Everyones experience of the 16 Pounder

Everyones experience of the 16 Pounder
For this is a Darkest Dungeon thread

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my kind of bread

Favourite songs of adventurers: the 2nd edition
Bounty Hunter
Grave Robber:

Are you 14?

should darkest dungeon have mimics?
no, are you?

I'm on week 14 and I've only beaten the very first boss, the Collector and the Shambler. I've sent a suicide squad to the Hag's dungeon without supplies to scout her and not only I managed to clear the whole dungeon, but I only lost one of the poor fools to the pot when I retreated with over 26k gold in valuables/trinkets.
Am I playing too carefully? Should I just go in with my mark team and bash her skull in?

There's a mod for that.

What's the background on firearms being mostly a brigand weapon? Did they overrun the weapons factory?

>I'm on week 14 and I've only beaten the very first boss, the Collector and the Shambler.
>and the Shambler
kudos, you are bretty gud
>should I just kill her
yeah, in about 3 rounds if you get good crits while nuking her with all you got

I only allow skin mods in my DD
ancestor only gave them to his private militia and they became brigands

>week 14
>only 1 boss
Literally how the fuck is this possible. The absolute most it can take to unlock a boss is 4 weeks, assuming you do ONLY short dungeons. Week 14 means that you've had roughly 12 weeks outside of tutorial shit to do missions. So unless you literally did ONLY short missions, and spread it out between all areas, you have to have unlocked a boss and are aggressively avoiding doing them. Which makes you a pansy and I am ashamed of you, Shambler and Collector are arguably more difficult than half the bosses at novice difficulty.

Because Brigands are the only humans. Cultists, the only other humans, prefer magic or sanity attacks. Skelebros are too flimsy and stupid for that shit except super select, specialized ones. Fishpeople are fishpeople who don't have technology, swine can't even wipe themselves let alone operate complex machinery, and the shit in the weald is literally just mobile fungus or dogs. Oh and Crimson Court guys can give you aids just by biting you, so no reason to use weapons.

>tfw like half my roster is level 5-6 but I don't have nearly enough money to upgrade all their shit
I thought the bank was supposed to help with this.

are you stressed already?

take antiquarian on long something, stop using Sanitarium for a while

I've been mostly doing short/medium missions with antiquarian to hoard some money and trinkets since I'm a bit autistic about spending money when I don't have a huge safety net. I have around 80k gold right now. The funny thing is that I beat the Shambler with a ragtag team of level 0/1 recruits to without trinkets.

Takes time and means you can't spend shit. Grab an aunty and do a medium no-light novice dungeon, you'll come out with 25-30k and add that to your bank. Do that 3 or so weeks in a row, and that's 100,000 or so. 5% is 5000, so you'll be making 5000 a week to spend on your guys. Or you could just repeatedly farm with novice guys till you have closer to 500,000 and therefore be making 25,000 a week for upgrades and shit.

so you are just extremely lucky

Bosses unlock as you level up locations, if you want a certain boss to show up just keep grinding that location until it happens

80k as a safety net for fucking novice is insanity. Doing full light, no farming, no anti runs will still keep you in a 50,000 gold safety net provided you just lock talents rarely and make sure to only upgrade the guys you are about to run with.

Reading comprehension, user, I am clearly aware of that. I am asking how it is possible for user to have NOT unlocked bosses at week 12. It isn't, he has to have, and is just avoiding them like an idiot.

Any release date yet? Fuck, i'm so excited for this
On a sidenote, I leveled up all of my guys to 5 but lost a healer and now i only have 3, can i beat dd4 without a dedicated healer?

>can i beat dd4 without a dedicated healer?

Sorry man, i just woke up and english is not my first language. I assume bad luck?

