Cant disable auto combos

>cant disable auto combos
>shenron is enabled in ranked
>all you have to do is mash square buttom combo

It's like Ubisoft making a fighting game. Game's dead in a few weeks.

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's a "OP is a retard and thinks that auto combos will matter past day 1 when people learn more optimal ones" episode

Anyways, Somebody please make decent quality screenshots of all the character colors

U mad pirate scum?

>pirating an online game

i REALLY like this game

Except for Shenron, isn't this literally the same shit people said about P4A?

And I really doubt Shenron will be a big deal. His benefits are good, sure, but not good enough to actively give up damage and meter use for an entire match.

Is there any reason to play this game if you aren't a dragon ball fan?

It's the only relevant Mahvel.

>FGChild still thinks his microscopic community controls gaming

dont bother op arcsys dick suckers would defend even their mothers getting raped by the developers

His game of choice is sfv. I won't be listening to him lol.

>sfv fangay
>nippon based shitty esports team

>Trusting the opinions of SFV players on anything

why are capcom fanboys the worst group when it comes to fighting games, they literally shit on everything and now have been going into overdrive since sf5 hasn't been doing well

Ultra elitism. They see themselves as celebrities within the FGC because they excell in the most popular games, and/or have built a persona within them. Now that people have been slowly turning on Capcom games, they grow restless over the possibility they won't have the notoriety they have with Capcom games.

>Tfw you demolish an entire team with /ourboy/ Beerus
Headshot might be one of the most satisfying moves in the game.

The thing is that even if they get really good at the new games most of the newcomers wont give two shits about them. Their Marvel celebrity status would be thrown under the bus.

Of the dozen or so matches I've gotten through, not once have I even got close to summoning Shenron. Most I ever saw was 4 balls.

I was rather dissapointed with the lack of depth in the last beta. Can we reach Blazblue/GG combo and move depth or is this appealing to the SF audience?

the majority of dbz games haven't had that much complexity they had to slim stuff down for the people who dont really play your average fighting game

Why do I keep getting "You do not have permission to access this content"? Ive preordered the game, the only other option just opens the store page.

How are people playing already?
I pre-ordered but can't get in

Complex = niche = less money.

I may be drunk as fuck on vodka and rum right now but fuck, goku, beerus, and hit is a god tier team. Can’t wait for the full release. Too bad the servers shit the bed after 8 matches or so

This thing is going to be full of Xenoverse, one piece and j-stars scum isn't it.

probably not as much as much as you think from all the complaining i've seen on places like facebook but yeah

nappa sucks ass

Its some kind of global error

>Arcucks in sudoku watch

Only ever good in SFV, he's afraid of losing his status when Capcom games go under

>I will play for fun even though it's not fun

Because he has to, otherwise he will fade into obscurity. I'm fucking loving this, Capcbros are on suicide watch

I wonder who came up with the idea for the Shenron mechanic because it is so whack.

>and hit
You are too drunk and seeing things now user, time to hold back on that alcohol.

Is it worth it to buy a new broken multiplayer-only game that will die in a month?

Maybe if you have friends

i dont see capcom going down soon but honestly what the fuck are these people actually going to do if sf/marvel go under? like i really dont see someone like justin wong attempting to play KoF,GG/BB or tekken, he probably could jump on the NRS train but then he would have to deal with sonic fox

>English voices

Huh I thought this game would be jap VA only

JWong is actually pretty good as far as fighting game fundamentals is concerned, but he only strikes while the iron is hot when it comes to non-Capcom games. He snipes majors of new games for easy pot money like GG Xrd Sign and KOFXIII but drops out when people get good. The thing is, he and his clique rely on Capcom games 100% not because its easy, but because other games have legacy players that are way out of their league to truly rise career-wise.

i think arcsys only does that for stuff like bb and gg, and honestly eng dub is almost a requirement for this game

Nope. If it was, the game would've been dead with the dudebro/casual market.

LOL DBFZ has no competitive staying power and will be dead within a month.

Only brianlet casuals who are into animu will gobble that shit down. It will probably sell well due to the IP, but as a game it's shallow and people will realize that very soon.

>DBFZ has no competitive staying power and will be dead within a month.

And why is that?

