Resident Evil 4

>Loving the game so far
>Just got past the area after you get captured for the first time.
>Even though I have an upgraded pistol it still takes about 3 headshots to kill
>My normal kill rotatation goes like Headshot > kick > knife slash on ground until dead
>Most areas throw a lot of enemies at you
>Find myself running out of ammo a lot and having to resort to shotgun for emergencies
I'm just wondering if I am not meant to be fighting every enemy. Am I supposed to be running from some fights or something?
Also RE4 general I guess

very good game.

Which pistol, OP, Handgun? You need the exclusive for that one to be really good.

>upgrading the pistol
>not knowing that enemy avoidance and ammo conservation is a massive part of survival horror

You're supposed to kill every enemy unless you know exactly where to go. When there are many enemies just keep head shorting the first and kick him, that will stagger the ones that are behind. Corner yourself and repeat this.

Cant you just knife all the normal zombies?

>ammo conservation
>in RE4

I upgraded the shotgun as well

Not when there's 5 of them coming at you

played it through earlier this week actually
died a total of 40 times during the playthrough, but never really found myself without any ammo, except a tiny bit towards the end.
youre just bad at the game

>not meleeing 90% of the enemies

What RE games have you played before?

5 and 6 only

>died a total of 40 times during the playthrough, but never really found myself without any ammo, except a tiny bit towards the end.
>youre just bad at the game
so are you lmao

u are a faggot

Try REmake and 2 after 4.

never said i wasnt

I've also got remake and zero, just playing 4 first

try not to accidentally die typing or something

too late

That's nice, REmake is great, 0's alright

>Implying you need to like a game to play it
Have you ever watched a movie you didn't like retard?

IMO you should play 0 before REmake, not only is it a prequel but REmake blows even the HD remaster of RE0 out of the water.

>Have you ever watched a movie you didn't like retard
no that sounds like a waste of time, why would I?

>died a total of 40 times during the playthrough

fucking hypocrite

killing enemies more enemies means more drops as long as you dont waste ammo. Simply shoot enemies once on their legs and then suplex them. You'll find yourself getting mroe ammo than consuming it.

Sell TMP ammo because that weapon is shit and stick to 1 handgun like red9 or blacktail and a shotgun like the riotgun

You're supposed to be able to kill everything. If enemies aren't numerous, baiting a slash from them is a vital strategy in my opinion. Just do backsteps when they're preparing their blow. If enemies are ganging up on you, get some breathing time with a roundhouse kick. Remember that you're invicible whenever doing a specific animation.
Don't be too stingy on grenades expect for the flash grenades which will save you a lot in a pinch.

Also, item drop rate goes higher the less you have of that specific item, so if you have no grenades you have a higher chance of dropping them. Same for ammo.
Don't upgrade the starting pistol too much, its max upgrade bonus (all weapons have one) is good on paper (insta kill chance on headshots) but not only is RNG reliant, it's also completely useless against special enemies.

You must be shit
I only remember dying to the 2 claw guys
Everything else you can just run from then magdump into knee or face

While the game throws more ammo at you as you get lower, it's still RNG and you totally can have unreasonable droughts. It helps to use weapons more evenly instead of "saving" up large amounts of one type, and another trick is to upgrade ammo capacity on an empty magazine so it refills it for free. The latter is especially useful for stuff with rarer ammo, like the shotgun early on or the rifle and especially the magnum if you use it. Another thing is that the melee attack after you stagger (headshot or even knee/foot shot) can knockdown entire groups of enemies if they're grouped together, so don't be afraid to punch the one in the front to send them all flying.

Generally people recommend to save money on upgrading weapons until you reach the version of that weapon you actually want to use the rest of the game, though that's kind of difficult to know on your first play-through. I think you get a % of what you spent on a weapon back when you sell it, so there's that too.

Shoot them in the head

When they cover their faces and reel around run up to them and melee them when a button prompt comes up

It does a lot of damage, deals damage in an area of effect, and gives you invincibility frames

It's how you cheese the game and conserve ammo

RE4 ruined the series with its spaghetti arm noodle monsters. Where the fuck are my spooky zombies at

Killing is generally the more suggested option then leaving, it's designed to eat up ammo regardless since there's alot of mandatory enemy fountains. The game won't fuck you out of supplies at any time really. Just be mindful at ammo amount and each guns design choice. Sub machine is good at crowd control, shotgun for close range burst damage, sniper for high damage long range, pistol is pretty well-rounded, and finally magnum for bosses and the strongest enemies.

>My normal kill rotatation goes like Headshot > kick > knife slash on ground until dead
Congratulations on being a tryhard faggot who ruins the fun for himself

Revelations 2 and about 1/3 of RE6.

>been waiting for literal years for the HD mod to be finished

Ashley is a big fat pig. post more pics so I can be disgusted

>This triggers the sperglord


You really don't need to conserve ammo in RE4, at least not on normal. On Professional difficulty I only rand from like two fights, beyond that I still had enough ammo to kill nearly everything.

REmake is the best RE game made, and you still should play through the first RE game after beating REmake.

Only casuals disagree, as the remake changed so much and tweaked puzzles so much that it's pretty much a different game.

Nah, enemies blocking shots is a good mechanic that makes encounters more interesting. RE was never strictly a zombie game, and zombies were never that interesting to deal with.

>I'm just wondering if I am not meant to be fighting every enemy. Am I supposed to be running from some fights or something?
You know the game also gives you other weapons and grenades to use, right? There's even barrels and dynamite sticks to explode and shit like that.

Why is RE4 so fucking good? It's one of the most replayable games available on top of having stellar game design.

You just answered your own question.

Why hasn't CAPCOM done something that good again then? You'd think that it would be easy to capitalize on it, but then they go full retard with RE5 and RE6. 7 is ok, but it's not really made for the same type of player.

And that's not even getting into the discussion over REmake-type Resident Evil games and titles like Dino Crisis.

The first half of 5 was great, and the real time ammo switching and smaller inventory to manage was also great, but goddamn does the game drop in quality hard.

Still, take the first half of 5, add item boxes, add a vendor, expand on that first half of 5 and take out the coop nonsense and you could easily get a game better than RE4.

Capcom just kinda forgot how to make games.

The ps2 version has no ammo for some reason. Maybe it’s true of other versions?

Shot zombies in the knee or feet to make them stumble
kick them
group them and use grenades
Ammo upgrades reload your weapon, upgrade when your weapon is empty (specially useful for the rarest ammo like the magnun)
have fun

I'm playing on the ps4 (digital) version

The game loses a lot of its appeal once you realize how trivial combat is and that you can run past most enemies. If you wanna fight without running out of anmo, knife enemies while they are on the ground.

Great game overall, just feels weird how the first third of the game is just great, particularly the village and than the game takes a steep drop in quality after you leave it. What’s your gunfu? Mines the Striker.

>Sell TMP ammo because that weapon is shit
Suck my fattest ball

They are scared to make another RE game where you can aim while shooting but not move. That was actually a large part of what made RE4 work well as a game. The tank controls help here as well.

Modern game design philosophy calls for all shooter games to play nearly identical to the next. RE4's shooting mechanics is way too unique within gaming today. Something like it coming out today would be seen as risky by the suits.

Blame corporate faggots and casuals for this like always.