How did a villain that was introduced brutally raping and torturing people wind up a comedic character remembered more for being funny?
How did a villain that was introduced brutally raping and torturing people wind up a comedic character remembered more...
His subtleties got lost in translation.
Such as?
His skin
Kojima seemed indecisive on whether make him go full camp or full serious. I imagine we would've gotten more characterization from him if the game was actually completed. The other metal gears were able to balance campiness and seriousness in both gameplay and story, whereas V is extremely serious in story, and full on silly in gameplay. That doesn't work.
such a lust/im burning up was kinda funny, but what really cemented his comedy status was chapter 2 being utter garbage, getting killed by huey of all people, and the mother of all being the retcon of him following big boss around throughout the whole series and the hilarious images people made of him hiding in the old games.
He was handled very poorly as a villain, and didn't even get a fucking boss fight. Think about this. Every single villain in every other MGS game got a boss fight EXCEPT this motherfucker. MGSV in a nutshell really
His voice and mannerisms are completely ridiculous, and he only serves the role of a boogieman in the actual game he’s supposed to star in.
He’s a character that turned out better in our imaginations, just like MGSV
At least his VA was on point.
>hilarious images people made of him hiding in the old game
post plz
Let's hope somebody has them
He's a character in the MGS series. WTF did you expect? Quality writing? lmao
Are you ashamed of your words and deeds yet v
I was born in a small village.
If The Phantom Pain was just a fucking homage to 80's action films like it should have been, it would have worked so much better.
>that build up with the elegia trailer
>skullface turned out to literally be a janitor for zero
Kojima went too far with budget and subject matter and Konami forced him to pull shit out. I mean c'mon you were originally supposed to be killing child soldiers until Kojima went too far. Part of the reason the mission format is the way it is was restructuring to put Kojimas name as often as possible in the game as a fuck you to Konami. Kojima was done with this series so many times so I believe he intentionally sabotaged a product to get out of making more.
foreign, soldiers
>Kojima was done with this series so many times so I believe he intentionally sabotaged a product to get out of making more.
fucking this. no one believes me when I say that mgs games since 4 were intentionally bad
>skullface turned out to literally be a janitor for zero
>skullface spends the entire game thinking he's fighting against zero by attacking you
>you spend the entire game thinking he's working for zero
>turns out neither of you were and yet everything goes according to his plans anyways
just like every other MGS
So Sup Forums are you buying Metal Gear Survive after watching the new gameplay trailer that dropped a few days ago? Planning on buying/trying/shitposting?
>Codetalker doesn't speak in riddles
>He relentlessly over-explains the most simple concepts, again and again
I get that he was just an ex WWII codetalker, but they could have had him be a little more cryptic, instead of just going
>Planning on buying/trying/
Of course fucking not. I am actually convinced konami is shilling it here due to large amount of positive feedback it's getting
"Was it a fine burger user?"
>metalic archaea
>look up what "archaea" means
>archaea are microbes
>metalic microbes
>nano machines
Because he spent the entire game wearing a dumb zorro mask, he had some of the worst dialogue in the series, his plan made no sense and the climax of his story was the worlds most akward jeep ride followed by getting offed by a joke character.
>tfw he never gave back our past
what the fuck did he mean by this?
That and the puppy paw pad conversation were some of my favorite smaller moments in the game honestly.
You know that scene was mistranslated in english, originally the eyes on kazuhira thing makes more sense, a closer translation of what he actually says is:
Dude, Kaz was literally using Mother Base profits to make burgers...
Disastrous develelopment cycle and rushed to hell.
Hell, Konami wanted to see a profit so fast that they demanded Ground Zeroes would be released separately.
He was shitting on snake for not having an eye, what a fucking 100 year old asshole right?
gotta spend money to make money
I love the fact that in canon, Kaz created McDonalds.
>We will never return to Camp Omega
I can still feel the pain Sup Forums
Now we know why the fuck development times are through the roof, Miller was using the whole r&d team to make fucking burgers behind our back
I just wanted a Hideo Kojima game free of any kind of chains, something done on his time, polished as much as he could.
Death Stranding is the only game I care about in the near 2 or 3 years.
