Downloading the trial now.
Which race and class should I roll?
Downloading the trial now.
Which race and class should I roll?
You're going to regret it.
Race: Whatever looks the most fun to dress up to you. The stat differences between them are one point and literally don't matter.
Class: Also whatever looks fun. Just keep in mind if you're playing DPS for queue times for dungeons will be pretty long (15-25 minutes) while Tank and Healer are near instant.
There's a lot of shit going on in game mechanics and content wise. Take it slow and don't let it overwhelm you.
That's not a class
Regret is the class we all main.
Official craft questchain rankings based on averages
>High Tier
>Good Tier
>Low Tier
>Dumpster Tier
>maining cynicism
it's 2018 my man
>you're playing DPS for queue times for dungeons will be pretty long (15-25 minutes)
are tank/healing easy?
Yeah. I mean, not as easy as DPS, but it's not much.
Yeah, they're both easy. Healing can be a really low stress job when the other players know what they're doing. Tanking is simply about keeping shit on you and turned away from the party.
I've been a healer since day 1 and I like them the best. Good queue times, for one, and a relatively active and non-boring role in dungeons/raids/etc
>1 new dungeon
>1 "new" dungeon
>omega v5-8
>submarine ventures
>glamour dresser
what a patch
>OP asks for starting information on a new game about what race and class he should play
>This nigger bitches about latest "whogivesafuck" patch notes
Bitch did you even read the title or did you just orgasm over the thought of complaining about the game on a thread that has nothing to do with it other than the fucking title?
Male Hyur Tank
did i hurt your feelings user?
Here, let me meme it up for you
you should roll kys :^)
He just wants the (you)s
You are giving him the (you)s.
>submarine ventures
Fucking finally something new to build.
Shut the fuck up omeganigger nobody gives a fuck about picking a class/race for some indecisive retard.
Isn't christmas break over?
It's literally what the thread is about you cockgobbler
Female Roegadyn, either Conjurer or Gladiator.
Game sucks
Hyur. Armor was designed for humans, and stretched for other races. If you need proof take a look at how miqote tails do not line up at all with armor tail slots, assuming it even has one.
Class is up to you, I liked Lancer initially for learning the game. Tanking and healing can come after doing a few dungeons as dps.
And that's why the conversation is shifting to something people actually care about. Now fuck off.
Only after you legit neck yourself
get the fuck out of your own thread retard
Or stop being a pussy bitch boy
Sit your ass down before I come over there and do it for you
You should go back to the general with your faggot trannies.
you'll fit in perfectly w/ this retard ffxiv community
Elezen best race
Why? Because I can actually do shit? You just wanna come to some random thread to start bitching about patch notes. Nigga, no one wants to hear your soy-ass shrieking over why nipland didn't pander to your peabrain. Now kindly fuck off to your containment thread and let the big boys talk, mmkay?
I suggest Hyur.
If you're like me, and clipping bugs the fucking hell out of you, you'll want to go with them because gear meshes in this game are designed for midlanders of both genders then stretched/skewed for other races with zero regard given to clipping or texture scaling.
Hyur females are also the prettiest.
because you act like a tranny
Whoever thought Riddle of Fire was a good idea should swallow bleach. I was enjoying MNK until they pulled that shit.
What the fuck are you talking about you stupid cock gobbling shit for brains?
FFXIV isn't a speedrunning game. And if it were, it'd be an awful one.
And you act like a faggot so welcome aboard
ah didn't know the game had a shaggy dog race
FFXIV is for trannies who can't speedrun.
I quit FFXIV after playing through all the content with the last expansion (I played up through the end of Deltascape) but quit because there wasn't any content left except Savage Deltascape which I wasn't really interested in.
Have they added enough new content since then to make it worthwhile to resub for a few months? When's the next major patch?
You are gonna have a lot of fun. This game is great for a new player. Enjoy the story and don't try to rush it.
When you get to the point you are doing endgame that's when XIV falls off. Hard. To the point you'l just unsub.
good, we can be trannies and faggots together.
Let's go abandon this shit bird thread and hit up /vg/
No. Next patch is end of the month.
After you, friend
Tanking is just melee dps but with a bit of mitigation and threat management.
Healing is very easy.
you take that back skeletor
It's always sad when you see new players trying to grind through the game as quickly as possible in some awful way, like doing Palace of the Dead. They're skipping the fun part of the game to get to the shit part of the game. Even worse when some dumbass buys those level skip potions and ends up having no clue what half their abilities even do trying to get through level 60 dungeons
>Pretending to be retarded.
You're going to need better bait than this, user.
Oh look I hurt its feelings.
Had a tank in Expert roulettes today admit he hasn't done a class quest since 60.
Why are these people even allow to queue?
You don't pay their sub. Why do you have a say in what they can/cannot do?
My feelings are perfectly fine. You're the one trying to convince people FFXIV is a speedrunner game.
