Nightmare news headlines for developing/released games

I'll start:
High School Musical World Confirmed for Kingdom Hearts III.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can someone please explain dilation to me?



Artifact: The Dota Card Game

Battle Royale mode added to Overwatch

Final Fantasy VII Remake will be episodic.

Dark Souls 3 is cancelled.

That's good news though.

Too real

The new Metal Gear will be built around crafting and surviving waves of enemies.

>Square has decided to wait and release FFVII Remake for next-gen hardware.

>Includes regenerating health and DFM
>Same music style as Assault Horizon

>not wanting to have a baseball game against best boy Ryan
Fuck off.

>Fire Emblem [Switch Title] is going to feature customizable avatars and marriage

>Beloved series switches to shitty 2.5D unity graphics

>High School Musical World Confirmed for Kingdom Hearts III.

as if that's a bad thing.


>And it will be funded via kick-starter
>pledge $29.99 and get the game on any console along with a sweet FanGamer(tm) swag bag including this hi-larious t-shirt and a vinyl record of a soundtrack you don't even like yet.
>wait, Chris, all that for $29.99? After paying for all the merch, is there going to be anything left to actually pay for the game's development? I mean, the goal is already only $4 million. That doesn't seem like a lot to make a video game.

Yeah, it'll be fine.

Sonic Mania 2 from the creators of Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations

The latest DDR will feature music from David Guetta, Skrillex, Avicii, Zedd, and many more!

RPG added to CSGO weaponry


user the thread's about Nightmare news headlines for developing/released games not shit that is guaranteed to happen because companies are run by Jews.

nigga thatd be hype af

>We're going to make it an iOS port
I'm still terrified that this is all just a trick

Age of Empires 4 will be made by EA

that'd be sick though

>Estrogen in the water supply
Please explain to me a non-gay High school Musical level concept

>implying kingdom hearts isn't already campy as fuck

you're taking kingdom fucking hearts way too seriously my dude

nig this kingdom hearts


Its not like that would make kh any gayer than it already is

It would un-ironically get me to play KH3.

Chads played kingdom hearts as kids too and would un-ironically hold a conversation about it. That being said, all betas that want to see that level in Chad's game should go ahead and stick their heads in the toilet to speed things up. The only level that was that gay in KH history was little mermaid sing-along in II.

You know there's a Chad in High School Musical right?

Kingdom Hearts has been gay for 16 years now you little bitch.

Was this an actual thing or was this some kind of april fools joke

when someone gets a neo-vagina they need to keep a dildo in there to stop it from closing up because the body thinks it's a wound