how could sega and sonic team fuck up this badly? I remember being hyped for this back in 2016 believing it may be even better than generations and unleashed.
how could sega and sonic team fuck up this badly? I remember being hyped for this back in 2016 believing it may be even better than generations and unleashed.
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When was the last time Sonic Team made ANYTHING good?
If you had faith in this game the moment Classic Sonic showed up, you were only setting yourself up for disappointment.
>I remember being hyped for this back in 2016 believing it may be even better than generations and unleashed.
>better than generations and unleashed
>than unleashed
Literally HOW? Unleashed, a 10 year old game, looks like this:
But Forces? The first trailer of Modern Sonic clearly looked like Colors 2 from the start.
Sonic Generations
Unironic ironic edgy plot for memeing's sake
Recycled graphic and gameplay assets out the arse (did we really need wisps?)
lackluster character customization despite being advertised as a major feature
poor level design and handling
soundtrack varies in quality but overall unmemorable for a Sonic title
Puyo puyo tetris was pretty nice
but yeah, the last good sonic game they made was nearly 7 years ago
>sonic rush trilogy
> sonic advance trilogy
>sonic heroes
>sonic riders (once you master the mechanics it actually gets fun).
>sonic unleashed
>sonic generations
>sonic lost worlds (ehhh it was ok but could've been better)
>I remember being hyped for this back in 2016 believing it may be even better than generations and unleashed.
imagine being this stupid
It's not even that the game was poorly made or cringeworthy, it was just BORING with nothing worth smiling or enjoying about it. At least I can play Sonic '06 and have a good laugh about the game.
Sonic Rush Trilogy? Are you counting Colours DS? My nigger that's exactly how I see them.
The Official Sonic The Hedgehog Twitter account has been in a state of JUST for months now.
>I remember being hyped for this back in 2016 believing it may be even better than generations and unleashed.
At what point did you have any hope? The reveal which basically signaled a Generations retread with no gameplay? The first snippet that everyone hoped was the first level which actually ended up being the 5th or 6th Sonic stage? The classic Sonic gameplay reveal that showed how backwards 2D sections became?
Classic Sonic has absolutely nothing to do with how bland and mediocre this game is. In fact, he barely affects the game at all. I agree he doesn't have any business being there (especially after being in a much better game) but why anyone would actually get upset at Classic being in the game is beyond me. He's pure padding, (not even good padding at that) and his physics are shit, but his stages are over almost as quickly as Modern's and he barely plays a role in the story at all. Forces has much bigger issues. It's also funny: I understand getting annoyed at Sonic Team cramming nostalgia bait in your face over and over, but more than that, every time someone complains about Classic in Forces it just reeks of pissed off Modern babbies who hate Classic because they know deep down that he's objectively superior to Modern in almost every way. Every time he's shoved into a Modern Sonic game they're faced with that fact and it infuriates them to no end and it's amusing as fuck to watch them screech.
Sonic Team didn't do Rush, or Advance.
>I remember being hyped for this back in 2016 believing it may be even better than generations and unleashed.
Are you really this retarded?
NOBODY thought this would be good aside from either too optimistic sonic fanboys, and autistic sonic fanboys who have their homepage set on deviant art.
The moment they showed classic sonic, this project was doomed
ironically the final nail in the coffin was also present in that very same tease trailer when they showed the words "JOIN THE RESISTANCE"
If you didn´t dropped hopes for this games at that big red flag, then you have no one to blame but yourself.
I'm scared Sonic Teams next game is gonna be a take on the classic genesis games after seeing Manias success
like shit man it just feels like something they would do
I personally complain about Classic Sonic because his levels and gameplay are so bad that they're the last things I collected Red Rings and S-Ranks on. Half the shit is cheap hits and pits, especially the Imperial Fortress level or whatever that pretty much lives to fuck your ring count / retries when you go for the S-Rank.
They're just not fun at all, whereas I can gleam moments of enjoyment out of Modern Sonic and Avatar despite how mindless they are.