>Boss, the research team needs more animals. I've pinpointed the location of a sheep herd nearby. Be careful, the Shepard is a local militia member
judging by his other lines in the cutscene i thought that he was listening to the ocelot unit talking
>Hideo Kojima game free of any kind of chains
Dude, he was Vice President of Konami, he could make whatever he wanted to make. Kojima is the George Lucas of Metal Gear and he will never let it go.
The metallic is for what they eat. Just like the uranium enrichment archaea aren't made of uranium enrichment. Do you have brain problems?
I doubt he had much say on when his games would be released though, TPP was so fucking sad.
>built up this massively evil faceless villain who was created as this critique of American foreign policy because muh Guantanamo Bay torture
>spends most of V being a cartoon villain
>dies unsatisfactorily because "The pain never ends" or some thematic shit
How are your FOB's doing anons? You didn't developed any nukes right?
Also, which is the best song to hear when Pequod is coming and why is it Only Time Will Tell?
no, they had a metalic composition
you can see them reflecting sunlight. now let me ask you if YOU have brain problems
Because Kojima has self awareness equivalent to Tommy Wiseau.
Because brutally torturing and raping is funny. I honestly laugh at gore videos of people suffering but only humans. Not animals which is a step too far for me
GZ was misinformation
he looks stupid, has a ridiculous plan and he dies like a punk
Code Talker literally says in a tape that they eat metal. Metallic is for their preferred diet.
Navajo is a cool sounding language, though I have zero basis for judging how well Codetalker's VA delivers it.
Well, seeing as he's a navajo himself, I would imagine he's pronouncing it correctly.
Silly user, nothing can beat the synth trumphets of glory of ONLY TIME WILL TELL
>this song came out a year before the game takes place
would've been perfect
as i understand he has navajo and apache ancestry so he might be pretty good
>Miller and Ocelot only have like A's in their respective fields
>random nogs and slavs
>A++/S in shit like research, medicine, combat logistics, and military intelligence
That Coldman fight was insane
>bibo only has A++ in all his stats
i don't think that they are supposed to be "canon" or anything. it's a grindy video game
>tfw bought the definitive edition for 15 bucks february last year on psn
It is true what Sup Forums told me though, gameplay is a blessing but the story is just such a lust for revenge, I was fucking both amused and let down when I saw the 'amazing' chapter 2 being just literally a bunch of old missions 'with a twist' and a few rushed story missions inbetween
Not gonna buy it, but I have to admit that the last trailer did make the game look better than the past trailers. Some of the weapons looked like they had fun movesets and if they add a lot of gadgets to deploy it could be decent.
What's this guy name again?
Kazuhira "McDonald" Master Miller
>I just wanted a Hideo Kojima game free of any kind of chains
That's probably the last thing I'd like to see because it would be pure shit. Kojima has the most retarded ideas, to be frank, he needs someone to ground him and keep him on a leash.
Just remember the worst shit in all of metal gear. Think of Johnny in MGS4. Or Vamp's character. Or Fatman. And remember Kojima thought those were good ideas.
He can't write for shit, he needs someone else to take care of all the stuff he can't handle.
Ultra "Benedict" Kazuhira "Master" Miller -- Arcade Edition
Fuck you, guys, now I want replay it.
who is this semen demon
>not able to recognize the joocy joost
how new bro?
Kaz "Max (phantom payne)" Miller:
I'm honestly curious about what the fuck the story will be, just fucking how, but it's like a morbid curiosity, like peeking into a coffin
are you unaware?
She's already a demon
the phantom feels
i thought it looked like her, but she got T H I C C
Reminder to the Kojimadrones that while MGS was being shafted and its development cut down Kojima was fucking around with PT and Silent Hills, meeting with Hollywood stars and jacking off to western movies.
Konami did nothing wrong save for not firing his retarded ass sooner.
Kojima ruined Metal Gear, he never should've worked on the series, we could've got an excelent stealth game, but instead it was shat by its own director who simply didn't wanted to work.
Rebel Yell only and forever
>Also, which is the best song to hear when Pequod is coming and why is it Only Time Will Tell?
it's this actually
Best game trailer I have ever seem.
>He doesn't like the sound of his chopper pulling up to the sound of WEEEEEEEEEEELLLL
I still get chills thinking about
It's a shame they ruined his character in Phantom Pain, Ground Zeroes set him up to be one of the most intense video game villains of all time.
introduction of ground zeroes is really great.