What are some Sup Forums-approved gaming laptops?
What are some Sup Forums-approved gaming laptops?
>gaming laptops
>gaming laptops
Don't exist
There are none
It's funny how the collective Sup Forums autism flares up every time someone creates a laptop thread.
That's true but so are laptops being anal cancer for gaming.
>gaming on a laptop
gee i sure love my portable jet engine
With current RAM and GPU prices, laptops aren't really THAT overpriced. Of course you need to factor in that you're getting a monitor with it too.
Toshiba Satellite
Im thinking of getting a dell xps15. The only pc games I care about are the total war series.
I have an msi ge73vr 7rf. It's slim, the gtx 1070 is a beast and the temps are good for a laptop.
>tfw got a g-sync 1060 laptop that cost less than a desktop with the same parts and a g-sync monitor
lmao, the inflated component prices have made laptops viable
It's because most gaming laptops now are better than their desktops and they are absolutely SEETHING
Any idea where to pick up a decent laptop for just work?
I literally just want something i can use to type when i'm communting or just not on my gaming pc due to distractions
>ugly bezels
>rgb keyboard
>ugly bezels
So? It's not like they affect the display. It's a good 1080p screen with 120hz refresh rate.
>rgb keyboard
Can be turned off.
Does the msi design bureau consist entirely of thirteen year olds? They are fucking incapable of building a laptop that doesnt look like a complete embarrassment
Anything with a 1050ti. If you want a 1060, fine, but i really think if you want that or anythubg higher, you shouldn't be getting a laptop. I have a 400 dollar laptop from 2014 and i can play l4d on low and just about any game from the early 2007s just fine, and that makes me happy. Gaming laptops then were crazy expensive and basically a waste of money, but now they seem almost viable as a main game machine. Again, 1050ti is enough to run modern games on lowish and it does older games very well. Even accounting for the laptop card being slightly slower, it should still do enough to impress.
Could be worse
In all honesty I will be travelling for a few months. Is there any good gaming laptops? I hate how they are all 60 hz
I guess its the same for all „gaming focused“ pc products. The only gaming laptop that doesnt look like its a prop from shadow the hedgehog is the razer blade and even that thing has the giant glowing fugly razer logo on the back.
There are good 120hz laptops, but they start around $1700.
How much was it?
Prices of electronics vary based on country. You should check online or ask an msi dealer.
I got one of these.
It wasn't Bought strictly for gaming, it was for other shit but I had read that it handled games pretty well.
It actually handles games better then I thought, though I don't use it to play much.
Have been using it for the Sea of Thieves alphas though.
Also Spiderman had it apparently, so thats cool, I guess...
That's a steal from my point of view. I paid about ~3000 usd for it because electronic goods are pretty expensive here.
I don't get it what's so special about thinkpads.
>bulky and heavy
>poor specs
>sometimes doesn't even have a 1080p screen
>generally just ugly
>expensive as fuck
Fuck. What country are you in?