>>sonic rush trilogy
>>sonic advance trilogy
Both of these were made by DIMPS, or had DIMPS involved in some way. It wasn't purely Sonic Team.
I agree on pretty much all of them, except Heroes and Lost Worlds. I could never get into Heroes - the levels were too long, the game wasn't that fun to play most of the time, and I felt that the gimmick was pretty shit. Lost Worlds suffered from feeling like they had no idea where exactly they were going, and the gameplay wasn't really that fun either. The idea of having ways to control your speed is interesting, but it felt more like a generic platformer than a Sonic game.
>how could sega and sonic team fuck up this badly?
>sonic team
there's your answer
the myth of Sonic Team being the A-team for Sonic games has been debunked thanks to Sonic Mania.
They should stick to making Modern Sonic games based only on the boost-to-win formula and stop shoehorning friends, avatars, classic sonic and anything else.
Just go ahead and permanently license 2D Sonic games to Mania's studio
And then they'll fuck it up horribly in some manner. Sega will think that Mania was a one trick pony and not the team behind it having a fucking clue.
You know that's what's going to happen if the suits get involved.
I was hoping it'd be like a Sonic Generations 2, but then I started losing hope when
i think its the story that pisses people off even more than classic sonic's inclusion to the game. The bosses are pure hot garbage and was rushed as fuck.
>how could sega and sonic team fuck up this badly?
The game was almost completely made within a year
>sonic 06 killed the adventure style
>sonic forces killed the sonic unleashed/generations style
guess it's time for 3d sonic's third gameplay reboot
what can they do now?
yes colors is the third sonic rush game due to it's game play formula for the ds. Sadly blaze wasn't playable :'(
>killing anything
all it killed was Sega's expectations of Generations' success being replicated and milked for more and more sequels
Modern Sonic is here to stay. The question is what are they going to try shoehorning next instead of ever making a purely boost-based game akin to Unleashed Daytime-only.
>actually getting excited for a new Sonic game
But seriously user, get your shit together. There is no reason to believe any Sonic game will ever be good again.
they could make a shadow the hedgehog sequel with the improved game play or discard it and design the game into a TPS on rail shooter like the panzer dargoon games.
Wasn't it Dimps?
i wish but shadow didnt sell well enough.
Our only hope is if I make it
forget a new game or a sequel, I'd rather have Sega remake or even just remaster Panzer Dragoon Saga instead and I'd buy it for sixty bucks on release
a panzer dragoon hd collection would be lovely but i highly doubt sega will ever do that. They refuse to port jet set radio future, gun Valkyrie or skies of Arcadia to pc and modern consoles. The sega from the 90s-early 2000s is long dead.
How much of Sega's workers from the 90s/early 2000s is still here?
Though for what good DIMPS managed in the handheld games, they half-assed Generations 3DS and then utterly fucked the pooch on Lost World 3DS. Plus they did Sonic 4, and we all know how mediocre that was.
Dimps had a rocky start with Pocket Adventure on the Neo Geo Pocket Color, but they peaked with GBA/DS and then declined like crazy. I think Dimps also handled Unleashed Wii/PS2, which isn't.. bad, certainly an interesting alternative to the real deal, but not great either.
DIMPS did do Unleashed Wii/PS2, yeah. It's disappointing to see how far they've fallen, but considering Colo(u)rs DS, I'm actually not surprised. I think they work best when they're allowed to do their own thing.
I can understand the reasons for the first three but
>none of the game characters can have character development unless approved
what the fuck?
Why can't they just sell their IPs to Nintendo and admit defeat already? They've failed time and time again. Enough already.
Because they make money.
>like shit man it just feels like something they would do
They already did, it happened nearly 10 years old.
So is the game really so bad that nobody wants to even try to crack it? or atleast take the fall and buy it for the pirates?
I would think someone out there would crack it on the idea that nobody should pay for a shit game.
Yeah but even the Switch couldn't save Sonic's blue ass. Sega is literally on life support at this point. Most of their best programmers and developers left the company and are now working under the plumber's roof.
Again, that was DIMPS.
