just directly adding the remaster to your library for free. This is a standard that tons of remasters have followed for years now, including games just as big/bigger than Dark souls like Bioshock Remastered or Skyrim SE. The only remaster I've seen before this that charged full fucking price was that Gearbox abortion of Bulletstorm.
it's actually 40 dollars
i always make sure the flights i take have power available so i can play at 32,000 feet
it's 40 bucks physical for switch users
Because Switch is the new remaster machine, and its all they are gonna have for awhile.
Shitting is a time for books, phones, and for when you can't pause a game and have a convenient line of sight from your toilet to your rooms tv
b-but BOTW! a-and Odyssey!
I'm really excited for the PvP community to be revitalized. Fuck DaS3
I'm hoping it will be a 50/50 split of oldfags and newfags. I'm looking forward to active early/mid game invasions where you are just as likely to get someone who has no idea what they are doing as you are a twink.
play any civilization or paradox game
Meanwhile, Demon's Souls pvp dies next month.
they did that with scholar and everyone hated on them anyway.
they said something about using the DS3 engine, i hope that doesn't mean they'll be using the DS3 method of anti twinking.
this to be quite honest my family
it really makes me wonder if the "remaster" is going to be worth a purchase considering pc already has 4k 60fps with hd textures
Considering you appear to enjoy this shitpile of a game, I'd say you're already there.
Start doing xanax. If you do it right you will black out until it comes out. Set a calendar alert on your phone telling you to stop taking xanax on may 25th because now dark souls remastered is out. You may or may not be able to stop doing xanax, as its likely you will now have an addiction where the withdrawals last 3 weeks and may kill you, but hey you time traveled.
dark souls 1 pvp has less ganksquads but it's not any better. It's still the same passive reactive bullshit. Being reactive in these games is always a superior playstyle than being proactive due to how strong defenses are.
Playstyles may change with the PvP being hosted on dedicated servers now
>ds1 style gank squads where only the host can heal and he can chug to heal all his allies and backstab is king
>except its now 6 max players so the host has another squad member to assfuck you with
How is this not the worst of both worlds?
Because Scholars was a bad game.
Wait nigga what are those the new graphics?
>people still get fooled by bullshots
are you 12?
Dark souls 2 got a lot of the shit from the patch, SoTFS is just an off sidestep with DX11
I've never had any problems with anyone playing defensive. There's plenty of ways to outsmart someone who's set to one playstyle.
You would if you played someone who has a similar skill level and build efficiency as you
>dedicated servers
>no P2P
I hope they don't fuck this up. I used to play DS1 with my gf in her house each of us in our own computer and it had literally zero latency. I expect to be able to do the same in the remaster.
Its the boxart, but if the rumor about the remaster using the DS3 engine is true, then the game will probably look like that. That looks like it could have been a screenshot from DS3 aside from the bonfires detail.
>Playing Dark Souls
>On console
Don't you know the PC version is the best version for every Dark Souls game.
Nobody except a shit sourceless "leaker" with a notoriously bad accuracy rate has said this, fyi
having a tv and console in your bathroom
I'm just glad this happened. DS1 was the best game in the series only held back by terrible engine problems and things like it taking over a minute to invade someone even when there are multiple valid targets in your server/zone. Probably gonna buy the remaster on both PC and switch.
Just get Prepare to Die and use dsifx, dude.
Are there any reasons for Remastered versions to ever exist other than "muh no BC console"
>demon souls servers literally about to die
>remaster the game that isn't about to go offline any time soon
I didn't like Demons Souls anyways.
It doesn't fix the invasions and gravelord not working in NG
>outing yourself as a console player
I'll just enjoy my DS1 with constant 60FPS in ALL areas for the last 5 years that I bought for 5 dollars on Steam
Everything is working fine on my end, must be your PC haha
My biggest concern is the talk of using DS3 matchmaking. I have no interest in fightclub bullshit in Dark Souls.
basically this
I'm also worried about what they might do visually to the game. Dark Souls had a lot of cool environments and varied light and dark color schemes. I hope they don't turn it into a brown and grey mess. Actually, now that I think about it I have a lot of things to worry about. Fuck this is going to be disappointing.
I know, man...
a generic "we up'd the textures a bit and unlocked the framerate' remaster, no not really.
If they really wanted to remaster Dark Souls they'd drag Miyazaki in and make that fucker pay for his sins by redoing the entirety of Lost Izalith. now THAT would be a remaster worth paying for.
Nigga you wanted a Wii then also and you fucking know it.
Just to be revitalized with DeS' remaster, user.
It won't be the same, man.
scholar was great man
You can polish a turd all you want but its still the weakest link in the series including DeS and BB.
I wonder how many GiantDads will be shitting up pvp on day one.
any millennial gamer that hasn't played ds1 WILL have seen giantdad meme videos
tfw DS3 recycled so much stuff from DS1 because they were already planning to do this remaster all along.
>might as well put anor londo there since we'll need it later for the remaster anyway
>but, but, the lore...
>time is convoluted whatever lol btw do you have the andre of astore model ready too?
Does Sup Forums hate Dark Souls 2 because it wasn't directed by Miyazaki?
no because it just a hot mess with pretty good gameplay.
eh, nah i would say its probably tied as my favourite alongside demons, and even then i think 3 was probably weakest.
All are still good games mind.
>My biggest concern is the talk of using DS3 matchmaking. I have no interest in fightclub bullshit in Dark Souls.
so invade? You can get a red eye orb early enough and go ruin some fun. Lobbies have always existed.
DS2 feels like a fan game made by someone whos only exposure to Dark Souls is vaati videos and the phrase 'prepare to die'.
This part is easy and whoever is playing is just dumb
if you own a switch, your brain is already turned off bro.
congrats, you've already succeeded.
>only exposure to Dark Souls is vaati videos and the phrase 'prepare to die'.
So basically, DaS2 is Dark Souls made by reddit.
if they don't add a new area and boss without telling anyone about it I'll be so disappointed
Prepare to be disappointed.
So they'll finally have a chance to properly finish the content after ornstein and smough
Imagine they change the pendant and its now part of some esoteric event chain like the usurp ending in 3