*joins your guild*

>*joins your guild*

Some mod is deleting all the threads. I doubt this one will last long.

>playing MMOs

>15 join guild
>one causes drama with 10 people leaving
>14 girls, 300 guys remain
>Everyone laughs when they kill the drama girl and her beta orbiters when they leave.
Ain't even mad desu.

>deletes her later because she's shit
only pros here, gal, nothing personnel

based mod, these threads are shit.

>guild master bangs her
>next day: "alright guys, new set of rules..."
it's already over at that point

>"I don't give out personal information" joins your guild
>Acts like a selfish child from day one
>Couple of guys fall in love with it, despite it not giving out personal information
>We get an "I'm bi" one day
>Even more faggots fall in love with it
>People start slowly leaving
Fuck, why can't I just find a good guild?

That fucking thing has a dick, doesn't it?

No, it's just a fat /soc/ slut

*leaves guild*

*user has left the guild*


got a link to her pussy and asshole pics?

>>>>>>>>brown eyes
fucking subhuman scum

>grill joins
>guild falls apart in a month due to drama

every single time.

>girl joins guild
>guild disbands a month later

never trust the roast


it seems there is a pattern here

Good purge this fucking place of these thrash threads.

>join guild
>has one SJW type who occasionally posts about LGBT rights
>be nice to everyone & let them have million gold loot drops I don't need
>joking around with a friend in chat one day
>accuses me of being homophobic or something I can't remember
>guild politely tells her to shut the fuck up

It's too bad I stole 100M before quitting because those were some cool guys

I run a guild and I make sure no thot is tolerated

>playing touhou

>*destroys your guild*
tee hee

If a woman can bring down your guild it just shows that your guild was a powder keg waiting for a spark to begin with.

i follow this girl on instagram and i really hope user is not some weirdo using her pic

Women have evolved to be adept at ruining clubs, games, media, countries, civilisations etc, unless your guild is made up of machines then there’s no defense against them

>I'm an ultra virgin, the post

>Joins a private server

prove him wrong

>men are gunpowder
>"this just proves that adding a spark to gunpowder means gunpowder is bad"
literally what?


>a month later
That's longer than it usually takes

I’ve had sex with over 30 separate women, none of them hookers either. You must be a female yourself, or perhaps some loser that has just got a gf and thinks it’s all sunshine and roses

>guild """"""""""""drama""""""""""

Its not though.

Please tell me who this is

naw he's right. you can't blame guys for having every hormone and everybody screaming at them to get laid. you CAN blame chicks for knowingly ruining things while pretending they don't know what they're doing. they know they get special treatment, they love it, and act as if they're innocent

>arguing with holes: the post

>I’ve had sex with over 30 separate women, none of them hookers either.

Hi I've also been to college.

>"I don't give out personal information" joins your guild

I don’t blame women, it comes natural to them and they probably only subconsciously realise what they are doing. Men have to put their foot down and stop letting them invade male spaces, but we’re much too far down the road now to stop it..

This is the same dynamic we've seen through the entirety of civilisation. Women trade pussy for power, especially the ultra manipulative types. It just so happens that video games are an easy way for these types to get undivided attention and manipulate betas who have had no contact with women at all.

The only thing you can do is avoid being manipulated yourself and stop them from hooking their claws into people before it's too late.

keep moving those goalposts
"having sex isn't enough now, now you must have sex a certain way" the fuck is wrong with people?

I raided with a guild that was half women, no problem. Was the guild lead for 4 years. Guess nobody was real thirsty in my guild.


Wrong, they know exactly what they're doing because they've been doing it their whole lives. They're TAUGHT they're special, a prize, to be treated different, boys are taught to be nicer to girls because "they're more delicate" and shit. Children are not taught equality or equity, they are taught boys are tougher and girls are sweeter, 99% of media encourages ideas of you can't be happy without a girl in your life, stories have been written since writing became a thing about winning a woman.

Why couldn't the two angry dudes just ignore the other people? They in highschool or something?

>girl joins guild
>after one raid gm promotes her to loot master
>another raid night she takes all loot for herself
>gm says it's ok since she's healer
>week later gm says he's transfering to another realm
>grill gets promoted to gm
>kicked everybody who said something against her
>week later she disbanded guild and joined our old gm on another realm

never coming back to wow

there's a new problem though, founders of hobbies are now turning into "women" to just fuck up shit as well

>*joins your guild*
>*starts erping with leader*
>*acts like the queen of the guild*
>*Megabro guild leader becomes an anal fag*
>*Guild splits*
>*Guild leader finds out she's been erping with 10 other people*


girls who go into spaces filled with thirsty males know full well what they are doing, it's a very conscious effort, don't make excuses for them


it's so obvious as well, they always gravitate towards the leadership players

have you ever seen a girl join a guild and just hang around with the losers?

