How can stealth games even compete?
How can stealth games even compete?
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they can't
By not being so linear and scripted.
Splinter Cell fans are so insecure lately
Kino of the genre.
Insecure of what? Splinter Cell is literally the last standing triple A stealth game. MGS is dead. Syphon Filter dev's are making a zombie game.
>MGS is dead
>as if SP isn't
Ubi said that it's not dead, they are listening to dev pitches.
between R6 Siege and fucking Kingdom Battle I'm willing to give Ubi some leeway.
but I remain adamant, no ironside, no buy
He's not ever coming back so deal with it.
Why do you give one single voice actor so much credit? Did you skip TPP because Hayter was sacked?
They said in last E3 that SC is being handled and not forgotten, not saying this means there’s a game coming soon or anything, but it’s significantly less dead than MGS.
It's not that the voice actor is essential, but that any justification for changing a voice synonymous with a character is weak.
>we will never experience stealth greatness like this ever again with any new games
It makes me want to cry that stealth is never coming back unless it is the bastardized stealth that is shoehorned into games that aren't in the stealth genre.
was Shadow Tactics any good? Styx?
They should have just retired Sam. Give you a faceless tacticool protagonist that wears a mask for the new game before getting maybe revealed in a sequel. The kids would have loved it.
Also we need CT co-op again obviously.
>Did you skip TPP
i wish i did
Daily reminder:-
Metal Gear Solid: Saturday morning TV for easily distracted kids. Fun for adults too but not to be taken too seriously.
Splinter Cell: Eveing entertainment for adults after the kids have gone to bed.
Thief: Late night, candle-lit manuscript studying for intelectual elites.
Spies vs. Mercs: Twilight fight club for mental behemoths indulging in savagery.
Ironside wasn’t really into the new direction of the series anyway, you can’t force a voice actor to participate.
What stealth games
>"maria narcissa is a boat"
>"so was the last girl you set me up with"
I always cracked up to that.
Spies vs. Mercs with 3 friends is the absolute patrician choice of multiplayer gaming. You cant name another game that actually manages to incorporate the simple concept of hide and seek into gameplay like this. It has the thrill of the playground game with the tactics of SC by giving you tons of gadgets.
>tfw you dont have friends to play with
How do you go from this
Thievery UT: Ascended being of pure energy.
To this?
Replace "stealth" with every genre and yeah that's accurate. Gaming is fucking dead. Even the shitty OTS 3rd person cinematic adventure genre is becoming pure trash.
I bet her pussy was like Niagara Falls during this scene
Splinter cell fags are the most whiny of all stealth games fans. The first three splinter cell games are amazing stealth games but the fans on Sup Forums seem to hate metal gear for no real reason. They seem to fail to understand that metal gear has always had more “arcade-like” gameplay and that the series also doubles as an action game. Thief fans can understand this but why can’t die hard splinter cell fans?
It takes 2 to dance user. MGS fags on the other side are extremely defensive concerning their game, to a degree where they actively participate in this shitflinging, which only fuels the resentment. You are living proof, generalizing SC fans like that.
I like the older SC games and older MGS titles for my part. Both franchises are dogshit now though.
>Okay Sam, now bend me over and fuck me raw, it’s for the sake of the mission, it has too look real!
>They seem to fail to understand that metal gear has always had more “arcade-like” gameplay
And you seem to not understand that MGS doesn't have gameplay.
MGSV has the best core gameplay of any stealth game to date. Too bad it compromises its own principles by giving you tranq snipers, stun assault rifles and so on.
But the last two entries weren't even stealth games.
>Chaos Theory co-op campaign
>my butthole when
Stop confusing controls for gameplay. MGSV has shit gameplay.
It doesnt.
Alien isolation isn't stealth? It's definitely a good game. So what's the point of this thread?
Would you buy a HD remake?
>Gameplay Still intact
>Graphics and assets updated
>Online Multiplayer
>Co-op campaign
>Map editor/mission creator
Why do you keep making SC threads?
First you posted the MGS vs SC five thousand fucking times, and now you're going to throw this type of thread out a million times.
No one cares.
Sorry linear games, I was wrong about you
yeah it does
Hell fucking yes user are you mad? How could anyone say no to that?
5000 threads of MGS is fine but not SC? OP did nothing wrong.
I seem to recall playing them as stealth games all the way through.
I'm almost certain a Siege-esque asymmetrical spy vs. merc gamemode would make the next hypothetical splinter cell sell like hotcakes.