I was just extra careful. I cleared the whole dungeon before triggering it and camped right before the altar. I was running Occ/HWM/MAA/Flag and I camp buffed/holy water'd all of them.
I told you I'm autistic like that with money in vidya.
I take a lot of prep time before doing shit, I'm sorry.

seems like almost all character comics are up

user, seriously, just ask Sup Forums for basic info on bosses so you don't have to waste time scouting, that shits painful. None of the bosses are a serious threat till Champion, Shambler is literally far more dangerous than most bosses with proper composition

Necro; be ready to nuke front ranks,
but put strong focus on Necro himself.
Will drop in 2-4 turns, who cares.
Prophet; take all characters who can hit back row, either bring a healer to mitigate damage or characters who can nerf/buff to invalidate his damage.
Hag; bring a mark party who can hit back row, ignore pot, you'll be fighting 3v1 because of pot so bring the heaviest damage dealers you have.
Big Gun; Bring 2 characters who can hit all ranks, kill the matchman before the canon fires and a healer. Endurance fight,
whittle down boss while healing own team.
Siren; bring Anti and holy water,
buff the rest of the party and let the siren seduce your anti for no fucks given while you rape her face.
Crew; bring a Leper and strong damage, crew has no prot so blow them the fuck up. Prioritize anchorman to prevent heals when he grabs someone.
Swine King; mark party or heavy damage, just blow him the fuck up and spotheal as needed, ignore wilbur till King is dead.
Flesh; bring as many scoobs as possible and hound harry the fuck into oblivion,
or any mark/bleed party to blow it up.
Literally all the base bosses. Darkest Dungeon, fine, you're supposed to die and fuck up on those, but the basic bosses? Easy as shit.

we all know it and it is all fine and dandy until you get CRITted

Are the shield breaker's dreams random? I know they're supposed to go away if you finish them all and I'm pretty sure I haven't yet she won't have any more. Maybe it's a resolve level thing?

call me when vestal finally releases

we know some stuff from Afflicted/Virtuous quotes and her item set: she was taken into convent when she was little

For the swine king an arbalest to remove marks is effective. It'll at least mitigate some damage.

>Skelebros are too flimsy and stupid for that shit
fuck you come say that to my face

Double abominations is comfy, really lets you fuck shambler up anyway.
>tfw got the shittiest ancestor's trinket from beating it

pic related rattly fucker
>double anything

what are your favorite team comps for each dungeon?

>every character comic is a tragic backstory
>Bounty Hunter's comic is just him doing his job

Can someone post the up to date guide.

what is this?

But user, where's the fun in getting spoiled? Isn't half the fun of the game powering through adversity? I could read those spoilers, but what would be the point in playing, then?

Teaser for the new DLC.

It'll adapt "The color out of space"

>he doesn't go double Occ to turn Prophet into a joke

>he doesn't go quadruple antiquarian


Today I learned marking parties aren't very good against unstable flesh because the game just LOVES shifting the one part you marked into an 80% PROT ribcage

>tfw only just now remember I was using a shield breaker that could have hit straight through that shit but I was using her impale instead
Well, at least no one died.

pls friends

>Started a new file
>Doing Warrens for the first time while also leveling up new recruits
>Party consisted of Shieldbreaker, Man at Arms, Occultist, and Jester
>Immediately from the get go the party gets greeted by 4 rabid dogs
>"It's fine, everyone's at full health. What's the worst that could hap-"
>They all immediately rush straight for SB
>In a single turn she have contracted two diseases and one of them decreases her bleed resist by -75%
>"Save her Occultist!"
>A whoopin 1 heal
>Of course, with an extra bleed added to the already high stack from the AIDS dogs

muh dick

>Open up a fancy looking chest with a shovel
>50 golds inside

Ez, Bounty Hunter was able to kill the matchman in one hit Everytime and when the Pounder was only called matchmen

Who is the best hero, and why is it Highwayman?