>just ignore it bro
not how it works, you've obviously never genuinely liked something, or you are one of the invaders who knows jack shit

>wtf dude my mailman's in the bathroom while I'm trying to take a shit
>wtf dude there are immigrants we have to be taxed to pay benefits for
>wtf dude there's a guy in my play who won't even try to memorize his lines
>wtf dude these drivers aren't respecting the right of way
>wtf dude my company is failing because training for the job is getting less rigorous and more inclusive
>wtf dude I can't learn anything in class because my teacher is russian and my classmates are chinks
>wtf dude why is [my favourite franchise] casual dogshit now

>just ignore them bro

Why wont they pack up and leave then? Its not like the other dudes own their hobby or something

wtf I love Romania now

ah, i see you're a 35 year old virgin

>arguing with holes

theres 2 girls in my circle of friends, 1 is a pure cinnamon roll and the other one is a gross slut that no one wants, ive never experienced this

he must have needed a drink really, really bad.

I didn't think a post like this would posted unironically.

i don't know why but i like that guy

>Join a Ragnarok Online guild led by a "girl"
>One of the best in the server
>Make good bros there, have good times
>Once its revealed that one of the Mods had an alt on our guild because he was sexting our guildmaster
>Apparently he gave us favorable treatment
>Shit is hitting the fan in the whole server
>Me and bro decide to go for last GW together and just the 2 of us get a castle the day before they erase our guild
>30 mins later we found out that the girl who was sexting the mod for favors was actually a guy
>spend the rest of the day laughing about it
That was the cherry on top of the lolcake.Those were great times.

What, is she from Romania?

Man, I'm a 36 year old nerd who's been in this hobby since I had a commodore vic 20. Having women play games doesn't mean shit. Seriously, that highschool frame of mind is going to lead you down a dark path. The real world isn't highschool son, get over yourself.

>picture of a girl and the absolute minimum of a scenario gets posted
>a dozen anons start to lose their shit

>play mmo's
>never join any guild
i don't know how to feel about this

That's women in a nutshell. It's not women being women and losers being losers. It's basic math. The leaders of these guilds were weaker than the women who usurped them. Join a guild with a strong leader or mature woman lead and you will be fine. You just have to make the effort to recognize good leadership traits. Selflessness is a easy sign since those with poor or no morals find it tough to be selfless especially in a game that has rare loot.

>joins your guild the day after the first girl

>play mmo
>never join guild
>ridiculously popular regardless, taken to raids weekly and can always call on people to fill dungeon groups
>all of the social benefits with none of the guild drama
It was a pretty sweet life back in those days.

>picture of anything gets posted
>dozen anons lose their shit

it's every single thread on Sup Forums.

>picture of a black guy gets posted
>walls start to shake from the sound of anons reeeeeeeeeing

you mean
>Sup Forums starts flowing in

this is a man who will get fired from his job for saying "hi" to the wrong woman one day

>Used to organised Malygos pugs with randoms from other guilds
>Didn't use Teamspeak, just told everyone that they won't need it if they just do what I told them to before we start
>Consistently cleared Malygos weekly, succeeding where guilds had failed
>Start building a rep and people always come to me to do the weekly Malygos pug
>Argent Tournament patch hits and I lose any enthusiasm I had to host the Malygos pug

I miss those days.

why do people get online gf?

you can't kiss her or hug her most of the time you can't even be sure it's actually a girl i'ts like a long distance relationship but even worse

>join guild
>guild leader's gf is in it
>stay for a while doesn't seem bad
>leader's gf flirts on everyone else and starts talking about her exs
>guild leader is ok with it

Is looking like a dick addicted crack-whore the newest fashion fad?

yeah, haven't you heard, it's an "empowered" look.

who is this girl?


Thirsty betas crave attention from any woman, even if it's just virtual pats on the back. The mentality is "Well, maybe I'll meet her one day and we can have sex then!" when she's actually just taking them for an easy ride.

I should start playing WoW again. It was the only time I ever met any girls online, except for gw1.


It's been going on for a while now. I lost a girlfriend to this fad back in 2010.

>the cameraman pointing making it look like an fps

play overwatch. it's roast central

Can someone explain what "beta orbiters" are? I don't think I've ever seen them, but I've seen a bunch of tomboy girls with lots of guy friends. Is that what you guys mean? Because I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

you're probably an orbiter to be asking this

i wonder what %age of over watch players are girls


10-15% i guess

Is that Miranda from Lizzie Mcguire?

t.beta orbiter

You might have been dealing with "gaming moms" or old 45+ women who are either married or cat ladies and uninterested in male attention from thirsty teenage dorks. A surprising amount of MMO players are old dudes and old women.

i haven't played that game since doomfist came out, as in, haven'T even tested him

it's weird, i had quite some fun for 60 hours or so, then immediately went to never touching it again

I've gotten nudes from an older woman on ffxiv but she was in a loveless marriage

>Can someone explain what "beta orbiters" are?
Men who respect the woman in question, and who defend her and give her praise, even if she did something wrong.
They seem to want the woman's approval and positive attention, even if the woman in question might be a scrub thot.

>guild uses loot council
>have no choice but to join because the server is too small and there are no other guilds
>3rd on dps
>"2nd dps gets the loot because he performed better than you."
>3rd on dps again
>"girl who went 7th on dps gets the loot because she can't compete with her current gear."