But then Sonic Team is so deadset on not wanting to return to their past successes that they'd probably either fuck it up or be like "HEY CHECK OUT OUR COOL INTERPRETATION OF CLASSIC SONIC, WE'RE STILL RELEVANT"
honestly not even sure anymore. From quality of there recent games i would say not that much anymore. I doubt they even have enough man power to even make sonic adventure game or a sonic unleash level based game. Who the fuck would want work with sega or rely on publishing from them these days. Sega will soon fall into obscurity just like konami. They didn't care about the shenmue ip and let yu suzuki run off with it. They should just sell off their ips inside of keeping them in vault.
Do you have a single source to back up anything you just said?
I played Lost World for the first time last week actually.
It took some getting used to, but towards the end, It was actually more enjoyable to me. I thought the strongest parts were the parkour sections and that Ice cave where you could find hidden routes using the parkour.
Oh, and the rail only sections were actually pretty neat too.
I'm not sure if I either just accepted my fate and developed stockholm syndrome or no, but as it got closer towards the end, it felt like they started to understand what they wanted the game to be (what I think is more or less, a direct answer to Mario Galaxy and 3D Mario in general.) I wouldn't mind if they tried using it again and improving upon it.
Well, at least they had a good run. All of their arcade and console games were fun until the end of the Dreamcast (well a few years after that too arguably).
>Again, that was DIMPS.
Dimps made it, but it was some executive at SEGA that made it into a """sequel""" to Sonic 3, it was originally just a shitty mobile version of Rush gameplay on the phone called Sonic the Mobile. Sonic Team isn't going to make a Classic game unless some higher up tells them too. And you know who that might be?
>tfw Sonic Mania breaks the Sonic Cycle by being loved out of the gate.
It was probably Iizuka that headed the whole 'make it Sonic 4' to begin with, seeing as he was pushing DIMPS to intentionally make it different from the actual Genesis games in terms of physics and game control. Idiot was still fresh to the series.
I'm not joking.
I still wonder how Unleashed got such high production value put into it.
Or, not fresh, iizuka was involved with S3's level design, I meant to be fresh as producer
is it me or are the big-name producers in Japan ruining almost everything nowadays
>an unsourced screenshot
Nice mspaint.
I want to go back to when everyone liked started to like Sonic again
>tfw the sonic cycle hadn't applied for years until forces came out
6 months ago?
Sonic Mania reignited the love for many, Forces probably extinguished it forever.
It's simple, really; Sonic '06. Not only did they have to basically seize back Sonic's reputation, complete with a 1 year 'empty gap' for a main game as they polished the everliving fuck out of Unleashed in everything but framerate, but '06 actually sold pretty well. Well enough that Sonic Team got a damn good budget.
Then Unleashed didn't sell so well, and the budget's gradually dwindled with each new mainline game and the folks that worked on Colors practically took control by Lost World, so Forces looks worse than Unleashed due to art style and a large lack of effort despite having a better rendering/lighting engine and performance.
unleashed was literally the last game that sega/sonic team gave a rat's ass about, sonic is now just a shambling corpse, with shitty writing, 4 hour long games, cookie cutter gameplay (albeit they tried to experiment with lost world and it turned out like shit), a lack of depth and exploration, etc.
Yes I know it's resetera. If you still don't believe me at least go look up those names they listed.
>still an unsourced nothing
That's about as good as a Sup Forums post idiot.
Memes and hyperbole aside Sonic Team just doesn’t give a fuck anymore since fans will still buy it
Oh my fucking god...
How hard is this? Is a simple google search not enough?
Pretty much.
But sonic mania wasn't even made by sega
They just don't have the money to do anything new or decent anymore.I really miss when they weren't chasing after nostalgia bait like what Nintendo does at times wit their games. Its very disgusting how they used chaos to bait adventure fags to buying forces.
Where does it say it need to be made by Sega?
What can they even do at this point? Not even OC's helped make the game sell.
>how could sega and sonic team fuck up this badly? I remember being hyped for this back in 2016 believing it may be even better than generations and unleashed.
