Gameplay > Art style > Soundtrack > Story

Gameplay > Art style > Soundtrack > Story

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Soundtrack > Gameplay > Art Style > Story

I'll agree to this
Anyone who doesn't put gameplay first doesn't play games.

Waifus > Art Style + Soundtrack > Gameplay > Story

But some of the greatest games ever made have somewhat flaccid gameplay but are saved by setting, atmosphere, story, and good characters.

Story >= Soundtrack > Gameplay >>>>> Art style
You niggas underestimate a good story and soundtrack. Games that focus on the gameplay are forgotten in years. Meanwhile games that have good stories and OSTs tend to remembered forever.
>chrono trigger
>nier automata
>Team Fortress 2


Moms > older women > older sisters > younger sisters

Cute anime girls>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rest


Great taste

Shit taste senpai.


Fuck off, pedo

I dunno, I can't really rate them, they're all important to have
As long as the game really excels at what it's going for then it can be a good game

I love moms.

I can get behind this

Cute girls(art style) > Story > Gameplay > music


I prefer when the mom is young and/or an airhead. I'm kinda tired of the "ara ara~" archetype.
Have this.

>tired of Ara Ara

Thanks, the one in the OP sucked. She gets fucked by her son's creepy friend and becomes a prostitute, fucking cucks I swear.

>classmate fucks his mom
no thanks

That fucking tiny hat is really retarded, pisses me off more than anything else here.

>generalize everything


it's all depend on the genre

Gameplay > Soundtrack > Story = Art Style

inverted nipples > soundtrack

It doesn't matter what genre your game is. Games are about GAMEPLAY


controls > level design > gameplay > sound design >Story > soundtrack

Multi-generation incest > 1 gen incest


>controls > level design
>not gameplay

The age of the woman doesn't really matter to me, but I'm not a fan of "the only body type for mothers is a large woman with F cups". Mommies come in different shapes too.

>tfw not enough pregnant hentai or doujins
I hate when its just the last page.

Is he going to fuck his daughter's daughter too?

Go play pong if you just want gameplay


i think gameplay is too broad a term to have simply categorized it as the one thing

especially since controls can be good but level design can be significantly worse

what I always noticed is that if the controls are bad the game always fucking sucks

>It's his own mom


Why is this so common

>But some of the greatest games ever made have somewhat flaccid gameplay but are saved by setting, atmosphere, story, and good characters.
Name five games that do this. I bet they're actually shit games

Reminds me of a certain family tree.

under 10 too, so he's a incest milf motherfucker and pedo at the same time

nice strawman. PONG's gameplay is decent. It isn't great.

hotline miami preferable

because anything taboo makes the situation 10x hotter.

he doesn't fuck her in it. He gets NTR'd by his school mate who was bullying him, under the disguise of a friend who was looking out for him

this guy fucks and eats his loli children and his's children's loli children for at least 4 generation.

What are you doing with your life Sup Forums ?

>What are you doing with your life Sup Forums ?
getting paid to okay people's books and drinking/playing vidya on my off time.

A man of culture I see.

oh youll love this one then


Some people are sick fucks who get off on debauchery of it. Some people just want someone to care for them on that deep of a level. To each his own.

Switch art style with soundtrack and I'd agree

Who is this semen goddess? Looks like Tifa but it is not.

A game does not need a story whatsoever to be a good game

Say Portal or Luftrausers or Mount and blade anything multiplayer really

At the same time it does not need a good sound track either

Say dark messiah or portal again

Hey guys I’m thinking of buying this but live with my girlfriend how the fuck am I gonna hide this?

Maybe if your mother died when you were 2 years old or some shit, and you don't remember being around her.

It's just kinda hard to not think of your own mother when the story goes out of its way to put you in the situation.

I love my mother, but she's old and kinda gross.

Be honest and tell her it's for foreplay. Getting your partner into kinky shit is the best.

Pretty good one, any more like it?

>getting paid to okay people's books
that sounds cool, what job is that exactly?

thats sick
you got the source tho?

im not op but ive seen this image and its sauce before. the girl is saying something about her younger or bigger brother from what i recall. unfortunately, this was pretty much the only image the artist drew of her.

You kick your girlfriend out to make room for your wife.

Just some random oneesan
Here's the english version

don't want to fuck my mom at all, and she's still alive, but momcest still gets me rock hard.
maybe I'm an outlier though, because I've loved any outdoor/voyeur shit with exes.

If you put story last, you are a legitimate brainlet. You can't refute this.

Honestly I really want this doll, what the fuck is wrong with me? I mean fuck I really want it

I never thought I'd use this in context

>what job is that exactly?
auditing, my friend. have to work crunch hours for ~1/4 of the year, but pay can be great and it's not that hard when get over the learning curve.
60k salary right out of BA
and made 20k in 3 months as an intern with the big 4. that was with overtime though.

This is a good one.

>Some people just want someone to care for them on that deep of a level

I'm pretty sure everyone does.

But if anything it would be someone else's mom.

Swimsuits and lingerie > naked
Demon girls > normal girls
Fight me.

If you say soundtrack goes last, you're the true brainlet

I can't explain it, its a sexual fetish man.

Depends on the genre.

I know racing games for one, almost never benefit from having a story. Especially street racing titles. Midnight Club 3 to this day is my favorite and I'd be lying if I said there was a real story.

Are you the user from the last real doll thread?
Don't do it man, it's way more trouble than it's worth

I used to think like that, but then I played a game with good gameplay and story but shit and repetitive soundtrack
The game becomes unplayable after a few hours

We had a thread about one that looked better earlier today.

Why is it more trouble ? The cleaning ? And nah that wasn’t me. I was there though .


that's some pretty sweet money

Sweaters and exposed shoulders, my man.

She has a compelling argument, I should bring this up to my mom.

Listen, nobody said emotional cripples would handle that need rationally, but all fetishes come from somewhere within you. If it's not the pleasure of debauchery then its some other need.

For me, my moms a fat ugly bitch who only came to me when she needed to use me for drugs and other deceitful purposes, and yet I was force fed the bullshit about loving your mother no matter what my whole life. Couple it with other shit and it left a bit of a hole in me that mom-son shit seems to fill. I get sick at the NTR ones or even the lecherous ones but the pure ones get me going hard.

Fetishes in the true sense are weird and usually come from weird places.

chance for growing your paycheck is exponential.
get your CPA license and you can practically name your own price, and get work.

Nah I like mine better, it does look good though.

A man of taste.



Because it's a combination of it being taboo, forbidden fruit, /ss/, and pic related.

The hell is the point of saucenao, google images, and iqdb if they don't work like 75% of the time?

I don't like /ss/ though

You can easily find it on Google.


Use Yandex search. The Russians seem to know what they're doing.

Perhaps you're just retarded?

It's for men too wimpy to assert themselves

Yeah it worked for me too, cmon guys.

Here's what I get.

>I don't like /ss/ though

It's on page 3.

Use iqdb then saucenao, you'll typuically find it as long as the crop isn't too small.