Just finished playing both Bioshock 1 and 2 for the first time. I bought the collection so im gonna play Infinite soon...

Just finished playing both Bioshock 1 and 2 for the first time. I bought the collection so im gonna play Infinite soon. Will I really be as disappointing as people say it is? Also why do some people give the 2nd so much shit? Honestly was a vast improvement in almost every way.

>Also why do some people give the 2nd so much shit?

They were fresh off the "Would you kindly" twist and were expecting another. Also had an incredibly fun multiplayer mode back in the day. Well if you weren't exploiting the shock+elephant gun combo.

And Infinite was a lot of missed potential and bad gameplay decisions. Its functional but you could say the same thing about someone in a wheelchair.


Infinite is like call of duty tier gameplay wise

nothing wrong with infinity despite hive mind mentality. just play it and make up your own mind. i personally enjoyed it alot.

pretty fucked up that the collection didn't bring back the multiplayer from 2

>hit a guy with bees
>run away
>go houdini around a corner
>stand still
>they run past me
>machine gun in the back
>another kill across the map from a rigged vending machine
>Big daddy suit spawns in front of me

Those days are gone now.

I loved Bioshock until I played System Shock 2 and learned how much of a dumbed down retread it was. Still love Bioshock 2 though.


translation: "i liked something until Sup Forums told me not to"

hell. I remember replaying the games a few years back and for a few minutes I just loaded up a private match and walked around the multiplayer levels just because Rapture is so cool and they did such a good job on the map design.

How was the 1st System Shock? Is it worth buying both games?

Old, very 1994 but ambitious and still quite good, spooky and immersive, a shame that even the newest release crashes if you try to push it above 720p though

Bioshock 2 seemed like it was going to be a soulless cashgrab sequel made by another team with the same assets of the first game, but ended up being much better than the first.

Too bad that the media and the community had already prematurely decided it was going to be shit before it eve got released.

infinite is good as fuck. also I hope you played the DLC for 2 at least before going to infinite. I would love to plays these games for the first time again.

He said until he played the fucking game moron not that Sup Forums told him anything

Was going to do the DLCs tomorrow. I skipped the DLCs in the 1st game though because I heard they added nothing to the story.

Bioshock infinite is just wrong. Maps were streamlines immensely, so each level has maybe one alternate way or zone to explore. Maybe. Mostly, its arena after corridor after arena.

The difficulty curve is also fucked up. All the shock games (not sure about SS1, never played it) besides infinite had a decreasing difficulty curve.
Which means, you started with nothing and would get your shit pushed in during the first few level, but as you got weapons and skills, you would gradually become a wrecking ball. You felt strong, you felt the progress. The big daddies who used to be a threat are now "which fun way will i dispose of this one?" Targets.
In infinite, you start mediocre and even even worse, given how spongy mooks become. The handyman are HORRIBLY desinged to fight. Its simply not fun.

Minervas Den DLC is unironically the best bioshock to date.
BS2 arena dlc is also pretty fun, as it allows you to use many different builds, which you most didnt get to experience in the main game.

1 only has a challenge mode dlc. I did it for the 100% and it wasn't bad, but there's no story there. definitely play the dlc for 2 though. theyb honestly coudl've expanded that to be a full game in it's own right. also the dlc for infinite closes out the entire series and is comfy as fuck.

>closes out the series

but SS3 is coming "soon"

you cna be broken in infinite too, it's just poorly designed because of the RNG system with clothing. For instance you can get two bits of clothing that give you brief invincibility when you use skyrails and an extremely strong AoE fire attack when you jump off skyrails, so you just spam jumping on and off and you literally cannot die and can kill anything you want. i did the last mission on the hardest mode without really using a gun and without getting hurt.

Infinite is exceedingly mediocre as a game. The gameplay really only is just a way to pad out the time between scripted sequences.

levine-sama is gone. it's going to be some metal gear survive shit they pull. but who knows, 2 is my faovurite and i think levine had little to do with it.

