What the FUCK was her problem?

What the FUCK was her problem?

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who are you and what do you want

Did she even have a plot or storyline to have a problem in? She's in like 2 minutes worth of cutscenes.

I wish there was a problem. Maybe then she’d actually be an interesting character.

She wanted dick


What did the frog taste like?

Why do the eyebrows want to be fucked Sup Forums?

She was self-conscious and jealous. She was struggling to fulfill what was supposed to be her destiny, failing at what was essentially the only thing she was supposed to be any good for. In contrast there was Link, who was seemingly everything that destiny demanded a hero should be, so his presence reminded her of how much she sucked as the princess and so she'd lash out at him and want him to leave her alone. It was only after saving her life, eating a frog and finding out he wasn't so super-stoked with the pressure of being the chosen savior that was going to fight the eldritch abomination head-on that she started getting wet for him.

But she got cucked by:
-Male and Female birb people
-Male and Female Shark people
-Thirsty Arabian Femdoms
-And practically every other person in Hyrule EXCEPT for Zelda.

what were the dlc story things?
i didnt bother with it

i guess im supossed to be a tranny sex slave

Almost nothing. All we got was a cute cutscene at the end.


Literally had the complete triforce and was still almost useless.

>What the FUCK was her problem?
She wanted his dick and was too emotionally immature to know how to deal with it at the time

>Implying Zelda could handle the dick

Being a complete failure.


BotW was a fucking mistake.

She did nothing towards the story other than give you the bow of light

That's it


Vore? With this version of Zelda? There isn't enough. We need more!

M-more.... please...


Yes. She had to learn to to unlock her powers without her mothers mentoring.