I ain't gonna lie user after I saw the teaser trailer I was hyped. The story was more serious and felt like some Sonic Satam shit.
Though, as the reveals kept coming I quickly began to lose all hope that this would be a good game.
At least we got mania though.
Shits gold.
I was only hyped for Mania tbqh
Still waiting for someone to crack denuvo
>short stages
>cinematic quick time events in a platformer
>cheap in game cut scenes and no actual cgi cut scene
>little to no boss battles.
>terrible enemy and ai design( they literally stand and do absolutely nothing)
>no super sonic.
>forgettable soundtrack that never fits the theme of the stage.
The graphics aren't even that great compared to unleashed and generations
>Mobius can't be named
God dammit give me some lore.
you know shit's fucked if no one even wants to crack it
I have no interest in this game, but this video is fucking autistic.
Your first mistake was being hyped for a sonic game.
>Post yfw
No one is going to crack Forces' DRM. No one cares enough.
>Adding something that's been base in most Sonic games recently as DLC
>It's fucking on-disc DLC
This is the kinda shit that turns a mediocre game into a disgusting one.
The sad thing is that it's on-disc. Super Sonic is fully functional and compartmentalized as DLC, at least on the Steam version anyway. The only thing the actual "buy/download this" version added was a shitty genesis rendition of Fist Bump for Classic's Super theme.
They should honestly mature sonic into being cool and anime edge tier like he use to be. Character development so that people would actually take the hedgehog more serious and not as meme or a joke. Sega really needs a decent writer and art director to save this franchise. Just hiring new decent game designers won't fix modern sonic. They really need to in-cooperate more playable characters into the next game and forget about classic sonic.
Holy shit it's awful. The Mania super theme murders it.
Wouldn't that be all the more reason to crack it? I cant imagine that somewhat obscure indieshit and lesser known titles has enough people to go and crack it, but sega's newest fuck up doesnt have anybody wanting tackle the task.
I thought Denuvo wasn't a problem anymore.
Funny thing actually, Tee Lopes practically did a Fist Bump remix that could be modded in and probably do the job a million times better.
Tee Lopes based as always
>no chaos emeralds or special stages.
>the red rings are pointless and unlock nothing.
fuck sega, fuck sonic team and fuck any faggot that defends this shit. I wouldn't be surprised if there's microtransactions in the next sonic game.
>Special Stage DLC
wait if red rings dont unlock anything, what are they there for anyway?
For collecting. They were like that in Sonic 4 Episode 2 as well.
Need to be like in Colors where it unlocked Super Sonic after you got them all or in Lost World where it unlocks a whole new secret zone.
>Making something that should be in the game from the get go
>Super Sonic doesn't even get any play in the fucking story
its shit
Is Forces worth getting if the only boost game I enjoyed was Unleashed HD?
It's like Unleashed for 5 year olds. Just go play Generations or Colors through Dolphin with the HD textures.
Red Rings were weird in Lost World. It was actually the animal count for the hidden world if I remember right, and getting all the red rings in a stage got you a circus minigame to farm animals with. Get all Red Rings and, like Colors, you got Super Sonic.
Except Super Sonic kinda sucked in Lost World so it really wasn't worth it. And it's almost pointless in Forces, which is hilarious since you don't need to complete a goddamn thing in it for them.
From what I can tell, it's just like the other boost games except you cant use boosts as much as you want and the levels are disappointingly short since the game was made around that. Plus they split the levels across 3 characters, one of which nobody cares for, and the other may as well just not be a sonic game.
I try not to think about Sonic forces too much. It makes me angry.
Its extra fucked too because this was released in the same year as sonic mania, a significantly superior product in every way by a group of amateurs. Its fucking embarrassing for sonic team.
>sonic unleashed
>Sonic Riders
>Sonic Heroes
>Anywhere near Good
How high are you user?
Red Rings unlock more Avatar stuff
I played all 3 boost games. Only substantial one was Unleashed HD.
Short levels huh...that sucks. Maybe I'll wait some more then. Just thought I'd ask since I'm near the end of my yearly SU playthrough.