Ken is gone, based actual developers live on

>also the dlc for infinite closes out the entire series
BaS episode 2 was a very bad attempt by Levine to retcon BS2 out of existence, fuck up BS1 lore with a mediocre backstory of "mice and lion", and glorify Elizabeth even though she acted like a complete fucking monster in BaS because "muh revenge". All in a gigantic forced stealth segment.
Holy shit it was bad.

I don't think Levine is like a Kojima or something where the games he directs are definitively "his", except maybe Infinite.

But I thought System Shock and Bioshock were 2 different series that had no connection? and didn't SS2 come out almost 18 years ago?

my only complaint about these games is that the save/harvest choice is broken due to one choice being objectively superior to another. also that we never got any flashback sequences before the fall of rapture aside from the intro. the most we got was a multiplayer that, while fun, didn't really give you a way to explore pre-war rapture.

i just pretend infinite doesn't exist. this game convinced me that time travel as a plot device is stupid

Levine had nothing to do with bioshock 2 and it shows. Its the best of the series by a wide margin.

Inf was unique in its own way. I suggest going in NOT thinking its a Bioshock brand, DO that and just enjoy random BS. Beat it and forget it.

Bioshock was a "spiritual successor" to System Shock and is incredibly similar to SS2 but simpler and consolized.

>didn't SS2 come out almost 18 years ago

18 years, 5 months and 2 days and it's still getting updates on steam fairly regularly

>this game convinced me that time travel as a plot device is stupid
Time travel can work if the author understands logic consistency, paradoxes, etc. Its definitely hard to pull off, but its possible with good direction and writing.
Levine reasoning to use it in his game was literally "i like concepts that i dont understand, they make me feel dumb".

>the save/harvest choice is broken due to one choice being objectively superior to another
How so? I couldn't bring myself to harvest a little sister in either game. When I come back after finishing the series to 100 percent them with a harvest only run I think my heart and soul will die

you get only slightly less ADAM for saving (or is it actually more with the gifts I forget) and also unique powerful plasmids. And in 2 the gathering defenses are some of the most fun you can have with all the defensive tools delta has. Harvesting is for chumps.

rescuing little sisters gives you more adam, resources (rare ammo, first aid kits), and the hypnotize big daddy plasmids. i think they also give tonics too but i'm not sure

The gifts you get from rescuing the girls more than compensate for the slightly less adam you receive per harvest.
You are actively getting less resources by harvesting them.

Wow okay I thought I was missing out on alot of adam since both games tried to make it seem like harvesting was the better option with the 'Oh you wont survive without adam' thing. Im still scared to see what harvesting looks like and will probably feel bad the whole time

SS even does this better. It doesn't present a choice but you are dependent on SHODAN to give you those cyber modules and she is guiding you and you know you're her disposable pawn the whole time but you have no opportunity to get out from under her thumb for a long ass time

you just pick them up, they start screaming, and the screen fades to green and then when it goes back, you have the slug

Oh okay is that the same for both games?


Personally, i didn't play Infinite because it seemed like a complete cashgrab
>we made two games about a city in the sea

I understand people really like it though, and how they shoe horned all the stories together messily makes people feel like it's got merit, but i'll never play it. Here's a wallpaper.


>we made two games about a city in the sea
There only one more thing to do now.
Rapture in SPACE Also thanks for the new background.

I thought the same thing. It seems cheap. Rapture... IN THE SKY. But's it's got some merits. If you liked the first two you should play Infinite. Lower your expectations a bit and you shouldn't be disappointed. Have fun.

DNF of all fucking things had the sense to patch out the 2 weapon limit and fucking bioshock didn't

Tubing all day every day :^)

Being a big fan of system shock 2 I recently got around to play through the original and though they are very different games I'd say it's almost even better. It does skill progression very well, and it requires you as a player to think and explore independently, it doesn't hold your hand. If you get through the first level or two you'll most likely grow to love it.

I remember that. Winter Shield and Firebird, right?
I don't remember Firebird (or whatever the AOE upon landing was called) being that good. It was always Electric Punch, Deadly Lungers, and Last Man Standing that were the best.

