Really activates my almonds.
Really activates my almonds
it's really just the marketing for the Wii U at the time
I mean have you SEEN some of those commercials?
>tfw woashi double yoshi exploshi
Dark Souls 2 had a lot of problems during its development my dude
It's even more funny when you realize literal man children are on Nintendo.
he's a faggot asshole for generalizing, but i want his game on the switch now.
Dark souls producer is a faggots
Dark souls players are faggots
ok but what does that have to do with the thread
You are a faggot
he's not wrong, iwata advertised consoles towards toddlers. Kimishima doesn't have his head up his ass
This literally sounds made up for kneejerk replies
Sometimes I forget the type of people I share a board with. Seven years, and people have STILL not played Dark Souls. What's wrong with you?
Wii/Wii-U era was a shitshow to be fair
it's called dark souls not bing bing wahoo souls
There are people who don't buy third party games unless there's Nintendo content added to it
I've seen this image posted for years yet I've never read the wall of text
is there a tl;dr
no article posted or fucking anything and idiots just treat it like fact constantly lmao
Sup Forums is the most fucking gullible board
>system is a lot difference from the audience of Dark Souls
Ttanslation: nobody bought the goddamn Wii U.
Here I thought this was a PC board. FromSoftware isn't gonna add any extra content for the Switch ver. it's as bare bones as all the other platforms, excluding Steam.
>mfw dark souls is fucking 7 years old already
jesus where did the time go
>one minute apart
Feel like it's skewed a lot by the fact they used their My Nintendo for this. Think about the kind of demographic that would join a loyalty program for Nintendo, agree to newsletters/e-mails and do a survey.
"nobody" bought the switch either
So wait, in your deluded dream world utopia, what exactly do you think is the market for other consoles? PC? Do you really think this statistic doesn't represent all platforms?
some people just never play certain games
>3% N/A
>motion controls
>super Mario bros NES
>holding the controller like you're playing ARMS
Jesus Christ it's like these are made by people who don't play video games
I have never played a single Final Fantasy game, unless that Chocobo racing game counts but I only played it once, same with Dragon's Quest, Warcraft, Starcraft, Warhammer, and many others.
They saw money signs finally
Nintendo's been changing their brand image, and also really working hard to court and acquire 3rd parties. Things can change. They just usually don't
He was right.
The Dark Souls audience is large. The Wii U audience was near-nonexistent.
It's a whole lot of nothing aside from the headline.
They're wojakposters, what do you expect?
Who's the audience for Dark Souls 2?
>cinematic 3fps Blighttown
Can't wait
Where does it say manchildren? I only see male adults on the chart
Dark souls confirmed for least soyboy game of the generation
>It's even more funny when you realize literal man children are on Nintendo.
As opposed to the mature, refined cultured gentlemen that own and play PS4s?
>Producer of the best dark souls understands that Nintendo toddlers are a joke
>so long gay bowser
such attention to detail
Keywords: buyer, email survey, 11% response rate
Adults buy the switch for their kids, only few people will answer an email survey, the results represent an incredibly small percent of total users
It's never been on a system I owned (I have a toaster of a laptop that's no good for gaming) until now.
But even now that it's on the Switch which I do own I'm still not interested in buying it because it's not a game I have any particular interest in.
I've never played Half Life.
Half Life 1 is really worth a try. It's usually $2.50 in a steam sale. Consider it.
>here I thought this was a PC board
the r/pcmr is showing on you
Sup Forums is basically now a containment board for nintentoddlers
All the actual video game discussion happens on /vg/ although the waifufags ruin /vg/ too
>Sup Forums is basically now a containment board for nintentoddlers
No, Sup Forums is a containment board for console war shitposters and company dicksuckers from nintendo, sony, and even xbox whenever they bother to rear their ugly head. It's where videogame discussion comes to die in a sea of whirring wojaks and erroneous e-celebs.
It was a PR reply.
The truth is it was extremely difficult and not viable to make WiiU ports due to the low install base and architecture.
But admitting that is not good PR.
The Switch has nothing to do with all that so that image is not as funny as you think it is.
And being reactionary towards the producer is extremely stupid, just saying.