Why do we hate it now?

Why do we hate it now?

Joseph Anderson told everyone how they should feel about it


We don't, Its a Masterpiece.

Only thing I have against it is the forced waggle.
Half the damn buttons are not used, why not map the waggle to them?

>wasting your life posting the lowest of the low tier baits on an image board 24/7

Its No Masterpiece

I fucking love it, haven't enjoyed a game like this in a decade at least.

Its a mastapeece, but its no Super Mario Bros. 2, baybee.

/ourguy/ hates it

We don't.

I don't hate it. It was fun and I definitely enjoyed it but I personally think it's a little overrated and didn't live up to the hype for me the way Zelda did (though I've seen people who said the opposite).

I'd rank it below the Galaxy games and 64 but higher than Sunshine.

Even after watching his video and thinking it was a good watch, I'd still give SMO an 8 or a 9 personally but yeah
>could (should) have been harder
>moons moons moons
>many possessions were a bit shallow
>some moons were way too much of a pain for the sake of being a pain
>the moon grab animation and jingle
>press button to receive moons
Game was lovely and relaxing outside of that though. One of my favorites of 2017 (not saying much considering how shit 2017 was though)

Because people who played it beat in after 50 hours, enjoyed it and out it down.

Not much wrong with it so not much to talk about

Then random plebs pop up every now and then and say it was rubbish but also claim to have 99999 moons and have unlocked mewtwo mode when you ask if they even played it

Was a good week of game play for me that resulted in me dropping everything else

I enjoyed it but I didnt go back for the post game moons. dont suggest it full price, buy it on sale

We do? I thought it was a 10/10

Good video, you clearly put a lot of effort into it. I think Odyssey was a fantastic game and did not go into this video unbiased. My opinion has not changed. I feel like a large part of your complaints are completely unreasonable.

Like the part about storing transformations and this game catering too much to kids - Being disappointed by this is overreacting a little. First of all, every new Mario game is targeted towards newcomers. And I'd say Galaxy, for example, with its static camera, linear level design and floaty, incredibly simple (and yes, I would even call it insultingly simple) movement was catering to newcomers more than Odyssey was. And 3D World as well. That whole part was the absolute worst part of the video by the way. Felt like you were losing it.
But more importantly, this is such an unreasonable thing to be disappointed by. Not only had no 3D Mario ever given you the option to change power-ups midjump. A scenario like long jumping across a gap, then switching to the bird and sticking to a wooden wall sounds really fun and I wouldn't mind them exploring things like this in a future game. However. The bird is just about the only enemy this works with. Other captures would either absolutely break the game (imagine storing a bullet bill and going to a high place, you can literally sequence break anything, it's not very hard either making all the more difficult jump combos useless) or just be completely useless (what would be the point of switching to a Goomba, Hammer Bro or Wiggler mid-jump?). It might work if you drastically change the level design and balance the captures, but it baffles me that you see this as an "obvious" flaw that would be easy to fix when it is clear that they never intended to use the captures like this! In fact no Mario game ever did anything similar!
I think the problem is that you just got too good at video games.

Nigga that ain't The Big DUNK

>motion controls
>too many gimmicks
>most moons are way too easy, making them meaningless
>some worlds are too cluttered, others too empty
>wall jumping mechanic lacks all momentum from 64
>no forward dive
>can triple jump in mid air thanks to cap
>get to peaches castle, all the rooms are gone

Over 800 moons

I normally like Joseph Anderson but I didn't get his review at all. He complained for two hours about all the moons he had to collect....and jumping...and the worlds.

It felt like he was complaining about the point of the game. It's like whining about shooters for making you shoot things.

Banjo had a lot of easy collectibles and people praise it.

I found it thoroughly enjoyable. I think maybe he bought the hype and forgot it was just a Mario Game and not to expect original ideas and interesting characters.

It felt like he didn't know how or even want to have fun from the start.

I watched a Youtube video that told me I am supposed to hate it.

too easy
way too many moons
worlds suck

Hey guys

>not expect original ideas
I think the Cappy mechanics are one of the best gimmicks in any Mario game.


that level is better than the entirety of Botw

Do you faggots even play the games you shitpost about or do you just parrot e-celeb opinions

>Banjo had a lot of easy collectibles and people praise it.
He really did fail to convey why easy moons or the game being easy in general. Is even a bad thing in the first place.
It's like he just assumed that it being easy would naturally be a bad thing or something. Or that it would naturally mean it has nothing to offer anyone more competent at gaming.

