This is the greatest video game sequel of all time


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Yea, I could agree to that

Dunno about best sequel of all time but definitely my favorite pokemon gen.

>tfw when you could go back to Kanto, fight the original gym leaders, fight a stronger elite 4, and then fight Red

I was so hyped for that I ordered the Japanese version but then I only played through to the Elite 4 and quit because I didn't realize you could go back to Kanto or whatever it's called. I might replace the battery and give it another shot but I hate all kana.

Best shit ever my man.

hypest shit

>best sprites in series
>best soundtrack in series
>best atmosphere in series
>two regions

What's not to love?

this is good thread

This level is what every sequel should strive for.

>added full color
>added shinies
>added the ability to rebattle trainers and gym leaders
>hotter misty
>last good rival in the series

I found my cartridge of Silver in a park back in 2005 or so at one of my sisters softball games. Still have fond memories of playing in the car on road trips. First team I ever trained to 100. I'm so glad they re-released it on 3DS.

also added the battletower in crystal, cellphone mechanics, and day/night cycle

I remember getting Silver and Gold on Christmas Day and me and my cousin going hard up until New Years, when we discovered you could go to Kanto we lost our shit. I'll never forget those days, they were so simple and magical..

>Greatest video game sequel of all time is in the worst popular RPG series of all time

true, and Crystal also added
>moving sprites
>female character

lol what
more like the games that killed pokemon.
I got to the 1st or 2nd gym and realized it was just the same shit all over again as red and blue and stopped playing. Never picked it up again

those were different times user. Did you not have a childhood or are you some jaded oldfag?

>my dad's a pastor so he was against pokemon as they were literally the devil.
>had to play blue in secret
>visited mom for a month during one summer
>got crystal
>actually got to play through without having to sneak play it
mom was an alcoholic and a bad person, but those were pretty good times

is pic related your mom?


nice mom
I hope it doesn't bother you that I save her for later

>not knowing apple milk
nufags i swear to god

sorry if I don't know every pornstar/erotic-model

I just want a Crystal Remake

Nope. This is.
If you don't feel the same way,go play BT1 and then boot up BT2. Your ass will be gaping from how much shit they improved and how much better the game is for it.

She's a 5 at best.


Yes it is.
Literally the godfather 2 of vidya.
If every sequel was as good as GSC vidya wouldn't just be art, it would be the only artistic medium that even mattered


Surely you meant to post the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald series

no because pokemon is gay

You're mom is gay

>I only played through to the Elite 4 and quit because I didn't realize you could go back to Kanto or whatever it's called
>I hate all kana
So you missed out on Kanto, presumably because you couldn't read the Japanese text, but you also hate the text for being in all kana, therefore you could read the text? What?

Post 3 (1) thing it did better than GSC

Everything in everyway

>Last good looking Starter Pokemon

Meganium is meh. Bayleef was way cooler

I like Infernape. Sue me. He reminds me of the Monkey King.

Infernape was nigger tier

You're literally nigger tier.

>Fight a stronger elite 4

Thats a lie user

Maybe that was just the remake, but the elite 4 got stronger after beating all the Kanto gym leadera

They didn't in the original

I got the game in December 1999 when I was 13; time has passed and over the last two years I've been studying Japanese. All kana is a pain in the butt because you need to rely more on memory of vocabulary than the ability to recognize shapes (kanji).

I like how Kanto was a shell of it's former self. Like team rocket's campaign destroyed all the good in it.

Interesting. I never played the remakes, maybe i should

Just play the fucking game in English you minge

Goodluck. They're expensive and hard to get ahold of

No -- it's probably not that bad and it would prepare me for Mother 2.

>learning Nipponese to play games that were officially translated instead of games that are only in JP
I don't get you.

It makes Persona seem less cringy when I'm not as familiar with the language.

Biggest quality increase I've ever seen.

i also got a japanese import copy early as a kid but at a flea market
getting to kanto before the rest of the world did but still not knowing japanese was the best shit
so much trial and error and text order memorization

No, that's the worst sequel, a failed attempt at a soft reset.

Crystal version blew my fucking mind with the animations.

Tfw push Reds entire team up his anus with a level 65 Cloyster

worth the price
40 bucks is still worth it for hgss
so much content for a ds game released in 2010

G/S simply improved upon R/B/G

This MASTAHPEECE blew the first one out of the fucking water.

I'll forever dislike it for how it butchered kanto, even as a kid I finished it in a couple hours. And Johto wasn't a particularly good region in itself.

>but at a flea market
That's awesome and nice work getting back to Kanto without knowing the language. I guess I just assumed that the game was over once you beat the elite 4 just like in the original. It sucks that the batteries die and now I can't go back and see what pokemon and how much time I spent playing.

Johto is shit and filled with the cheapest roadblocks and the Pokemon are the most forgettable in the entire series.

That's not Timesplitters 2

I remember being fucking astounded by the opening sequence. Fuck that was hype, little 6 year old me almost exploded

>back when postgame was a thing

Rs were extremely underwheilming on release
>no animations
>no day/night cycle
>dumb plot about evil team and box legend, guilty of starting this trend
>no decent rival
>wingulls everywhere
>doubling the IVs was a mistake
>only 8 gyms, no post game before emerald
>lol fuck your old pokemons, buy our games again :^

>70% water routes
>never fight your rival with their final stage starter
>couldn't trade with previous games
>no postgame except sky tower (until emerald)


>First game is absolute shit
>Second game is so good it revolutionized a genre
What other games do this?

Yeah i too enjoyed the region i loved being butchered.

Vomit inducing garbage and the biggest disappointments I've ever felt when it came to video games, by the time Emerald came it fixed a lot of its flaws but Jesus RS were more painful than an axe kick to the nose.