How come you aren't a top tier professional gamer with a top tier instagram stacy gf Sup Forums?
Why aren't you sufficiently good at vidya for this?
How come you aren't a top tier professional gamer with a top tier instagram stacy gf Sup Forums?
Why aren't you sufficiently good at vidya for this?
b4nny was a top tier professional gamer with an instagram tier gf, but then he threw it all away to get even more gud
team fortress 2 is a harsh mistress
I suspect it may be related to my shit social skills and the fact that I am fugly, but I am not sure...
b4nny is mentally ill desu
Censor acts like a cuck though. The way he acts around his 6/10 gf is embarassing
>Body of a teen and twiggy arms
>top tier instagram stacy
that shit's boring as hell man
I don't want some stacy and I don't wanna be some brendon either
>How come I'm not a top tier professional gamer with a top tier instagram stacy gf Sup Forums?
>How come I'm still a frustrated virgin posting on Sup Forums??
>Why do I still suck at video games?
>What am I gonna do with my life... :(
Fixed your post OP, you accidentally directed it at strangers instead of yourself.
I'm a manlet and I don't have the muscles.
-I like playing by myself too much, both in video games and sexually.
>wanting girls to have muscular arms
THat fucking chin Jesus Christ
She'll just use the government to take your money when she's done with the relationship. 100% of the time
What game does he play?
COD, the chaddest game
You really shouldn't be blaming the goverment if you are too fucking dumb to judge a person properly before getting serious with them.
Part of a plot to make whites reluctant to breed
>let's defend dumb laws
A year is a really short amount of time to judge someone retard. Assuming it takes a few months before you live together, you have no idea what their habits are like.
then dont fucking live together
or dont be a fucking brainlet who can't choose a nice decent girl
Not an argument you underage child.
Mirin that chin.
it is an argument
if you are dumb then you can't fault the world for taking advantage of you.
You've clearly never been in a relationship and still live your parents if you think you understand someone in less than a year.
the misinformation in this image, holy shit.
here's a hint, folks. nothing about the law is "automatic". while its possible that a cohabitating couple (also known as common law married in the US) after several years could have an enforced alimony agreement, it is virtually impossible that any such thing would be enforced for a couple that lived together for just one year.
i'm preparing to write my own VN now so hopefully i'll get rich and get to live a comfy life
These chads have no taste in women
Been in multiple ones.
If you need a year to read someone properly you are a fucking retard and it's probably for the best you don't procreate your shitty gene pool further.
If you're a manlet you can easily get muscles faggot
At least I'm not a manlet.
Jews want to create a light brown race with an IQ of 90 that are just smart enough to work for them but too stupid to fight back
white people are weak if they can be controlled so easily by a law that targets poorer people on average
why would this heavily select whites and why should a race retarded enough to fall for it be worth propping up anyway?
t. Juden
That would require Sup Forums to be good at video games. Playing visual novels, rpgs, and other trash that takes no skill is what autists flock to.
Teenage relationships dont count. Talk to me when you have a mortgage, fag.
>talk to me when you make stupid irresponsible financial desicions!!!1
That kiss looks lifeless as fuck. Whatever love there is between these two people is strained to hell and back.
>How come you aren't a top tier professional gamer with a top tier instagram stacy gf Sup Forums?
Because that would require I compromise with my serial killing career.
>getting a mortgage is irresponsible?
>he doesn't have his own house by age 30
fucking poorfags lol