Party members keep bullying you

>party members keep bullying you

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Dumb sub slut, delete your post.

>party members try to bully me
>I bully them even harder

>party members are unable to bully you

>the bully who's been messing with you in cutscenes for the whole first half of the game joins your party in the second half for the express purpose of breaking you down in battle

>party members bullies you countless times
>you get your revenge by cheating

>online friends keep bullying you

I know where that is from.

go on

It's a dude

That's even better

Fucking Jade man.

To this day I cannot fathom how popular that asshole is.

this will be a quality thread about the discussion of video games, I'm sure

Well, have fun!

>Play online game
>Team bullies me
how do I get good so other players stop bullying me? Its not fair..

weebs need to fucking die honestly

Stop being a fag boi

>party members gang fuck you forcefully

>online friends keep bullying you
>Tell them you enjoy it hoping that'll make them stop
>It makes them bully you even more than before

Please dont be rude

weaboos are fine, it's the cancerous ones that have to shove it in everyone's face and make shitty memes that need to go.

>online friend bullies me
>tells me what to transmog and calls me a slut
>keeps getting worse
>giving him all my gold in game and even buying him games now

You're like a muslim that goes into England and wonders why everybody is speaking fucking English

you could, you know, not do that

>Party Members were always dead

>play healer
>faggots ERP you
>get abused if anything goes wrong
>victimized relentlessly by random pvp assholes who strike anytime anywhere without warning

If you're into findom you probably have a tumblr account and you need to see a psychiatrist


>party member switches panties with you

>Have no party members
>You bully yourself

But he's one of my only friends and is in my guild...

Not native english speaker, so cannot understand. Why "keep"? Shouldn't it be "keeps" or "keeping"?

keep or keeps

>leaves party

They are faggots.

There are multiple party members, and they are bullying OP constantly. Keeping wouldn't apply anywhere here, but if there was just the single party member then you would use Keeps.

>save healer being gangraped in pvp
>he spams kiss emote at me and thanks me

I hate it when healers are like stereotypes, I'm just a wandering altruist.

>become cumdump

get a new friend then. it's not hard in this day and age

i'd have just laid down and died there's no point trying to stop the faggots and it's my fault for putting self in the situation anyway

Pray for YUA.

Is that confirmed?

>call them gaylords and keep playing
>finish the dungeon then leave without another word
>move on to better party
But I know you only wanted a gay anime erp thread
Can't you post tomboys or something good instead

>friend bullies you for drinking your own cum
>it was his idea in the first place

>everyone you meet keeps bullying you

Who doesn't drink their own cum after masturbating?

precum isn't a problem. can't stand the real deal though.

Subject-verb agreement

When the subject is plural the verb has no 's'. When the subject is singular the verb has an 's'. Also correlates to things such as is/are was/were etc.

Hang in there YUA

um i'm pretty sure only gay bois drink it

fuck, modern Sup Forums is atrocious

do you know de way to whirrrrrr?

>you keep bullying your party members

>Party member bullys you
>It's because it's actually madly in love with you.

...Wanna be friends?

How do I get a Steam bf

Be a pathetic, thirsty sub loser, but you seem to already have that covered

>am a sadomasochist
>mfw the constant bants between me and my friends

>tfw you are the bully

um i don't think that would be a good idea for me..


>can't stand the real deal
But cum is delicious

I love you


>tfw no cute bf to feed you cum daily

Want to be my bf?

You have your own dick, go nuts on it


But I want more cum.

Yep i love you anyway