I agree. I meant more along the lines of staple Mario enemies/worlds, collectibles and platforming, which seemed to be what he was upset about.

Although it looks and plays great it's not breaking new ground, since it draws a lot from Sunshine, 64 and Galaxy BUT it does refine them perfectly.

It's polished with that Nintendo quality and it's one of my favourite games this year.

Why are you fuckers obsessed with this youtuber

He complained avout how many copypaste moons there were that stopped teeping unique.

Compare these to the more unique and mission oriented shines od sunshine.

In short: quality over quantity

I think it's because he knew he had to go into it and hundred percent it, and play it twice to review. So I think he saw the whole game as a chore instead of just having fun with it.

This. The game is AMAZING but its a Nintendo game so naturally Sup Forums can't accept it.

I don't think a game has to reinvent the wheel. All a Mario game has to be is interesting, fun and challenging. I mean, they made Galaxy 2 literally just reusing the assets, it's basically a mod, and yet it's one of the best 3D Mario games because it was full of fun ideas and challenges.

Agreed. Maybe the jump mechanics were stinted a little, but mastering them was really satisfying.

Easy is, usually, bad because no effort no fun.

I don't know man I feel like he made a compelling argument for why some categories or some moons are just pointless filler that add nothing/pad game time.
Like the moons you get for talking to people
or the coin plant one
or the letter possession one.

I agree to an extent but I'm biased I don't like open worlds or collectathons.

>has the most options for jump control of any 3D Mario
I hope the next game doesn't drop all the new jumping shit. I guess without Cappy you have to lose the double jump, but the dive has to stay.

It's no masterpiece

He was right that Mario doesn't jump as high or as far, I noticed that right away. But Cappy is great. And the mechanic with possessing enemies is fun. The ONLY thing I wish was at least an option is not slamming and falling when you hit a wall. Like a Hat in Time had a badge that let you just bounce off back into a jump.

Why do you faggots keep shilling your ecelebs? Goddamn I hate neo/v/.

I didn't see the video because fuck it 2 hours long
My main problem is every world feels like a Super Mario 3D World level on big scale, everything is so squared and naigating is a pain, I can only do the same platforming sections 2 times in wooden kingdom before being bored to shit
Worst offenders are Wooden and luncheon, Lake kingdom was the only one which genuinely felt like it could be a SM64 level, again not a bad game but it's just cute compared to 64 Sunshine and Galaxy

I actually really liked Luncheon. Seaside Kingdom too. But maybe because I'm anal and had to explore every crevice searching for purple coins.

Easy moons, like those you get from talking to people. Serve the purpose of making players pay attention to the levels and to view them from all angles.
Or you know, encourage them to and reward them for actually talking to NPCs.

And how is the coin plant one bad in any way? It's one of the more interesting moons in the game and actually rewards players who pay attention to details.

Because you could just spend the same amount in the shop and have 10x the moons

Usually perhaps. But the thing is. A game being easy on the basic level does in no way have to mean there aren't advanced options or methods of playing the game.

Because it's selling too well, and the roaches have nothing to play.

I think Mario games need more high level challenge. One or two levels at the very end really aren't enough. There should be at least a couple of worlds at a high level of challenge.

Maybe people are just coming down off of the GOTYAY hype phase and are just now beginning to properly evaluate the game instead of bandwagoning with anonymous people on a Taiwanese onahole board.

Only to realize that actually trying to discuss the game is still fucking impossible since there so many faggots on here with a mentality that a game is either 10/10 or a fetus with a barbed cock so any actual discussion on what the game does good or could have done better gets drowned out in a endless sea of contrarians, falseflaggers, people who've never even played the game but heard that an somebody made a youtube video complaining about it so lets just parrot what I imagine it said, fanboy shills and people just straight up fishing for (you)s because nobody is actually interested in sharing their opinion without any layer of irony on top of it.

Like I said I'm biased I don't like open world games or collectathons.
If I were you however I'd find it hard to defend holding down coin shoot for two minutes while remaining completely stationary or talking to the taxi people who are seconds from the ship.

