Let's talk about Star Wars game and shiet, niggas
Let's talk about Star Wars game and shiet, niggas
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Nice try Disney
>tfw movies are great (fuck off prequelautists)
>tfw games, books, and Expanded Universe in general are the worst they've ever been
was it worth it?
Will be ruined by people arguing about the movies and bitching about disney
But my favorite game is the old battlefront 2, what's yours?
PORGS xdddd
that game was so pretty
pretty shit
kill yourself disney shill
The movies were never worse and we're having some really nice comic runs, also a couple of recent good books.
Are you just trying to bait with unpopular opinions?
>anyone that disagrees with me is disney
clonewarsbabby detected
god EA is handling the licence so poorly
I kind of wish Disney would go the Warhammer route and let anyone with half a brain make a Star Wars game
The force unleashed was trash, just a boring God of War clone.
>warhammer route where they just randomly give the license to some nobodies and resulting shit
>CURRENT YEAR marvel is SO shit, Disney is still outsourcing Star Wars comics to other publishers
>tfw movies are great (fuck off prequelautists)
They're fucking shit.
Rogue One was alright though.
Make a game about the only movie of the new three that even mattered (even though it didn't at all, since it's a throwaway non-canon story)
I think Disney just didn't really care about the video game aspect of the business, considering Lucasarts had just tanked, so they gave the license to the biggest publisher in the business and didn't care as long as they were paid their dues.
However, with the headaches they've been getting EVERY TIME EA releases a new game, I can't imagine Disney will renew the license once it expires. They're pragmatic if nothing else, and this kind of bad PR isn't good for the brand.
most of you will never know that 2002-2005 feel
I just want more star wars shooters that play like academy or original battlefront
>tfw movies are great
I can't even begin to tell you how much of a pleb you are. Feel free to tell me why I'm wrong, but the most recent one was a mess in terms of pacing, narrative and tone. I'm not even going into plot holes because I'd be here all fucking day. For fucks sake, the film has the narrative cohesion of silly putty.
I miss him.
He's right, pic is Force Unleashed 2. It was embarassing
You are trash
Fantasy has been doing pretty good for itself as far as the vidya goes.
Its 40k that's been flooded with nothing but shovelware.
It has a couple of flat characters and it's a little too long, but people who act like it's some incoherent mess are fucking delusional. Wiki autism is not actual criticism.
Rogue One is boring trite shit with no reason to exist besides explaining why the Death Star had an exhaust port. But oh I guess Darth Vader showed up to kill people with his lightsaber so it was EPIC FOR THE WIN xdddd
s-shut up! You are all NAZIS AND RUSSIAN BOTS!
>modeling a sexualised twi'lek after the new tomb raider actress
Its a QTE fest with shit saber combat thats a joke compared to games before it like Jedi Outcast. Its trash hombre.
Its actually worked out incredibly well for the Warhammer brand because while they will let basically anyone work on a Warhammer game, they are wise about how they dole out the sub-licences and how they promote the games
The good group of middle-tier Warhammer games (Vermintide, Blood Bowl, etc.) wouldn't likely exist if Games Workshop continued to licence the franchise the way they used to
Star Wars could benefit greatly from a similar approach, though maybe not _as_ willy-nilly in giving the licence out.
"Rogue One: The Battle of Scarif" was mindless fun. I enjoyed it way more than the last jedi
me too user...
also Dash Rendar and the post-sarlac adventures of Boba Fett
Actually the end of the movie was the least good part about it.
What made Rouge One great was the comraderie and somewhat empathy you feel for the characters.
You get none of that with episode 7 and 8, Finn is probably the most likeably character and I wouldn't care for a second if he died, let alone the rest of the bunch.
But Jedi Outcast is the best star wars game they ever made, not a fair comparison
It was a different genre and had differen targets and purposes
It's up
>but people who act like it's some incoherent mess are fucking delusional. Wiki autism is not actual criticism.
>if you want to have a plot that makes sense and characters who have realistic motivation and take logical actions based on that motivation then you're autistic.
Proudly autistic here.
Not an excuse. TFU is just lazy and boring.
Nobody would remember it if not for the part where you forcepull a Star Destroyer.
>was the comraderie and somewhat empathy you feel for the characters
I felt literally nothing for the characters. I had way more empathy for a group of iteally who clones after 3 episodes of Clone Wars
Why do you think they kill off the old characters, that's the only way they could eke an emotional response out of most people.
u mad bro?
Dark Forces 2 or Kotor is the best SW game ever made
Horses for courses then mate.
Hell Disney probably did this by design to capture what might otherwise be a polarized audience for the other episodes.
>Playing KOTOR 1 for the first time
>Just finished the Leviathan, now on Korriban
>Talk to HK-47 after he remembers
>It turns out that Revan had programmed the term 'meatbag' into HK because Revan found it funny when HK called Malak that
>Malak was the first meatbag
I fucking love HK so much
What the.....
Super Star Destroyer incoming!!
>TFU is just lazy and boring.
It's babby's first hack n'slash. You can get half a challenge by paying the hardest difficulty, but they were purposely going for the mindless gameplay type
While lightsaber was bad, it did great as sith power fantasy, and story was better than the canon stuff that replaced it
>or Kotor
KOTOR2 was a better game overall, but KOTOR was better as a typical star wars jedi game.
Who's left of Jango Fett? Is that meant to be Darth Sion?
So how many rts star wars games are there and which one is the best?
He's great.
Almost all of his lines are pure gold.
>Finn is actually about to have a major character scene resulting in an actual heroic sacrifice, unlike Purple Hair's.
