Blocks your will to play for 2 days

>Blocks your will to play for 2 days


thats precisely where I dropped the game and never went back to it, I liked Deadly Shadows though

can someone please tell me what I was supposed to do here

that level was so painfully long

listen to the great soundtrack in the club room

You can rope-arrow the fuck out of there, I do not remember what else.

It's just such a painfully boring level. Some of the extra missions in Thief Gold just suck really.

>Some of the extra missions in Thief Gold just suck really.

There's only 3 of them, or are you telling me that Mage Towers (which is alright) and Song of the Caverns (which is fucking great) suck?

Mage Towers is too long for its own good. Song of the Caverns is good.

The elemental towers are bit of a drag, but the rest of the level is fine. It's no where near as bad as Thieves Guild, which on top of being a shitty sewer level is unnecessarily convoluted and manages to fuck up the pacing of the story since The Sword is supposed to take place right after Asssassins.

Can you not ctrl alt shift end over them, or whatever the level skip combo was in Thief 1?

I mean, it wouldn't make the missions any better, but it'd be like they weren't there.

Well, you can. But unless you also configurate the .cfg files you'll end up with 0 cash the next mission rendering you at a severe disadvantage

It's okay. Cutty can cover it.

Oh wait.

I just fucking skip that level, first time was enough.

>If the watcher gazes unto the trespasser they shall be destroyed
>Literally just climb up on the statue to get past them

So much for that puzzle.

This and Undercover are both fucking horrendous.

what is with these fucking mazelike levels
first that thieves guild, then the sword, and now i'm in the ruins and i can't piece together how these levels are laid out

Which ruins?
It makes sense in The Sword and Haunted Cathedral (pic related) at least. I think Thieves' Guild just wasn't playtested much.

Reminder that T2 > T1 forever and if you think otherwise you like shitty levels with cool concepts.

This is why Thief 2 is better, one of many reasons atleast.

Thief 1 was a prototype for Thief 2 really.

You probably got to Donal's before getting to Rubin's (or whatever his name is)

Donal's house has the treasure and level exit, but you have to get a key at Rubin's first

That room is an alternate way to get into Donal's from Rubin's, coming in from that sewer pipe and rope arrowing up. If you come in the other way its a pointless room.

Even ex-LGS admit that much. I can appreciate T1's weirdness and experimentation, but T2 is just so solid overall. I love Thieves Guild and Mage Towers though, they're one of the few good levels in my opinion, despite being a bit too long.