Are there any NES games that play like Dark Souls...

Are there any NES games that play like Dark Souls? Like something that plays like Dark Souls but it's really from 1988 or something?


the original Zelda and Castlevania pretty much

second post best post

Zelda 2
Castlevania 1-3 (2 mostly but its not too great)
Ghouls n Ghosts

If you don't mind simply Nes-style games,
Shovel Knight

Deadly Towers



no really

You might enjoy the elder scrolls: Arena or TES: Daggerfall

Holy Diver

Good thread everybody, well done

Ghosts n Goblins

Zelda II was the inspiration for the combat in OoT, which was the inspiration for the combat in Demon's Souls. Literally 2D Dark Souls.

No. All NES games require you to start over from the beginning.

like playing dark souls but you can only use the firelink bonfire.

Many arcade games like the Punisher, Captain Commando and Cadillacs and dinosaurs can be considered even harder than dark souls if you play with the original 1 coin amount of lives only.

Although it's not from the NES, it looks and plays like a retro game.


Ys kinda


no they don't lol
NES was one of the first consoles that let you save your data when the console was off
they also had continues and passwords