>The past two movies, he's been concerned for only himself and Rey. Running from the past, the empire, and the pain. But now he has changed his priorities and values
>Finn now holds the resistance and it's members dear to him. He will give his life so that the resistance can live on.
>But then Rose crashes into him, stopping him from doing something right and damning everyone in the fort to their deaths.
Johnson needs to be shot.
Republic Commando has gotta be mine, love that fuckin game.
Disney didn't have shit to do with clone wars.
>Horses for courses
People who say this are usually retards with no concept of subjectivity/objectivity, unfortunately you aren't bucking the trend.
I've been screenshotting my favorites
but muh gurrrl power
Age of Empires devs made Age of Empire Star Wars and nobody even remembers it
Yet it has a huge mod community and it got patched as hell, now it runs in 4K, and they also made tons of new content
I played through that recently. Was fun, but I felt like it got repetitive and didn't really utilize its gimmick enough. Would love to see another developer try to make a successor to that (star wars or not)
It's a full standalone game m8
Finn's sacrifice wouldn't have worked though. He wasn't going to make it through the beam. His ship was falling apart, and Poe said it was a suicide run.
people just assume Finn would have destroyed the beam because people are so attached to the past cliches of heroic sacrifices and harebrained schemes working every time in Star Wars, even though the movie does all it can to deconstruct that notion. The idea is that living to fight another day is more important than throwing your life away for no reason.
HK deserves more appreciation
Holy fucking shit I gotta try this out sometime.
As I saw it, I would think it would have crashed into the cannon before the beam fired. The ship was being ripped apart, but it wasn't actually gone yet and there's still the impact and explosion of the ship itself inside the laser cannon.
Also Canderous is a fucking bro
here you go
literally plays like an Age of Empires 2 reskin
>even though the movie does all it can to deconstruct that notion
except 5 minutes beforehand another character successfully makes a heroic sacrifice
I guess its okay when a strong womyn does it
get this Gary outta my face, so sick of people bringing him up.
And in the beginning of the movie with the bomber.
to paraphrase a quote from a halo book, there's a difference between a life spent and a life wasted
Get the fuck out
how bout you get the fuck out, go suck kyle katarn's nuts somewhere else kid.
Thank you man I really appreciate it.
like, im not saying that Finn's suicide run would have worked, im just saying that you cant excuse the stupidity of Rose's actions based on the idea that its trying to "deconstruct the heroic sacrifice" when the rest of the movie doesn't attempt that at all
We're in a Star Wars golden age for video games, you faggots are all too dense to realize it.
>New Battlefront 2 is actually good
>Old Battlefront 2 has been resurrected completely
>Movie Battles 2 has more players than ever
>EaW also revived, Republic at War 1.2 just came out
To paraphrase a quote from Fyodor Dostoevskys': Crime and Punishment, go fuck yourself, retard.
>>New Battlefront 2 is actually good
>Yet it has a huge mod community and it got patched as hell, now it runs in 4K, and they also made tons of new content
what are your thoughts on the new expanded universe?
pic related
what's wrong with it in your opinion?
Super Star Wars was pretty good. I felt it went down in quality with Super Empire Strikes Back and Super Return of the Jedi though.
>New Battlefront 2 is actually good
haha no, even disregarding the lootbox fiasco, the best I can say about it is that it looks good. I went to a friends to play it after he bought it and we ended up playing BF4 after 2 hours. That's how bad it was.
Not him, but I fail to see what's good about it other than the graphics
My roommate got it for PS4 and even he barely plays it
Tried it and I felt like crying for all the wasted potential
>when the rest of the movie doesn't attempt that at all
>disregarding Leia chewing out Poe for his retarded dreadnought attack that lost the Resistance its entire bombing fleet because he can't think strategically and will throw lives away for the slightest short term gain
>Poe's entire arc is learning how to be a true leader and understanding the human value of war and knowing when to cut your losses and retreat in order to fight another day
oh wait that was just part of the jewish conspiracy to destroy the white race by telling them to listen to womyn
When does the license expire?
Keep in mind EA had strangleholds on many licensed deals, such as NFL Games and for almost 2 decades an exclusive license to use Porsche cars in their games
This is what you call a golden age? One new game and three old games that are still being supported?
wew lad
three old amazing games that were completely dead and now have an active player base, kill yourself.
>Poe's entire arc is learning how to be a true leader
>you need to follow crazy suicidal leaders because maybe they have a secret plan to make you look bad
I just realized their isnt a single Darth in the new trilogy....
>only three star wars games released since nu-star wars began
>one is a mobile game
>one is a decent shooter
>last is that same decent shooter, but "now with singleplayer(tm)!!"
but no, its a golden age because modders and fans are doing their damndest to make decade old games worth playing in 2018
The game looks great, but it gets old fast. Still better than the first, but that isn't saying much.
Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.
They'd all be bottom tier bitches anyway compared to true Dark Lords like Revan and Malak
I've put almost 100 hours into it and I have 3 other friends that play it pretty often too. The gameplay is solid, it's got 12 dice quality maps from different eras (not even counting the strike or space maps). Also like how most of the maps have a blend of land/air gameplay going on, like in the very first Battlefront.
It's an amazing looking game sure, but it's got a lot more going for it.
But Sup Forums will keep hating it because of Reddit, and the "Hurr lootboxes" when you can't even buy them with real cash.
I am currently watching 2bestfriendsplay kotor
I just installed kotor 2. What should I know for character creation?
The sith is over. I think Snoke wanted to bring it back. Kylo seems like he's going to become more of a gray force user now.
>New Star Wars game comes out
>"This is shit, why don't they just make it like the original"
>*original gets brought back from the dead with an active player base*
>"fuck why are there no Star Wars video games?"