How on earth can you play games sober?

How on earth can you play games sober?

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Do people really play bullet hell games while drunk?

Because I'm not a pathetic alcoholic.

>tfw when twitchy, reaction games are easier for me when sober because I don't overthink my actions

I'd like to remember every detail when playing my gayms


>drink half a beer
>too tired to play games

Why do druggies always and always gotta let everyone know they take drugs? They post pics about it, they take about it. Like wow. You’re so cool man

For every vocal druggies, there's 10 that do it in secret and don't make a big fuss about it.

I try to enjoy any media I want to remember in a sober state because there's a huge chunk of memories I've lost to weed and booze. I watched Akira like four times and barely got the story.

>pumping yourself full of poison
I seriously hope you don't do this

t. straight edge

It's mostly those who just started drinking/doing drugs that brag about it.

t.Zen Buddhist Monk
Where's food grease on that list? Everyone has their vice. It's all about moderation.

been playing Risky for a bit on shrooms. Join to have fun

Not being a loser helps

Fuck does lethal does matter? The only thing that makes a difference is what damage it does to you when you're at the effective dose

Who here /dxm/

This. I don’t need a crutch to make me enjoy things.

Found the edgelord

>people are so stupid they don't know the difference between a pleasure response (eating, sex) and psychoactive compounds

>they’re an edgelord for not relying on a substance
You should stop posting

Contribootin to the topic, good job son

You're both losers in your own way, Ways that only you know. No amount of faking yourself over the internet changes this

>enjoy things
>posts on Sup Forums
Try again.

cuz im a nigger

Okay whatever you say loser, keep relying on that crutch to enjoy anything in your pathetic life.
This isn’t /r9k/, you’re free to go back there.

I been drinking hard and gaming for going on 10 years. I DO NOT recommend it. It is so fucking relaxing and chill it is addicting. My liver isn't in good shape and it is actually pushing my other organs against my ribcage. It is very uncomfortable. Tried to quit many times and always come back to the bottle.

Some of us try to deter other anons.

It's never been that bad for me. I only ever got into daily drinking when I was unemployed out of sheer boredom. Now that I'm with a job, I tend to avoid it on the weekdays. I'm currently on a 2-week sober binge so regain some tolerance so I don't need three shots just to feel buzzed.

Jesus how much do you people drink? One finger of bourbon in the evening to sip on is perfectly fine for me. Do you ppl chug liquor or something ?

irony won't change reality

>working on a model kit
>taking apart my watch
>drawing on a sketch pad/digital tablet
>gluing a papercraft project, sculpting with clay
>literally anything
>scalpel blades/xacto knife/brush/pen shaking like mad, can barely get anything done, everything comes out like shit
>friends know that my hands shake and think im a fucking retard for trying the things i do

>when nobody is around i bust out the sauce
>really get into it and start working on the project at hand
>theres no "method" or "technique," i just start fucking drinking
>hands stop shaking
>get the thing done and nobody believes i did it

>play vidya while drinking
>just pass out while the game is running because its not as brain-intensive and isnt enough to keep me awake during maximum drunk

I swear drinking might improve my aim as well but im not a fucking moron.

Same. After a glass of scotch my scores in Project Diva improve significantly.

This chart is so shitty. You can't boil down substance harm to a single value scale. It would be insanely difficult to boil any type of toxicity to a number, let alone the whole spectrum.

MDMA is a hell of a lot harder on you than Meth. You literally cannot overdose on N2O, you can only suffocate on it. Nitrous is one of the safest fucking things to do if you aren't a moron and replenish your B12 vitamins.

Also Cocaine is easily as hard to overdose on as caffeine or DMT. You have to be doing multiple grams per hour, for multiple hours straight to approach a coke OD. Do you have any idea how much cocaine that is? No, you don't. It's a fuckton. If you buried your face in a scarface cocaine mountain you wouldn't overdose.

All this graph does is tell you the linearity of dosage, and in some cases its flat out wrong.

Life... life is hard sometimes, user...

I drink one finger of scotch on the weekends.
put my finger vertically on the side of the glass and fill until it reaches my knuckle

Requesting where to buy a ready supply of nitrous. What kind of high is it?

Some racers use them to boost cars. You can get a tank for like $500, and refill it for like $100

where does shrooms stand in that?

How do alcoholics/drug addicts function? You can't enjoy something without being wasted? What the fuck is wrong with you?


so? how do I interpret that chart?

