I'm playing Wolfenstein 2 and I just got to the part where BJ's head got chopped off...Head tank like Futurama, this has gone full retard. Pls no ;-;
I'm playing Wolfenstein 2 and I just got to the part where BJ's head got chopped off...Head tank like Futurama...
It gets worse
Fuck you that was rad
Jesus fuck no, what have they done to Wolfenstein?
i'd tell you, but Sup Forums would get triggered since they're allergic to facts
>Gets head transplanted to a white man's body.
Is this some kind of allegory or something?
It's not like this is anything new for the series.
I almost got upset over this but then I remembered that Mecha Hitler from the original game was essentially the same thing, but with a robot body. I thought the whole BS with the ubercommander shit just being the main levels with different enemies was far more problematic. That, and the Eurotrip-tier story cutscenes
What the Nazis did was justified. Speak out against the prevailing narrative and you'll lose your job, or even go to prison (I'm talking to you Merkel). Why are they so afraid of allowing people to form their own opinions?
That was when the game got good for me, but it didn't last. I don't know how people can praise the story or game as a whole. It does almost nothing better than TNO. It's largely the same, except with less variety. You can revisit levels to do "quests," but who really cares? I felt like I had to stay behind cover more often too.
How did the sequel even come about? Did they retcon BJ killing himself by blowing up Deathshead's tower?
They hinted at the end of the last one that he would live with the sound of choppers coming as his consciousness was fading. He still blew up and after the gang saves him he's in a coma for months and is still on death's door for half the game until the decapitation and body swap.
>Why are they so afraid of allowing people to form their own opinions?
Because they will turn to Nazis otherwise.
Remember that movie The Wave (Die Welle)? Literally that, they say the slippery slope doesn't exist but there you have it.
t. G*rm.
Do we know what happened to Hitler? At least he had doctors, scientists, and labs to do all that in. BJ had friends saying 5 seconds with 20 seconds passing by.
He lived, barely. for the first half of the game or so, he's slowly dying of general organ failure related issues. Seth is keeping him alive, but only barely. To reflect this, you have 50 hp, but the armor lets you get up to 200 armor. After the body swap it's back to 100 hp and 100 armor.
We didn't get BJ head driving the hitler chaingun armor.
He ordered them to fire then it cut to black. I'm sure there were hundreds of action hero type shit he could've done to survive.
Hitler is in a suit you fucking mongoloid. Maybe you should fucking play more than 2 levels before you start making wild claims.
He's talking about the general idea of unrealistic super-science. The giant fire-breathing dog-robots and the literal flying saucers should have given it away, but here we are with you, a man with a skull so dense it could be used for nuclear fission
That didn't happen in real life? There were no zombies like in RtCW either?
>dude if a character is with the protagonists it means the devs want you to like and support them
Top retard wojak.
Someone post 'that' cutscene
I don't know man, not even the user you're talking to but couple of foreign gaming magazines said that the new wolfenstein is a clusterfuck because of the injected irl-related politics and that it's full of fucking caricatyres that are treated dead-serious instead of as comedic jokes, making the game feel like a propaganda made for the liberal crowd rather than a fun videogame
Dont worry he's merely pretending to be dead
>treated dead-serious instead of as comedic jokes
Isn't that the basis of a black comedy? Ever seen that show Shameless?
Don't try to reason with them They're trying to take a series that opened with mecha-Hitler seriously.
Holy fucking shit you're such a dumbass.
Your head must be dense enough to rival the mass of a neutron star.
why did they make his childhood friend lamar from gtav?