I liked Infinite as a shooter, just see it as a spin-off

>infinite is good as fuck.


Wait a minute........this puzzle......

It is because Infinite was CoDified. It just followed stupid trends like 2 weapon limits and regenerating health crap. Levels are also even more linear somehow.

BS2 is an uglier, shorter, shittier version of BS1.
Levels are ugly (except maybe Siren Alley), the game is like half of the first one in length, and the story is just "ok". Gunplay is slighlty better, but still meh.

Don't listen to retards here, Infinite is a great game, just don't expect it to be like the previous games: it's way more straightforward and story focused, you get to explore a bit but not really to do it your way, in this game you go from point A to point B.
Gunplay is vastly improved, vigors are fun and character is now very agile and does not feel like a shitty tank.
Story is great by fps standards, and the DLCs are definitely worth playing


>Minervas Den DLC is unironically the best bioshock to date.

this meme needs to die

You'll probably be annoyed at the third as its themes are

>racism is bad
>religion is bad
>religious people are racist
>wow fuck white people

Assuming you aren't a self-loathing ivory tower EU cuck waiting to be beheaded as a kuffir, you'll probably find the underpinnings a bit distasteful. I know I did.

People hate 2 just 'cause it was made by a third party studio

2 was annoying for me because of the encounter design.

Infinite had potential, all they had to do to make it tolerable was dial back the story elements, and to make it fun they needed to actually build the encounters around the skyrail and dimensional rift mechanics rather than throwing them into bland corridor/small arena shootan sections as an occasional afterthought.

>how dare a game make racists religious nuts look bad, shitty SJW agenda

go back to /pol, retard

>haha fuck religion and fuck white people
anyone who disagrees go back to Sup Forums!!! :D

>look mom i won at the internet

nobody is talking about white people, except you, faggot

the fact that a game triggers you because it depicts racist white people says a lot about your insecurities

>Deus Ex and all those other games in the green chart
Why? I could understand SS with the whole spiritual successor thing but why the rest of them? Also was I the only one who hated the research camera mechanic? I mean it didn't ruin the experience but it really wasn't fun at all and just felt like a chore

>guys asks about game and whether he'll like it
>offer thoughts about the blatant social agendas and themes present in the third game
haha, got em, mom! :D

Both system shocks are very good and quite different.
Get the updated version from 2014 for SS1 though. Retarded mouse look is one of the few things that actually make game age.

2 really improved on that and made research one of my favorite things by making it a video camera and also the buffs it gave were quite strong

I never even knew Bioshock had a multiplayer component. Never saw anyone talk about it, never played the game (keep meaning to get to it - my backlog is way too large)

While I agree that 2 made the camera so much better it still just didn't feel good having to pull out a camera before each fight 20 times just to get special plasmids and slight damage/health/eve upgrades. Plus immersion is broken if you need to take a picture of an enemy in the middle of a big fight and youre probably gonna take a hit or two. Flying bots were also a bitch to research.

hopefully if the system shock remake does well 2k will make another bioshock game

>this game is different than a game from an unrelated franchise so i dont like it

the problem is literally that the game is too fucking similar to a game it's trying to be like while being worse

so while i have the opporunity to ask, i shall ask.

what exactly was sofia lamb's endgame? i know she turned gil into a horrible fishmonster after being shut down by sofia after making advances on her. (which basically goes like "hey since eleanor is back, she needs a father, maybe you and i...." and she just coldly shuts him down. So she has the fish monster. what was the fish monster supposed to do? contain all the memories of the people of rapture? and then what would this do? serve as a prototype for eleanor? what would doing all of this to eleanor do? what is the purpose of all of this?

>Playing Burial at the Sea 1
>Expected some more Booker gets into shit and Liz helping him out
>Playing Burial at the Sea 2

>unrelated franchise

Infinite is not Bioshock 1 and 2, they are both superior games, however it is still a great game. Don't go into it expecting anything and enjoy that it's a well-made, story-driven, shooter.