What is the GOAT Final Fantasy?
What is the GOAT Final Fantasy?
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Saying anything else is being contrarian
The one with Rydia
You guys why is it called final fantasy if there are more than ten of them??? O_o
Lightning Returns
4 because it has the hottest characters
What about ix?
That would be 6 and FFT user.
Crystal Chronicles
Tactics is the only choice. I wish modern Tactics games would try to actually imitate it. Story had politics and religion, but also made it personal enough to not be some boring history book. Now we usually get nothing but 100% anime style stories. As far as gameplay, it seems like nothing wants to make use of placement combined with timing. At best, placement might have some sort of impact while timing seems to never be included in these games. What I would give for a FFT2...
What is wrong with Tiffa face?
Crisis core.
It's like 7.
But better.
More like what is wrong with all of their faces. I'm glad I'm not inherently afraid of clowns because Aeris's face is already going to give me nightmares.
Hours played and enjoyment factor?
not sure if troll
God i would give half a soul for FFT2.
Those GBA games were whack as fuck.
Gameplay V, Story X, Music VI
neck yourself
Is this XV or XIV?? Never seen that character in XV
>dice rolling combat
>around 7 short corridors that you go through 10,000 times
>It's like 7
No, just fuck no....
>but better
Ok, you need to neck yourself.
Yeah nah. X-2 is great
It was the first time a video game could ever be legitimately called art.
The musical score can pretty much be translated to the corresponding real world instruments and be an instant orchestral masterpiece. (but it stretched beyond a single musical style, there's also jazz, ragtime, etc)
The stationary 2d enemy sprites were artistic and vivid.
The plot was tropey on the surface but had a hidden depth to it that rewarded anybody who looked deeper.
And on top of all that it was a game that you could play and enjoy.
Imo the games are too different to compare them all, is better to have 2 list: 1-6 and 7-12.
I vote for IV and IX.
But lets not forget sabin suplexing the fucking train son, that right there makes the game a solid 10/10
artistically modified to match her intelligence
>not enjoying hallway simulators
It's like you're not even a pcfag, user
I love VI but the combat wasnt the best, IV and V had better boss battle that require actual strategy to beat. You can just brute force most enemies in VO.
Daily reminder that there is not a hotter duo than Rydia and Rosa
Tactics Ogre. You'll thank me.
They know what they're talking about.
Fuckin' A, have a silver medal.
Nice, enjoy your copper medal.
I mean yeah.. I'll give you that. FF6 starts off interesting with the combat and then does eventually fall apart into Ultima spam.. But that goes to the whole people best remembering the beginning and the end of something... It takes an absurd amount of grinding to teach everybody Ultima.
>tactics ogre
>as good as tactics
That's debatable at best.
Not to say it's by any means a bad game.
I like ff6 best desu
>Tactics Ogre
I got up to the first story split before I quit playing it before. I mean to give it a second try sometime. One major flaw I found with it was that the characters weren't drawing me in. On top of that they seemed to push the old English dialog a bit too much in comparison to Tactics.
V is top tier, but you can brute force the outta' everything once you've mastered a class or two.
Especially if you cross train the magic classes or Ninja + Knight.
Dual Wielding the Excalibur and maxed out chicken knife means you cake walk everything.
I should also mention I played it when it came out on the SNES, and without using internet walkthroughs (which were just starting to become a thing at the time). And going around the world of ruin and chasing down rumours... Like there were some walk throughs. ... but nobody had bothered to convert the cursed shield or anything like that so they weren't complete walk-throughs like you have today. So it was a blast. All these rumours, and suspicions, it was a big sandbox to explore in the world of ruin. Clearly not as exciting today because the internet spoils everything. But back then... think of young user here... when I finished battle 255 with the cursed shield equipped and holy fuck it turns into the Paladin's shield.
Or Holy shit... when you find out on a subsequent playthrough that you can save cid, and shadow and holy fuck you stay at an inn and suddenly you get the shadow dream sequences
That shit had never been done in a game before on that scale.
Vanilla game? FF7
Unofficial patches? FF6 : BNW
Honorable Mention- FF7: NT
Oh yeah, Shadow's dream sequences. That was a surprise.
Remember getting Gozo? My friend told me about him, and I remember telling him to fuck off, that was nonsense.
O I agree the endgame was one of the best of the series, the only thing that really stops me from putting VI as my #1 is that I enjoy the combat more in IV and to a lesser extend V.
But yeah VI was pretty much better in all the other areas.
That the beast boy you get with the meat?
Shit the same happened to me, mate then came over and got him for me, i was like "WOAH WHAT THE FUCK"
Playing the best game RIGHT NOW
Oh fuck yeah... I remember fucking around on triangle island and encountering zone eater... and I thought it was odd that the attack he used didn't actually kill you...
so I just let him eat all my guys and HOLY FUCK!
The game was just so replayable. You'd play through it and then your friends at school would tell you some crazy rumour they heard... so you'd have to start a new game just to go back and test it out...and holy shit it's true...
Yeah. That's the one thing that FF6 dropped the ball on was combat. But like I said... people only remember it being so bad because the last thing they remember in the game is that they just finished spending like 50+ hours grinding out ultima on all your characters.. up until that point you do use the characters unique abilities quite a lot.
