ITT: Games with a terrible reputation that you decided to give a try anyways, only to find out it's irredeamable trash

ITT: Games with a terrible reputation that you decided to give a try anyways, only to find out it's irredeamable trash.

I'll start.

>ITT: Games with a terrible reputation that you decided to give a try anyways, only to find out it's irredeamable trash.
Your opinion.

How is it trash?
>people too dumb to manage items without boxes

This game is good. Fuck yourself.

no,it's just not fun. sorry, nerd

resident evil 6
i really thought it couldn't be that bad because i actually really enjoyed re5
i was wrong

It's fine if you enjoy fighting and dodging the same uninspired 'monsters' over and over again.

As opposed to big spiders and snakes in REmake?


>great graphics
>umbrella origin information
>more challenging than previous RE games
>no item boxes
>enemies are kinda meh
>too much of the game is narrow corridor
>bothersome partner system
>certain weapons take up two slots(compounds with the no item box issue)
>weapons feel is kind of meh

did I miss anything boys

Metal gear I just couldn't get into it.kojima is overrated


Fuck Sup Forums

b-b-b-but it's like m-m--mm-other

Suck my dick it's not.

0 is fun as fuck. It's like playing Chris & Jill at the same time. can do lots of shit

>send in rebecca first to dodge and gather
>when she gets in trouble just rescue her with billy


>keep the two paired up, have billy tank in front and rebecca shoot


>send them both different directions & hope for the best

it sucks that rebecca gets beautified to the point of grotesque but w/e her vintage outfit with spats and bandanna is qt

FFXV, and I'm not even an FF nostalgiafag.

I like 0.

People can go suck a dick

0 is not very good but at least is a little enjoyable. Code Veronica is pure cringe.

>i really thought it couldn't be that bad because i actually really enjoyed re5
RE6 was like RE5 but on crack and fanservice. What's not to love?

You need it once at the beggining of the game, once in the middle and once in the end. That leads either to it cluttering your inventory most of the game or lots of tedious backtracking if you thought that you'll never need it anymore.

Bosses are bullet sponges that are hard to hit. You had to cheat with infinite acid grenades launcher to make the game fun.

I didn't really find that to be the case, at least on normal difficulty. The 1st boss you're forced to use handgun/hunting gun and that is taken care of with much problem.
You should find the grenade launcher(gl) right before the 2nd boss and should find enough ammo to use it on the 3rd.
After that you can ditch the gl for the magnum and you should find enough ammo for the rest of the game. You'll still find gl ammo if you run out.

I retried if I wasted too much ammo on a boss (giant bat), so I'm sure that helped.

I killed ProtoTyrant. And I'm done, I'm not moving my items and weapons for a third time inside the water factory. I'm sorry, but this is too much. You don't design a climax setup for a final boss, say forget it, and continue the game with 1 character having only 6 item slots for such an absurd adventure. 5 TIMES you are expected to move inventory from the train, main hall, laboratory, ProtoTyrant area after getting off the trolley, then expect the player to yet again to move to the water filtration plant.

In some cases you have to keep funneling items forward like the hookshot, ironically that's not what broke my back. Beating a boss, opening new areas, and whoops you gotta switch back to non powerful weapons to hoard ammo but not enough space so gotta redo inventory. But you don't wanna do the drop and switch in a hallway where the game might respawn zombies with hunters or monkeys, gotta do it obvious safe locations which take further back from newly opened areas. I mean, after all you'd wanna avoid shooting everything in classic RE so you're doing as intended in a game with poor pacing and item management without boxes.

RE ZERO is trash. Plain and simple. I could talk about how adding two players means nothing, since the AI will get itself hurt or waste good ammo, forcing you to play it solo with the smaller player inventory and no herbs/match use depending on who you are. Two players is a net loss and leads to more load screens.

RE0 is designed so badly it borders on sadistic busy work.

you can totally out yourself in multiple position where Rebecca has all your good stuff and Billy doesn't have enough to save her. This happens with the centipede boss and to a lesser extent her falling sequence. Not to mention you can give Billy healing items or whatever before you get separated by the trolley. Only now you lost those items before the prototype tyrant. Hope you saved before such events happen!

RE5's single player has a terrible reputation and it's one of my most disliked games of all time. I don't think even co-op would've saved it in my eyes, the game was just so unrepentantly bland. I'd even put RE0 and RE6 over it and I had to make myself finish those too.

captcha: please stop

>Hope you saved before such events
Well I can't claim there was not a high amount of reloading to mitigate such issues

As someone who played nearly every resident evil starting with classics & the moderns, then recently played Zero to completion, you are 100% right. The game looked absolutely amazing and top level in the classic resident evil aspect, but the locations were boring and rehashed (except the train) and the story was the worst in any resident evil game.

I agree with you, the atmosphere was awesome though

>ITT: Games that you decided to play while being a bias piece of shit sheep just so you can say you played it.

Was it to difficult for you sweetie go play candy crush

as someone who has beaten almost every RE game on hard with only a knife, Zero has a bunch of terrible design decisions.

>>umbrella origin information

Which is actually just fanfic and damages the canon in many ways.

It's in fact one of the worst origin stories i've ever seen. It manages to beat even SH0.

i don't see what's so bad about it, it was pretty decent and straightforward, and couldn't have possibly messed up the canon more than for example Big Boss prequels in MGS or be anywhere close to the confusing mess that is DMC canon.

Always wanted them to bring billy back, he seemed like he would be a great addition to the later parts of the series. Definitely better than that wesker jr shit we got, could have had him and Rebecca be the other team in six instead of sherry and Jake.


Neither is REmake but saying that will trigger half of Sup Forums because of nostalgia.

>Billy still has the handcuffs from Zero

Never would have happened, Sherry and Jake are a way to draw in younger audience and Billy is too old for that.

At least MGS prequels are all new adventures. In RE0 we have to accept that there is another mansion near the original mansion(and this one uses a railroad system instead of helipad like the original), that there was an outbreak months before the big outbreak and that it was caused by some old guy who happens to be an Umbrella founder and he is so thirst for revenge that he turns into a young opera singing male model.

Well, yes, one can't make jokes like degradation from Sahelanthropus to TX-55 is because Big Boss fired his best scientist, but things pretty much fit. Spencer wanted ultimate power in the company, so he built Arklay lab and shut down training facility, having Marcus eventually killed so he can confiscate his research on t-virus and prevent Marcus himself from winning the virus race. Similar to what he tried with Ashfords.
You do realize it wasn't actually Marcus in the end? Its Queen Leech fused with Marcus' body and confusing his memories as its own. Don't know about singing, guess they thought it went well with his monk look, you know, church choir and all that stuff, old universities have that too.

This. I will definitely say 0 has problems. I still love it for being like classic RE but I can't deny its flaws from playing it so much. However like this post says, when you have a feel for what you're doing it's very fun to immerse yourself. Split the characters up to explore multiple areas or clear multiple objectives at a time; Or have them together but use both sticks so you're dodging with both of them or setting up crossfire situations. I always found it satisfying to see both characters standing together and unloading in a monster or back to back fighting 2 sides.

[Spoiler]Stunlock in this game is pretty much unfor-fucking-givable though[/spoiler]

SWTOR. I'm enough of an SW autist that I figured I could look past its flaws and jesus fucking christ

It's hard to deal with if you're playing fresh or blind but everything loops around in 0 so you can pick up things you left behind in the beginning at the end. If you mark stuff on you're map, drop items strategically, only carry what you need and use shortcuts then you can manage your items quickly and easily.

>if you know everything before hand then its not so bad
It's honestly just really poor game design