He fell for the

He fell for the
>Four isn't best girl
meme. Explain yourselves.

>X is best girl hurr durr

idk what game this is referencing so i can't explain myself

i was born on the 4th of the month though so i like the number


Priscilla is best girl

Yeah but her socks though

Well, One and Zero are pretty damn fine too, my lost brother.

One > Zero > Four > Five > Three >> Two

whats wrong with 3

She's not One, Zero, Four or Five.

Is being a virgin enough to make Four best girl?

She's got a high tier theme music and her outfit makes her best too.

Whores cannot be best anything

Good thing four isn't one of those

what game

>Alright, lads. We only have money to do this boss battle once, we can't redo it. Alright, let's go
>shitty kid comes in and plays with the camera
>Well, let's just play it off as a tough boss battle.

Three is pretty.

>green and brown color scheme

Hell yes. Best color scheme

That shitty kid was Taro.

Four is a smelly virgin and is also a huge jealous bitch.

Four is so cute.


I'd love to seem some remake edition where the combat isn't kinda boring / bad. Maybe also fight the sisters themselves before they summon stuff too.

>Having good and shit taste so you average out
Objective List is Two = One > Zero > Three > Four > Five

>ranking Two and One that highly
I wanna kill and love you at the same time.

>gbf spam account
>message Taro about Four
>he's now a follower of mine

What would having sex with four midway and then revealing to her that you're an elf be like?

She'd orgasm right away.

here's a tip for all the retards that have no fucking clue whatsoever

lurk moar

I agree.

Two was the most uninsteresing. The coolest thing she has going for her is going retarded.

it's from nier automata

Why do I like One so much more than Five? I like long hair and big tiddies.


Can you seriously tell me ONE (1) thing wrong with destroying filthy pirates?

Two > Three > Zero > One > Five > Four

Trivia time! You are wrong.

That's not how you make Four cum. You make Four cum by ambushing her as soon as she arrives home from battle, sweaty and frayed and mentally exhausted from dealing with incompetents and the corrupt. You make her cum by bending her slim frame over the nearest piece of furniture while overriding her protests that she's not presentable by saying that you don't care. You make her cum by ripping both of your clothes off and teasing her about how wet she already is. You make her cum by roughly fucking the stress out of her until she can't form coherent sentences and her cum forms a puddle on the floor.