Based Marn. Punk is a dumb nigger who had a panic attack on national television when playing Tokido, something MenaRD did not have through the entire gauntlet of his Capcom Cup bracket. And he also beat Tokido

>as a game it's shallow and people will realize that very soon

Like, SFV is. But you know, Sony and Capcom throwing money to attract the big name FGC players and them being attracted to money to not starve to death makes wonders.

its shit unlike SFV and MVCI, kys retarded animecuck

>There are people /this/ delusional
The game's got the financial backing of 2 companies and have the marketshare on both the casuals and FGC that aren't complete capcbros. People always talked trash about Persona 4 Arena and that game ended up being so casual unfriendly due to all the dirty things you can do in it. You'd be daft if you think this game won't significantly change the landscape of the Western FGC

Literally in the same post, you imbecile.

Out of all the things you just said.

Not a single one was right.

Alright Punk simmer down. Do you need Kenny Omega to call CM Punk again so that don't you cry again?



Infinite is anime kusoge too. People joked about SFV being dead right after release, but Infinite is unironically dead.



>and MVCI

>he and his clique rely on Capcom games 100% not because its easy, but because other games have legacy players that are way out of their league to truly rise career-wise.

this is the kind of stuff that really bothers me whenever i start hearing people say stuff like "fgc is dead without street fighter" granted im a casual who is only in super bronze in sf5 but i think the fgc will take a big hit without sf but it wont die, plenty of people playing other games and honestly playing something different might do some of these people some good

Too bad those companies don't matter. Nobody plays ArcSys games outside of Asia and the competitive Tekken community is tiny as well. It'll be a flavor of the year at tournaments before sinking into obscurity.

MvCI is almost dead online, unless Capcom pulls out some miracle stunt it'll be dead completely.

Wow, so they're absolutely no training mode, not including that for a fighting game is pretty fucking retarded (even for a demo/beta)

it has auto combos? god that shit is so gay.

fuck off retard, capcom is the master of fighting games
go cuck on that arcsys cock some more you fucking inbred pedophile

every combo in the air looks the same

it like they just copy and pasted it

There's not a single argument against it in your post, try again

"It will sell becauseof the IP"

Hows that working out for MARVEL btw?
All the fans of the MCU will surely gobble it down.. didn't

NRS pays better and yet nobody plays their shit games. Makes you wonder.

Can you even throw more ad hominem attacks pretending you're proving anyone wrong?

>Too bad those companies don't matter.

Just trying to stay true to the anime roots.

It's new.

dont fucking talk to me ill fucking kill you and your whole family of degenerate animefags

Classic weeb shit strategy, just cover your ears.

You'll learn the same way people learn how to play fighting games since the 1980's.

Is it true there is no pushblock?

Isn't P4A actually dead though?

Why are you so obsessed with Marvel, hombre?

mvci is like sfxt at this point even if capcom fixes it by the time it comes out nobody will give a fuck

nigga you can't make fun of brainlet anything when the premier fighting game of the FGC is the most braindead fighting game released in the last decade. SFV

I'm starting to get a hang of the qcf motions but those qcb motions are a really doozy!

There's a pushblock.


Well of course. That game is old. P4AU is that good shit tho.

no there isn't

This paired with the fact that the combat is a bit too simplistic for me, mh world is coming and the super characters I want will be locked behind dlc means im passing on this game.

Just imagine how brainlet DBFZ is when it gets beaten even by SFV.

Max said it's casual party masher.

I work really well with 18. I'm decent with Beerus. I hope I work better with SSB Vegeta. With SS Vegeta you need to get gud at counters otherwise you're just relying on rapid fire and big bang. And wtf why is charging a thing? It's so risky to do

4S but you have to time it correctly since it's a parry.

Ok but is 3 gokus really enough?

So does someone regret their preorder ?

*in the US
No other country gives a shit about your dub.

We need SS4 Goku, Bardock, and Kid Goku, so 3 is not enough.

Oh shit.

You know it's bad when even Max thinks it's dumb.

nope. Although there's some shit that it's kind of like a parry but you can only use it to repel a first attack. Once you're stuck in a block string the shit doesn't work.

I thought niggers loved DBZ.
Why is the SFV "comunity" so mad?


I have actually cancelled my pre-order after not being able to find a match for two hours. Fuck this trash game.

We need Goku, Angry Goku, Blue Goku, Angry Blue Goku, Goku fused with Angry Goku, Teen Goku, Goku with a hair cut, Kid Goku, Yellow Kid Goku, Pink Goku, Female Goku, Female Swole Goku, and Female Goku fused with Female Swole Goku

Clip or it didn't happen.

i like max but lets be real dude is a capcom fanboy at heart he defended mvci more than fchamp did though he tried hard to play it off some when he knew it wasn't going anywhere

Nice try, i watched the stream to and at no point does he say the game is a masher.

I wanted to like it and it's clear they put a lot of work into it but it just doesn't look fun and seems over reliant on gimmicky stuff.