They need to add a bunch of movement options again and not make the games feel like you are playing at Assassins Creed speed. Even Kojima did this with the MGS games. It only adds so much to these games when you can do these things even if for some you might barely ever use a maneuver much like split leg. Crawling in a SC game would be great as well. We need options that enhance stealth and a slower pace.
Literally do a Google search, a Splinter Cell game is coming. Way too popular for Ubisoft to ditch it.
Custom operator would be neat. Maybe make Sam's daughter the next playable character so waifufags flock, make porn, and advertise the genre for free. Works for every other fucking game these days.
Daily reminder:-
Metal Gear Solid: Westaboo trash that rips off multiple hollywood movies, even leading to Kojima nearly getting sued
Splinter Cell: Made a few good games and a few Jason Bourne ones
Thief: Best reboot of all time
Syphon Filter:
>Sam’s daughter as a fucking operator
I’d take nuSam 100 times out of 100 over that.
the reason fans hate nu-sam is because OG sam was an AGEING expert, and thoroughly HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT with politics and military brass etc, but still wanted to do his thing.
Nu-Sam is SEMPER FI AWW YISS DA GUBBERMENS IS DA BEST I LOVE DEM HOO HA! propagand poster boy retard. everything, in short, that OG sam hated.
Ironside refused to reprise the role because he refused to play such a character. he got standards. nu-sam VA has ZERO standards.
Archer should have taken over as MC after Conviction, for fucks sake why did they have to make him the canon death
Splinter Cell is boring, and made by a bunch of nerds that have no creativity beyond a fetish for gadgets.
It's not even funny how lacking it is in terms of character, there's nothing to love about the game. Hitman Absolution has more charm than it does. There's no sense of mood, no sense of place, no interesting art direction, just generic trash made for normies. If they actually hired some good artists, and made something actually worth engaging with outside of the raw mechanics, then it'd have potential. Splinter Cell has basically always been what MGSV is, great gameplay but nothing else.
>Maybe make Sam's daughter the next playable character
Absolutely not that is awful. We have enough feminine crap all over video games. Splinter Cell does not need that.
>Lasers? ugh, that is so
> i was going to say 70's. Will you STOP making me feel OLD.
NuSam is none of those things though. He’s more of a detached intense professional, none of that semper fi shit, and he doesn’t praise the government in any way, in fact one of the reasons he agrees to lead the 4th Echelon is that he would have full reign over what he does and would communicate only with the POTUS, who he undermines multiple times during the game.
>go from point A to point B
>hide in shadows and stand still until you can breakthrough a pretty obvious enemy patrol
>tons of contrast to make the game look better while hidding its horrible textures and character models
Dont get me wrong i liked this game, but this game was one of the pioneers of what you know today as interactive movies. Basically teh game forced you to go through corridors while standing idle on shadows until you got to the objective. The game never gave you options on how you wanted to tackle each mission.
Thief for example puts you on a map and youre supposed to figure it out by yourself. Hitman does this as well.
MGS while very story driven, gives the player a lot of freedom on how they want to complete objectives.
SC, while still good, is objectively inferior in its genre
>no interesting art direction
Oh look it is this fag again. You were already told previous thread how stupid you are.
Uhhh, Hitman is still getting its Season 2?
No, I was met with brainlets that thought lack of interesting art direction meant I wanted cartoon trannies in the game. Nice sub 90 IQ you got there.
To critique this overrated shit series some more. How do people have the patience for these games? The gameplay feedback is so poor, you have the actual walking, crouching, aiming and firing which works great. But literally everything else in the game is a slog, everything interactive is so slow and so automated, there's no feedback, it doesn't feel like you're doing anything but pressing a button and waiting for the game to respond to it while it performs hella cinematic and COOL animations. It is so bogged down by all of these gimmicks, MGS may be simplistic by comparison, but at least when you play that game, you're in control and have total freedom in how you fuck around, you're not limited by clunky and awkward contextual inputs at every fucking corner.
>Hitman Absolution has more charm than it does.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, this is bait, right?
>"From the developers who saw Grindhouse!"
>a dialogue in the script goes, quoted verbatim, "Hey there, fuckface!" "Alright, dickhead, where's the girl?"
>the ICA employing combat nuns out of nowhere, who are not even in any way competent and get taken out really easily
>47 failing at the most basic of judgment calls being the motor for the plot
>final boss killed off in a cutscene
>game about an assassin where most missions have nothing to do with assassinating anyone
>globetrotting assassin who's been inside military installations and fancy cheese & wine parties is now given pause by a gang of Grease cosplayers
>scope of the game is reduced to Buttfuckville in Southern Redneckia; NONE of the characters are endearing or likable
>what are some possible Hitman antagonists? Slightly caricatural dictators and James Bond movie adversaries, or fucking HULK DANNY TREJO?
