B-but Trump isn’t our gu-

>B-but Trump isn’t our gu-


Other urls found in this thread:


us gamers lol DAE /r/gaming le narwal bacons at midnight amirite?

>le brain diseased dude is /ourguy/ BASED

Would Trump quickscope?

2011 Sup Forums please fuck off

>is cucked by his own son
>sleeps alone
>eats mcdonalds every day inbetween oreos and lays
>is racist
>at least a little retarded
>anxious and germophobic, has to wipe his hands after touching kids at WH holiday events
hmm ok maybe he is

Literally me

Someone post him thicc

Shut up eurotrash

He probably got the model number mixed with the number of jets. I doubt a 70yo businessman plays video games.

>is american


He probably saw his Son playing it
He's just a normie

>shill pushing the latest narrative detected
No respectable doctor would diagnose a person based on their public persona.

Pretty based
But im not fat nor do i eat fastfood that much

wtf BASED Trump

Literally me
Of course he does especially since he is so active on social media the two fo hand in hand


>Anyone who we don't like is insane!
Found the communist.

>America's president can't read



He meant to say they will have 52 of the f-35. Mumbled his words.

you forgot
>ran the most insane election campaign in a hundred years and won the American Presidency

this guy is a fucking joke
couldn't the red party have done better this time around holy shit

He's as healthy as a horse if it's diet consisted of McNuggets and Liquor

He was reading a statement written for him. He fucked up because he's illiterate.

how can Sup Forumsirgins relate to that

>As the Washington Post notes, it seems less likely that this was a hidden reference to Call of Duty and more likely that Trump conflated the number of planes with the "F" designation used for fighter jets. The White House Press Office did not respond to the Post's request for comment.
Is there any site that doesn't make retarded clickbait?

I don't know or care what you're talking about. Only a literal retard would do the shithole comment in a room filled with leaders from both parties then deny it.



Trump browses Sup Forums. that alone is enough to suspect him of being /ourdownie/

Nope. Pastebin that shit.

Literally who? I don't give a shit about some dumb celeb.
Sage and report all e-celeb threads.


Yeah, he's definitely not our guy. The fact that you don't know that series is hated on here means you need to go back

*tips fedora*


Trump doesn't even use a fucking computer.

His electronics skills are limited to launching the Twitter app on his phone and switching cable news channels.

I can't wait to vote for him again. I hope Oprah runs so it will be Trump against Oprah. That would be double hilarious.

who fucking cares about 3rd worlders jesus christ just teach them to farm and fish and shit and tell them to fuck off

but thats not shit
thats mud

>Liberals will defend this

I'm not reading your fucking article.