Honestly, it was boring and childish, I came away very disappointed.
The overabundance of shit moons devalues the actual good quality moons, it turned a Mario game into a chore and a grind. When I was getting moons to unlock Dark/Darker Side, I got so sick of the same pattern of poor quality moons:
>throw cap at pointy thing
>throw cap at flowers
>ground pound glowing spot
>kick glowing rock
>talk to NPC
>talk to ANOTHER NPC
>plant some seeds
>buy one from the shop
>follow the dog around
>stack some goombas
>wear certain clothes
>break glowing crate
>the note challenges
>two koopa races
It's just straight up boring. "Am I going to get a unique moon this time? Nope, just the same repetitive shit."

Mario's movement options are disappointing; side flip, long jump, spin jump and wall-kick all feel slow, the animation doesn't have a nice 'pop' like in other Mario games. The hat jump trick is neat, but it completely breaks the entire game, none of the levels seem to be designed around your ability to double jump. Although only a few moves are locked behind motion controls it is still unforgivable.
The level design in general is so poor and made up of square level design that your movement options are rarely used to their full extent, there is a reason why everyone recognises Metro Kingdom as the best kingdom, because it is the only one with tight intricate design that allows for the challenge of moving between rooftops whilst also allowing fast vertical movement.
Not a single enemy is challenging and bosses are reused over and over again. Nothing is unique, everything is repeated over and over and OVER. There is only 2-3 fun enemies to control with the hat possession mechanic, everything else feels like it is strongly restricting your movement and isn't fun.

I hope that in a few years people will wake up and notice the fatal flaws with Odyssey. Just like people eventually did with Galaxy's flaws.

It's fucking great

the levels were a step back from sunshine somehow
the only good one was metro

Yes. It's an expensive moon but that doesn't make it bad. It makes it expensive.
It's an interesting moon and the amount of coins needed really just makes it more interesting if anything. Especially since you don't actually know how many coins are needed or what purpose there is to continuing feeding the plant or not. But if you stick to it you are rewarded.
It's a great moon. With half subdued coins stuck into the ground around the flower bud hinting at coins possibly being able to do something. And the coin pouch enemy lurking the woods.
Put two and two together, and follow through with your curiosity. Try it for just a little bit. And you see results! Then it becomes a game of how much you feel like investing in something that is totally unexplored and without precedent.

Underage b&

because this anderson autist is a fucking Soulsfag like you’ve never seen. He compares literally everything to it as its his only frame of reference for fucking anything. He constantly replays the series and gets autistically good at exploiting the ai in pve and suddenly he thinks hes a god damn pro and an expert in understanding game mechanics and design. I’d bet real fucking money he’s never read an actual game design book or mess around in a game engine once in his life.

>or talking to the taxi people who are seconds from the ship.
The taxi moons are simple and non-intrusive. And yet they very easily simply encourage people to actually re-visit old kingdoms and rewards you for doing so. Which is great. Especially since they actually change as you progress.

Does he hate fun?

It's not a reward if you spend way more than what you could you dingus
You'd be right if shops didn't have unlimited moons

>get to Princess Peaches castle in the postgame
>They didn't completely remake the entirety of Super Mario 64 in Odyssey

wtf I hate Nintendo now

Actually, he was pointing out how a lot of these moons weren't even good in the first place.

In short: quantity over quality.


>buying unlimited moons
>at all

Dunno, but thank god I'm never a part of this mysterious 'We'.

Oh yeah because going to Toad to ask where some autistically hidden are just to discover you have not access to them or just go there and ground pound is much more noble

If you simplify anything you can make it sound bad. If you actually had a point, you would provide an actual solution to your criticisms in order to make the game more fun, but since you're so ignorant you just whine. Hold on let me give you a very good criticism of OoT "Er all you do is swing sword all game how boring." I don't care on your thoughts of Odyssey, but the way you criticize is incredibly ignorant.


Lose weight fatty, and maybe the waggle won't bother you so much.

>First party Nintendo game
>Going on sale

Eventually there will be a Nintendo Selection line with older titles for 20 bucks on Switch too

Joseph "Joe" Anderson BTFO

>waiting 3 years to play one of the best 3D platforming games ever made just to save a few bucks
How sad.

The whole premise is user said it's not that good to warrant full price you dingus

Also, (you)

This was great.
In before Joseph shills expect people to watch a 2 hour video, but won't bother reading a one page rebuttal.