VI, VII & IX are the holy trinity.
these niggas get it
rydia is the best FF girl
IX because Garnet is literally perfect
reminder that FFVI also started the now time-honored tradition of the completely retarded 3+ phase boss gauntlet that is now a staple of JRPGs
8 has the best systems but the story in the second half is dog shit. 6 and 7 prob tied for overall best
Daily reminder that Nobuo Uematsu is the greatest music composer of all time.
The system in 8 is awful
*draws your magic*
wat do?
Whoever wrote melodies of life is the greatest musical genius of all time
honestly if final bosses don't have at least 2 phases i'm disappointed in them. this applies to all genres. they're meant to be a final test of your skill, if they go down really easily then what's the point?
Lots of people shill for IV but Zeromus is a 1 phase boss.
>Haha guys old games are still in vogue right? Where my /vr/min at? Love me some oldies. All these people saying new games don't know what they're talking about.
Fuck off worthless cunt
junctions, refining, gf skills, best minigame in the series, card modding. sorry it's a bit complicated for brainlets
Also Nobuo Uematsu
See. The guy deserves immortality in the realm of music. Not only did he touch on so many genres in his career, but he was a fucking boss at all of them.
Nah nig that's Gau, Gozo's a sekret
Nah, it's right behind V, so much customization.
Also his name is Gogo
Fuck you. FFVI needs a remake more than any other final fantasy. It has the potential to be the most cinematic with modern tech, etc.
You explore way more unique areas in FF4. This game absolutely needs it
IV has the best story... at least until the moon that was weird.
Mostly because they do such a terrible job of saving the world, there's literally not much left of it.
VI falls behind only because it's story is so uneven, its extremely episodic, but that's because of it's ridiculous roster size than anything else...ffs how else could they give everyone screen time?
IX was good, X was close but the over arching plot was weak, XII even more so.
XV was the prettiest engine alpha I've ever paid for.
Good taste
Just imagine FFVI 3d remake.
>You're laying in bed dreaming.
>You lead Celes by the hand through the cave on your way back from Narshe as a haunting melody plays.
>She smiles at you appreciatively.
>Just then you feel the whole cave start to shake.
>Only you realize now you are awake and it is your bedroom that now shakes.
>Your heart begins to shake as well as a giant robot tunnels through your bedroom wall.
>It looks at you.
>You look back at it.
>The room shakes as it starts coming closer.
>"I'm ready." you proclaim in a quivering voice.
>You turn around and it begins to approach.
>Your landlord bursts through the hole in your wall and starts to scream at you about the damage.
>The robot casts lightning on her and without a runic blade to absorb it she drops dead instantly.
>The robot rumbles towards you and you feel it tearing your body apart as it enters.
>TunnelArmr is love... TunnelArmr is life.
>how else could they give everyone screen time?
They had no problem fleshing out each and every one of those characters stories in FFVI. Everyone got their screen time. Well except Gogo.
Is this pasta? Haven't played FF6 and this makes me want to play it right now.
Why would a boss need more than one phase to test your skill?
That just means the developer got lazy and decided that difficulty means that the first phase he attacks this way, second phase he attacks this way. That's shitty and lazy and worst of all, dull.
Final Fantasy Tactics.
I know this isn't the point of the thread, but what
about Total War: War of the Lions
XV, you can make your own original do not steals in the multiplayer expansion that came out.
It is a very good game. I personally didn't find the soundtrack memorable, but I played X first so I was spoiled. Even X-2 has some good songs.
Noting seriously has outdone Besaid Island for me. youtube.com
good phases will test your ability with multiple mechanics. obviously you've only been playing games with shit final bosses.
Zeromus does have phases in a way. He uses different attacks based on how much HP he has left.
The game is a little broken. Give it a playthrough then play the Brave New World rom hack for the best version.
No it really is that amazing. It's long. And there are some valid criticisms of it in here.
>The combat system is one of the most boring out of all the final fantasy games.
It's true. It starts off interesting. At least in the NA SNES release which is where I played it back in the day, the enemy stat values are high, making combat later in the game feel like a drag. And it's balanced poorly such that raw damage output always wins. Making most of the status spells and what-not completely useless. So the combat ends up being a means to an end to progress the story.
>Story has very episodic pacing
Somebody mentioned this and it's true. But that comes down to a matter of taste. The story sort of moves in a wavy fashion instead of at a steady pace. I can't honestly tell you how well it has aged, but I mean there's a million ways to play it without spending a dime. Just don't let the internet spoil it for you. It has some really interesting things in it that the internet will just ruin it for you by giving you all the right answers.
Also this is one of the best
1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, and 15 are the best.
2 is garbage, 3 is boring, 4 is overly mellow dramatic, 6 is meh with a wannabe joker antagonist,10 is boring, and 13 and all sequels are garbage
What does the Brave New World romhack do?
Elite fags will say 1, bait fags will say 15, mmo fags will say 14, someone will say 7-9 and then get told to take his nostalgia goggles off.
> 7
> characters look like
This innately disqualifies it.
Saying "Remake FFIV." should be a crime. Can't you be satisfied with all the stuff you've already been given, while some others have gotten jack shit? There's a line and you belong in the back of it.
>others have gotten jack shit
V and VI specifically.
but I'll admit, V fans get hosed the worst.
The mod looks interesting, I wonder if it changes enough to warrant a replay.