Nintendo switch

nintendo switch

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>more resetera shills







thanks doc

>brain dead ps4 bros making memes on how fun the nintendo switch is to play

>>brain dead ps4 bros making memes on how fun the nintendo switch is to play
thats really cucked desu



ps4 is the designated progressive soymachine, no amount of wojacks will change that



I just got a Mario Odsyssey Switch bundle yesterday and damn, this is the most fun that I had in a while and I also finished Odyssey today. Now I'm looking for another game to play. Is BoTW really that good? I've played HZD and forced myself to finish it because it didn't click to me. I'm not really into open-world games because I often get lost and I'm more into boss rush games. Should I still bother getting it?

Now let's be fair here. That's only the case if you play western games. If any of those faggots played the stuff rated Cero D in Japan they'd be clawing at windows trying to escape as they suffer from a severe panic attack.

Saved, thanks for this better version, user.


Did you 999 star it in just one day? If not theb you didn't finish it.

This, there's is nothing more cringey than adult males playing PS4 games

this thread is great

Those get better every single day

You might not like it if you're not into OW games, but it's easily the best of its genre despite what the standard Sup Forums contrarians say

>nintenboys trying to convince themselves

Sorry but memes aren't real. Most soyboys are ps4 owners

You're on Sup Forums you're sad and fucking pathetic as is, calling people soyboys has no merit because even cucks taking embarassing pictures with mouth open in a fear grimace probably still live more successful lives than you.

resetera is still the home of both sony and soyboys

t. triggered soyboy

Daily reminder this meme was produced by real I repeat REAL Sony shills who get paid for by Sony.
This is a reaction to the crazy Switch /Nintendo hype.
Reminder that Sony did the same for every competing console since the N64.
Sony is the only one of the big three that resorts to employing huge shill brigades on the internet.
Sony is pure scum and needs to be destroyed.

Just the story. What do I unlock when I get 999 star?
I guess I'll try it. Wouldn't hurt to try a game with shitton of awards.

Same goes for steam

what the actual fuck

>Still no MH World port


As a Switch owner, all the Wojaks in these threads amuse me because they all feel exaggerated and comedic in some way.
Actual pictures of nu-male nintendies actually makes my skin crawl. They're abominations made by the xeno-estrogens that make up so many products we consume. Any time I see a real image of one of these fucking people I feel ashamed to own my Switch, no matter how much I enjoy using it.

Really? Source?