>Doing a leveling daily
>Tank's only gear is a pair of pants
>Not glamoured, just not there. No jewelry, not even a shield
Funny how leveling dungeons have no gear requirement.
Please just end this shit thread so a good one can be made.
>inb4 good FFXIV thread
Uh oh it's getting mad.
At least you haven't wasted any money yet. Play, learn how horrible the game is and back out without subbing. You are still safe. And no, the game doesn't 'begin at max level' it's the same boring shit forever with bigger numbers.
>see filename
>They're skipping the fun part of the game
yeah, facerolling through the level 50 and 60 dungeons that have literally 0 mechanics because level sync is broken beyond repair
yeah, that's the fun part
I went from being a level 70 DPS class to starting tanking as a Dark Knight and it's really fucking easy, provided that you actually know what tanking is.
>Even worse when some dumbass buys those level skip potions and ends up having no clue what half their abilities even do trying to get through level 60 dungeons
>MFW people were defending level skip potions
>"People suck at max level already anyway, it won't get any worse."
>It got so, so much worse.
>Spend half an hour in a dungeon
>Spend 10 mins in POTD
You have to remember, this is a sub-based game. Less time investment = the best. I'm leveling DRK right now and I've done like 2 dungeons as one. I've leveled up 22 levels by POTD.
Level Marauder/Warrior. Switch to Dark Knight.
You'll thank me later.
DRK has best class SL in the game.
Armor tends to look perfectly fine on Elezen as well.
Please play Elezen, there's not enough of us
You have to remember this is a game. You are supposed to enjoy it. Skipping the best part by doing some mindless grind that will kill you of boredom just so you can arrive at the AWFUL endgame is not really smart.
But hey, suit yourself. To each its own.
I'm already almost done with SB, I've experienced the game.
That and I REALLY don't want to be locked out of 60+ content. Lower level dungeons are too fucking boring.
>tfw no elezen wife
Uninstall wizard
>Female roegadyn
I want to marry Alisaie.
What's the perfect race / class combination for trannies?
Female Roegadyn, any healer.
Female au ra, any class/job.
So, just started playing and why the fuck are random people headpatting me?
why are you people so worried about transexuals?
Did you pick Lalafell?
Lalas exist to be patted and fed to monsters.
No, i don't play potato races in MMOs, i picked dragon lady.
I've found that new players who level mostly by PotD (I've had a couple FC mates who somehow got some jobs to 70 before they even got out of HW) almost always have no fucking idea how their jobs actually work, since low level floors of PotD are so far removed from how the actual game works that you can just roll your face on your keyboard and get through it in an acceptable time. I played with one FC member who leveled BRD from 1-70 almost purely through PotD, he didn't even know how songs worked.
>Au Ra
I'm not OP, just got the game as a gift from a mate plus both expacs son.
Au ra are the only cute race.
I don't like what you're implying.
Male Elezen Dragoon for the best experience.
Level with me here Sup Forums, why the general for this game is the worst?
Hyur midlander
Doesn't matter, you can play as all of them on one character, if you are just doing the trial though then pugilist gets its core abilities the soonest
>tfw my midlander looks the same
this game really does need more customization options
I like Elezen myself, not a fan of the big eyes on Au Ra faces.
trannies and erp drama
Also for the laying dead experience when raiding
If you're on primal I can help.
>tfw went to au ra to try it out
>want to go back to elezen now
say what you will about elezen but i really like them
I doubt her standards are low enough for you, you could try her brother though, they are practically the same, Alphinaud probably has less cock & balls than her anyways.
I'm the goddamn Warrior of Light. I'm top tier generic material. I should have a harem of bitches by this point.
>its a "you got kicked from an FC cause you prentended to be a girl episode"
I don't even type like a woman for christ sake, thirsty fuckwads.
lets hear the whole story
How many things from the mog station did your orbiters get for you
>Join FC on the most popular server for my country
>Playing as a female Miqo'te because my main is a male Miqo'te
>They think I'm a girl
>Start giving me a shit load of gear and buying low value items for hundreds and thousands of Gil
>Have a few million Gil, rare items and gear
>Downside is that I have to deal with them trying to hit on me
I really like my elezen, I'm considering fantaing to a male version of it, but I feel like I'd need to buy 2 potions, one to commit and another to
inevitably return.
if you make yourself a NON-Steam account I'll trade you the expensions for 10 bucks worth of dlcs for a certain game. Just post your steam adress if you are intressted
>tfw spamming Sastasha, Tam-Tara, Copperbell, Halatali, and Thousand Maws over and over again from WHM 38 to WHM 50 so I can get Archmage title without having to touch hard content
this game is for fucking autists
Why do you think everyone wants you to fight those Primals son? Everyone holds their breath for the day one actaully fucking nails you to the ground or atleast hits your knob hard enough to exorcise that Primal of Autism outta your head.