The mini shit was shit
I need a line up for 2018
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Enjoy your ports.
Donkey kong
mario sports
there you go fag
Every Direct Mini has had a full Direct within 20 days of it airing. Be patient.
Nintendo direct mini 10.02.12
Nintendo direct 10.25.12
Nintendo direct mini 11.27.12
Nintendo direct 12.05.12
Nintendo direct mini 07.18.13
Nintendo direct 08.07.13
Nintendo direct mini 06.01.2015
Nintendo direct 6.14.15
Nintendo direct mini 11.2.16
Nintendo direct 11.5.16
Nintendo direct mini 01.11.18
Nintendo direct ??.??.18
Assume that this will become the exception.
Chances are good this is entirely unrelated.
But my guess is still the 16th.
>Nintendo direct mini 10.02.12
>Nintendo direct mini 11.27.12
Single-game Minis
>Nintendo direct 6.14.15
Smash Bros Direct. The real direct was the E3 one two days later, which as I'm sure you'll recall, was ass. Then Iwata died.
>Nintendo direct mini 11.2.16
>Nintendo direct 11.5.16
Animal Crossing and Miitopia, respectively. And the latter was Japan-only.
Evidence a new Direct is coming:
>Empty slot on the Japanese Nintendo Direct page, which is ALWAYS indicative of a new one coming within less then a few weeks.
>Mini Directs are always followed by a proper, full one within less then 3 weeks.
>According to a guy on leddit, supposedly a game store employee, demo units will be updated to display 10 new games on the 22nd.
>Believe it was Amazon or Gamestop that leaked the South Park RPG being released for the Switch in March, but wasn't mentioned.
>Bayonetta 1+2 weren't mentioned, XB2 DLC not mentioned, no online services mentioned.
>Remember Gamestop's twitter about the Direct being in 45 minutes? There's a problem with that - there was no announcement for the Direct on the 11th.
>SEGA hinting at something being revealed on the 16th.
My bet is before the 22nd.
Shitty Wii U ports ist most likely all we're gonna get this year. Seems like Nintendo really blew their load too soon.
Nintendo has come a long way from their cranky kong announcement
Also the placeholder listings on Amazon, what happened to those?
I need Animal Crossing switch
Fuckin' wait. Actually buy Dick Freeze this time at least.
>unironically using MM.DD.YY
>The mini shit was shit
The mini direct was great.
If you think they'd blow their load before E3, you are a faggot.
They also haven't talked about numerous games we already know about like Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Wolfenstein, Octopatch, Hollow Knight, Street Fighter, Valkyria Chronicles 4, Mega Man, etc
user we have 5 months before E3, there's bound to be at least one Direct or 2 before that
>5 months
But E3 just happened recently.
You can anal vore those shit games
I'm sorry user
user, it's January. E3 happened half a year ago.
But the question is, is cucktendo retarded? Why not game a good 2 hours direct for the year instead the short and a somewhat longer one after 2 weeks
Also will they show more footage of the mini direct games or will they show new shit
It's basically about controlling the media, guess what comes out in a couple of weeks? Monster Hunter. What better way to fuck over the competition than to have a direct that will force all the media fags to write about all the new games coming for the Switch.
So januar has still a chance for a first party game?
The every month a gud gam will not be killed with the first month in 2018?
What was so great?
I love this meme
And the ass meme
He saved nintendo!
Yes, announce all your smaller games AFTER the bigger ones. That won't fuck you over.
To put focus on your smaller titles first, otherwise big titles will drown out the small ones
There's no way they're sitting on the online/Virtual Console til E3 they're going to have say SOMETHING somewhat soon
The direct had great games and good news. I really do think it was pretty great. Even the ports/remasters are looking good.
That Kirby game looks legitimately awesome and that new Tennis game might be a long awaited return to glory and already shows some signs of promise.
An interesting SNK fighting game, filled to the brim with attractive girls and fanservice of all kinds. With gameplay that shows signs of SNK being daring and experimental again which is them at their best.
There were the demos for Kirby and Builders that anyone interested can try.
Then there are the updates for the games people already enjoy. Free updates or DLC for sale. Something that fans of said games may very well enjoy.
And those little indie games looked cool too.
For a mini direct not even 15 minutes long it was honestly great.
And to go into it a bit further. That TWEWY remix game shows that even ancient properties from a decade ago aren't forgotten about and still have a chance. Not to mention the prospects of more TWEWY or content or more games like it.
They also fixed the incredibly awkward position that Hyrule Warriors was in. Where the game was flat out superior on the Wii U version what with better visuals and uncompromised gameplay unlike the 3DS version that had fewer enemies on screen etc all while having worse visuals and so on. All while the 3DS version had additional content that was unique to the 3DS version. Meaning that you had to choose between a worse game but with additional content or a better game without the additional content. Now they finally fixed it by releasing a true definitive version.
And while I already mentioned I'd like to once again mention the promise that the new Kirby and Mario Tennis games hold. Sure they could end up not being all that. And perhaps you have only played the more recent games and don't quite get what the big deal is. But if you have played their golden days games then you should be able to realize what a huge deal this supposed return to form could be if they actually succeed in following through with it.
And yes that SNK fighting game does unironically show promise. It always bothers me when people just disregard girl fighting games as meme games or something and then they just go and play Street Fighter over and over again while ignoring amazing games like Arcana Heart or what have you. Of course I am expecting some KoF purists to not like the game either, but I really do mean it that SNK are good when they're experimenting. It could fall flat on its nose but they've struck gold before and they could do it again. I much prefer this over them playing it safe. And in addition to all that, yes I do very much enjoy the girls and the fan service too. As a fan of SNK and attractive girls.
they want each game, even the smaller ones, to get a lot of attention. The same reason Bayonetta was announced at the game Awards. People wouldn't have talked about it nearly as much had it been dumped into a regular Direct, so they made the most talked thing about the Game Awards.
They'll give it at least a few weeks before a real Direct, where they really bring out the big guns
>2 hours
are you one of those PS theater faggots
Op here
Okay you convinced me
I will wait a bit longer before i go full nintendo betrayed me mode
But still wanting 50-60 eurodolla for fucking ports is a insolence.
I would buy all them hyurle warriors and funky kong for 20-35 eurpdollers
>Tfw your face when the Next Direct is a 3DS Direct Feat. Switch ports
>tfw Animal crossing Switch next direct
>WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRR in the distance..
Oh fuck off, if you can't afford to buy games then get another hobby
no chance
Why not?
wtf is this dating system??
Fucking Americans hahahahahahaha