It's not that you can't enjoy something, it's that something you enjoy is ten times better when inebriated. Varies by your poison, but it's all JUST better.

You interpret it by ignoring it and being smart about the dosages you consume.

I need a pint of whiskey to get buzzed

>That zone you get when you're the perfect amount of tipsy but not drunk

Red wine puts me in the zone
Sangria is where it's at, red drys are shit tier and red wine will fuck anyone up

>hey lets enjoy this videogame
>yeah this is kinda fun, hmm next week i have that one deadline due, man the boss is really hoping i can do this right. God dammit dad why did you have to be sick this week you're literally 80 years old i dont want to have to bury you this month. Maybe after i pay my rent ill be able to... oh fuck did i pay the bill shit i have to check later
>hey dude its your turn what the fuck are you doing


>get fucking drunk
>Hey, lets enjoy this videogame
>holy shit this is fun
>the end

fuck off demo, go back to make videos

No way. I could never enjoy video games or music under the influence. Those things are best enjoyed with a sober mind. The only time drugs/alcohol ever made things better was if I was already having a shitty time.

If you're in the US, get a whipped cream dispenser like you see chefs use on TV. Then buy N2O cartridges from a headshop or amazon. Easy as piss to do it, and there's zero risk of asphyxiation.

What's the high like? It's a dissociative anesthetic, and it's also a stimulant. Honestly I'd say it's like PCP. Don't let that scare you, there's a lot of stigma around PCP (some of it deserved, some of it is reefer madness-esque) and Nitrous is not an arylcyclohexamine. The high is just similar to a light dose of angel dust, except it lasts 5 minutes and has a seriously intense rush.

Maybe like a very clean DXM with no body load? Also it makes me horny as fuck.

Do note that because the nitrous high owns bones and the comedown is so quick, it does have a remarkable compulsive redose component. It doesn't matter, because you know, N2O is one of the safest things you can do, but it can be easy to blow through a box of whippets and wonder where they all went. It's honestly one of the best legal highs, not only because it feels amazing, but also because it's seriously one of the softest drugs there is.

I used to hang out with this goth girl and we'd do whippets for hours and make out to EDM. The only downside is that it lasts like 5 minutes so we'd have to break to keep sucking it out of my whipped cream dispenser.

so doing shrooms once a month would be reasonable? desu its not THAT bad, Imk only out of it for a bit then back to it again.

>smoke weed on the regular
>drink occasionally
>pop molly for concerts/raves
>do LSD/shrooms once in a while

Boi ur liver

>claims he enjoys things
>literally makes a thread about how he cant enjoy things unless hes heavily influenced by harmful substances

reporting in

>drink regularly with ex-gf
>user we drink too much and it's not healthy
>okay, I will cut back
>find out she occasionally does cocaine with her rommate on the weekends

And Im the asshole

Having dealt with addicts my whole life I can say that they are all scum.

There's "Enjoys a beer" then there's "raging alchoholic". Guess which one you are?

The first drink is basically a pace car. After it is done it's off to the races. I pour three fingers a drink and will usually have 4-5 drinks 4 times a week.It comes at a great cost.

Shrooms and acid last too long. I have responsibilities to get up to in the morning. DMT is my psychadelic of choice, especially since any fool can make it with easily sourced tools and some bark from the internet.

Considering ZUN makes them while drunk then sure, why not?

straight edgelord

I got a line on ketamine and honestly DXM just isn't appealing anymore.

They are both basically equally shitty for you, but the ketamine high is just so much better and it only puts me out of commission for 2 hours.

>He actually drinks alcohol
Confirmed for never gonna make it

im drunk whenever im not at work ha ha

>People that drink in moderation are likely to live longer on average


There is literally nothing wrong with intranasal cocaine.

we in game. hold on for open my mates

"anxiety" is the biggest meme excuse for drug abusers to justify their habit

just admit you just enjoy getting wasted and don't give a fuck if anyone thinks you're shitty for doing it

>especially since any fool can make it with easily sourced tools and some bark from the internet.
I am a fool, and you have intrigued me. Tell me more.

>Projecting this hard

Got source on that partner?

>shrooms last too long
not if you have nothing on the next day
its just s fun thing to do to pass time I guess

I’m only attracted to drunk girls. It’s the only thing that gets me arpused anymore. Send help