Why the fuck hasn't this game died yet?
It's about to become more popular than ever
Play Sup Forums scale
have you even played the fucking thing recently? its not hard to level nowadays
>supporting Fagex
Legit hoping this is successful. might start grindan again.
isn't OSRS is also getting this?
Also the current trend is RS3's player count falling and OSRS's rising.
>Be early-2000's
>All of my retarded normie friends played this shit in my middle school
>Played superior MMO's like Ragnarok Online, Star Wars Galaxies and that Final Fantasy MMO
Shit sucks
Because it's addicting and there's no other game out there quite like it
Same here user. It would be nice to see RS as populated as it once was during its peak even if it's only for a short time during the mobile versions initial release.
Runescape was popular for a reason user. Sure other MMO's did certain things better but at least RS was unique. A testament to that is that it's still thriving to this day unlike those other games.
>tfw rs3 and osrs have a mutual relationship where osrs gets to deal with the bots and rs3 gets to deal with the mtx
That's because RS3 became far too P2W. OSRS is far less casual friendly.
>at least RS was unique.
sure unique in that it was the only sandbox mmo where you could grind mindlessly for hours and where there was no meaningful content to really do once you finished grinding because pve was garbage and pvp was shallow and more like an afterthought than actual content.
the only content there really is are quests, so grind mindlessly for hours and pay 10 bucks a month to read shitty british """humor""" delivered by ugly deformed clay people? nice game.
literally any sandbox mmo. EVE online for fuck sake its been around for 15 years.
>b-but spreadsheets its too complicated
what are you retarded? do the numbers make your head hurt? it must suck to be autistic AND stupid.
I'd prefer bots over mtx anyday. Most botters get banned eventually anyway even on osrs.
Eve online is just as unique but not comparable to Runescape outside of both being open world popular online games. If you think the pve/pvp is shallow than you clearly haven't spent enough time playing them.
>spreadsheets too complicated what are you retarded
Quit projecting if anyone is revealing their autism it's you sperging out right now
>Most botters get banned eventually anyway even on osrs.
Yet, more than half of the players online are bots
That may be true but only large gold sellers that can afford to bot numerous accounts at once on a dedicated server reap much benefit. Not many actively played main accounts last long from attempting to bot.
Maybe in RS3 but still a challenge in OSRS aside from cooking/fletch/fm
It's got better quest design than pretty much every rpg.
Everything else is crap, but at least there's that.
Aside from graphics I'd say it gives a lot of other mmorpgs a run for their money. Solid soundtrack, questing, variety in pvm, challenging pvp with actual risk etc. There is a definite grind but every mmo has that. At least there is a ton of variety in skills to alleviate the grind plus it's much more easy to multitask grinding while doing something else which makes it much more bearable.