>tfw having a hero with compulsive

How repetitive does this game get? I was thinking of buying it, but I have a somewhat low tolerance for repetition in games.

any perks that make characters interact with curios or god forbid steal the loot get priority for removal in the asylum, even if they are reinforced.

depends on you as a player, but it can get pretty repetitive in the mid game. It's not a game I play for hours without stopping, usually do a few dungeons per day.

>I have a somewhat low tolerance for repetition in games
Then definitely don't get this game. You are going to be spending time seeing the same locations over again and again.

It used to be bearable before they removed the "bug" that let you quickly use supplies to make automatic interactions safe.

You actually have to fight the same bosses 3 times and harder every time (except crimson court, which has unique ones).

now give souce

>no shieldbreaker
no source


I'm running Vestal, Jester, Highwayman, and Hellion doing the sonorous prophet when I came across a shambler summoner and my team is all level 3. Should I do it?

after prophet but yes

>using pay2win classes

thanks good user

The Flag is the P2W class. Shield Breaker is mid to high mid tier in comparison to the rest of the classes.

pay to win or not, the guide ain't complete

>The Flag is the P2W class
welp, but it comes with entire dungeon with 3 bosses, new mechanics and a lot of new shit so I will allow it

>it's up on eShop

I'm really tempted. Vita version was cool, but the text was WAY too fucking small. Seems the switch version is a bit better in that regard.

>It'll adapt "The color out of space"
no way
I didn't enjoy darkest dungeon but this is my favorite tale, i'll have to give it a go

from what we know so far:
>meteorite falls into old mill
>mutates people
>everybody wants to get it
>also probably infinite dungeon or sth (race through space and time)

It looks pretty damn good

eh, Crimson Court looked better

is vestal jester hwm and maa a good party for shuffling horror? if not what are some good parties for dd1?

I beat it yesterday with Death Sentence
you will be fine too

Who's the guy in the throne supposed to be?


chris loves that guy


Kinda looks like reynauld in his comics

not at all, wash your eyes

>putting soap in your eyes
No wonder you see dismas user.

>mfw i just noticed highwayman(?) has like 5 or 6 belts on

I love him too, he's badass.

>Take my only Bounty Hunter, a level 6 based hero, in a quest to kill the Brigand Pounder
>Occ, GR, HM and BH
>Walk into the first room
>Battle against Tree cunt and Hag's daughter
>Houndmaster MISSES every fucking attack on the slut
>One attack will kill her but BH is in death's row and Occ is last before Tree fucker
>HM's turn
>He misses
>BH gets killed by the bitch
>Abandon quest

Never again i will take that fucking dog loser.

>using soap when you wash
he likes belts, better than being abomination or have leprosy
serves you right for not debuffing with your Occ

>he doesnt use liquid soap on his face so he feels his face fresh like a witches cunt and smelling like a warm summer field

>so he feels his face fresh like a witches cunt
Cult of Iron pls leave


Serves me right for betting everything on a houndmaster. Next time I'll take two grave robbers.

what the fuck
I gonna go pour myself a drink, you stressed me

I have no idea how it happened still but I once got stupidly lucky while fighting the 8 pounder. I missed the match man at one point but then when his turn actually came around instead of lighting the cannon he actually just used his shitty melee attack.

>instead of lighting the cannon he actually just used his shitty melee attack.
should not happen
do you have any mods?

How is the switch version? I have the game on pc but i cant bother sitting in my computer after work.

Wondering if i should give it a chance on portable, i did enjoyed the little i played.

Just skins.

no idea but should be ok, it is the same game after all
little letters may be issue until you learn them all anyhow
weird AF, he should fire it and if you were lucky pounder would MISSFIRE or BOOM will be dodged

serves you right for not bringing the best duo.

I had the best luck ever. Missed the match man at one point also, no idea what I was doing. Cannon loaded, I was thinking oh shit, this is it. All four heroes dodged the cannon shot.

Im actually about to face the last 16 pounder boss and im hesitant as fuck because I dont know whats a good team comp