SC has much better writing, I meant in terms of levels, level design, art direction/design. Absolution was shit, but had at least 4 levels that were memorable to play through because a lot of work was put into making them look the way that they did. SC has nothing memorable.
>Absolution was shit, but had at least 4 levels that were memorable to play through because a lot of work was put into making them look the way that they did.
Please, god, name those levels, because Absolution's only noteworthy aspect of the levels was how bad they were and that the most "Hitman-like" missions (King of Chinatown, Chinese New Year, Welcome to Hope, Absolution) were rife with retarded issues and other levels are just utterly immemorable. The one mission that made it into the Hitman 2016 trailer, where you kill Don Osmond, is a tiny, cramped level which starts off with a tiny, little A->B segment (which makes no sense - popular, shady strip club requires you, at the same time, to lockpick a specific door in some random alleyway to get close to it, and at the same time is hosted in some decrepit back alley, but also at the same time is swarmed with police).
The policeman outside goes "We found one of your girls raped and killed with the poster from Hawaii right outside your club". When you later go in there, you see that the "Hawaii location" where Wade is having his sick fun is literally upstairs from the club, and also apparently Don Osmond is pretty well-off, but not so well-off that he doesn't live in a building that's completely run down and looks like a building hazard.
You are right, user, it's memorable because it's laughably bad and defies logic. Same with a Barbershop in the middle of Smalltown, South Carolina, which just so happens to be an absolutely fuckhueg building that could easily host several small offices, and which also happens to have the entire police force hanging out inside, each member personally knowing your mug, having a grand party. In a fucking barbershop.
>Shadow tactics blades of the shogun
>Metal gear solid 5
>Mark of the ninja
3 better games off the top of my head.
What about Styx?
Why did she suddenly become a redhead?
dont generalize piss boy, I love the original splinter cell trilogy, and I love MGS, dog bless Kojima for droping the MGS camera for the splinter cell one
I dont know about gameplay or controls, but Im quite sure MGSV has the most sexist crap of the series
>"Thank you for all of those pitches."
>"Now, get back to work on the next Assassin's Creed or you're fired."
maybe if it didnt suck so bad and only have 5 fans it wouldnt get so much hate
The issue with that is everyone would have built up their own idea of who the character is and the reveal would have ruined it for everyone. So either never reveal them or never mask them in the first place.
>My children's toy is more grown up than this similar children's toy
> I’m a dyke now
>that hairstyle
Yup, hella tumblr
You'd have to be a really obnoxious person to hate this franchise. Especially when it gets overshadowed by MGS circle jerk. So why hate it then? Its not going to hurt your precious video games just because some on here like SC. You MGS fans are the insecure ones.
Yeah you got a point. I was imagining though that he would be an entirely new character. Not anyone known previously. Sort of like how Raiden was. Maybe they can even reveal him after the first mission. I'm pretty sure they are going to just keep using Sam somehow though even though it would be dumb to continue using him at this point.
>no ironside, no buy
heh gamers
Any good stealth game that isn't from the most famous franchises* of the genre?
(*By that I mean something else than Thief/Hitman/Splinter Cell/MGS/Sly Racoon/Styx)
Well there is also Manhunt and Tenchu. Stealth is a very niche genre so you won't be finding much outside of these games.
>tfw the best level of the game is also the most Thief-esque and non-linear
Really makes you think
I love Chaos Theory, but absolutely every mission in that game is linear as hell, with a few branches leading to dead ends. Don't compare the missions to the ones in Thief Gold and Thief II.
That's very sad because they're highly immersive & goosebumps-heavy... And you have to plan your actions instead of shoot first & think later.
Thief 1 and 2 and Tenchu series are much better, faggot
Stop shoehorning your shitty opinion about literally the most easiest stealth out there because it's linear and scripted is shit. Fucking Conviction and Blacklist are the same shit, even last Assassin's Creeds and Watch Dogs are the same shit, I'm not even joking
Honestly I hated the voice they got for Blacklist and although you stop noticing it after a few levels, I would have been infinitely more okay with it if it were a reboot because it's so awkward how Sam suddenly regresses in age by like 30 years.
The Bank is linear as hell, I agree. But the whole "multiple ways of completing the mission" and atmosphere overall reminded me of Thief.
And I say this when Thief Gold/II are my favorite games of all time