Well thought out response

Based Mexican drug lord strikes again.

The dive has existed since 64, newfag

I wonder what he'd think of A Hat in Time?

Do you really think reading it would change people's feelings towards the game?
We are all going to like it just the same, these are all only rationalizations.
I'm somewhat in the middle, since I liked it but not so much as to call it a masterpiece or anything, and Anderson didn't deprive me of the enjoyment, not did this post give me more somehow

It's no masterpiece

I really don't get how the fact that the game can be completed using very simple methods and unchallenging paths, would somehow mean that there is no point in mastering or employing complex methods and challenging paths.
The former does in no way get in the way of the latter. And the former doesn't stop the latter from being rewarding. Just like the latter doesn't obstruct the former.

It's great fun to master Odyssey and your options and the paths you can take only increases exponentially the more you master it.

Hell there are plenty of coins placed on those challenging paths or hard-to-reach places so it's not even like the game doesn't reward you, if it even has to reward you for that.

>the game will be less enjoyable in 3 years

Wow, sounds like a masterpiece.

I'm such a good gamer guys holy shit, most of the moons in this game? Easy!

>joe seriously complains about the wasted FOUR seconds whenever you collect a moon
>then compares them to the green stars from 3D world which have no such thing as if the green stars and moons are identical in function in any way

Jesus Christ is this guy a retard?

>It's not great because you can become an onion. It's great because once you become an onion, you noticed how many possibilities you've just opened up now.
>Look at this wall. If you want to, you can go in the pipe, turn into 8-Bit Mario, goof around in here, jump out the top, or you just go BOPBOPBOP. Hey, get on top just like that.
>Odyssey is always indulging the player to play the game in their own way
I wonder if Joseph ever understood this very core concept of the game. His critique leads me to think otherwise.
And that he for some reason limited himself from doing advanced moves his entire first playthrough just further leaves me questioning whether or not he ever got it or what he ever even wanted in the first place.

Has anybody here even played it ( to completion)? Last time I checked most of Sup Forums is populated by actual BRs, and we all know they don't have the money to buy a Switch or this game for that matter.





when i meant quality over quantity i was referring to Sunshine

I started a completition run after I finished the darker side, but gave up because autistically collecting every moon was just boring

he's so annoying

He's angry solely because you look at the game and it's clearly meant for a new generation to get into Nintendo. The Switch is undoubtedly their biggest console since the Wii, a system that came out over a decade ago.

I got all the 880 moons.
I never bought any of the infinite shop moons though because I can't help but feel like they're cheat moons. I really wish that they were in finite numbers because then I could just get all of them and feel like I completed the game. But since they're infinite and serve as a potential alternative to all the main moons. They just feel like cheat moons to me and I have something of a hard time shaking off that feeling. But I recognize that's more my issue than anything.
I thoroughly loved the game from beginning to end though. And I still have a good time just running through the levels even after completing the game. I really love the game.

>not saying much considering how shit 2017 was though
Are you fucking kidding me? 2017 was one of the best years for vidya in a long fucking time, you plebeian faggot.

of course it's people with no way of playing (i.e. pirating) the game. notice the spike in negative odyssey threads since JA's video dropped? they waited this long for somebody else to shit on the game, so being stuck with cracked, toaster-friendly games wouldn't feel so bad. this is true for any major console-exclusive release; just observe.

>"the things you hate and have a very valid point in making i actually enjoyed!"

I got until 930 moons or so until I said fuck it, some fireworks for 999 moons isn't worth all the grinding.

He clearly didn't. I have never seen a human being as fundamentally uncreative as Joseph Anderson. He will go out of his way to play games in the most boring way possible, ignoring as many mechanics as he can because "I just don't see the point", and then brag about it. Motherfucker couldn't even understand why you would use trains in Factorio.
He plays games like a six year old and then gets upset that it doesn't entertain him.

>>Odyssey is always indulging the player to play the game in their own way
This is how the game is able to appeal to people both appreciative of the easy difficulty and people appreciative of more challenging and involved gameplay.
But Anderson seems to have the impression that the game being easy means it has nothing to offer anyone but children and people new to videogames. But he never elaborates or makes himself clear on this and just leaves it as if it's some natural assumption to make or something.