
>finish battle in 0 seconds
>rank is only 9


Other urls found in this thread:

idk. had the same LOL

Because time can only get you so far. You need double/triple deletion to get S. And you cant move too much or you'll lose score

Where can i find IceSword S? Wanna do the PA with the Element Swords

Undernet mystery data

You can get all 3 elemental swords from green mystery data in Undernet 2, use an anti-virus and save infront of one and reset until you get what you want.

well, he took 0 seconds, i doubt he moved much, but as you said, needs double/triple deletion for S rank, easier to get if you do it with buster too

That's something I can see getting patched out. Most BN games determined the mystery data contents when you jacked in.

Ty. Gonna try AntiVirusing the Undernet.

I tried to make an Element Diagram/Wheel, but it looks shitty and i hard to memorize. Anyone got a better solution?

Touhou Reimu would nuked the fuck outta mokou for this.

Shut the fuck up, retard

I just beat the demo but all the navis are now stuck in their V2, what i do?

You can increase their level by going into the bottom left portal in Shanghai's room.

i did that, but they went from v2 to fucking SP.

No need for diagrams though. The elements are easy to memorise because they make logical sense.

You have the original Fire>Leaf>Elec>Water>Fire loop which is self-explanatory. Then there's only 2 new elements to take into account.

Poison infects Leaf and Water
Poison gets vaporized by Fire and Elec

Earth grounds elec and suffocates fire
Earth gets rooted by plantlife and eroded by water

then turning it back to zero fixed it and navis are v3 again.

>MFW i finished the demo
No! i can't wait 2 years!

How complete is this game?

Not enough

Fuck, I just want my battle network games back. Fucking Star Force gameplay ruined the series.

Not enough fap materials, so not complete enough.

How the fuck do I get to the undernet? I have been searching Eien area 1 and 2 for the path to Eien 3 to get to Undernet but I am apparently too retarded to find it. Can anyone help please?

if you guys are curious, here is the sprite artist Twitter
Is full stuff that may or may not be in the full game.

To be fair, even if the gameplay in BN was good, sales declined with each installment. It was inevitable. Star Force has nothing to do with BN's end.

>starforce ruined the series
Nigga, i will fucking danmaku you.

Battle Network that itself on 4, you can't blame SF for that.

there are maps on the google docs

>no Gregar

As Gospel is already a bugged gregar, having two of the same species virus would be lame.

Will Youmu be in the full game? her swords being chips give me hope, but that would mean she is a navi, which means no interactions with Reisen.

would you mind linking the google docs please

a+ translation

Of course, and she'll even have a pa almost certainly

>undernet square's board
>someone talks about dark aura but text says "aera"
>next post is someone calling that user out for it's typo

good, but not direct interactions with reisen suck

What's this game's supremely ultimateness challenge?

thanks senpai

SP5 navi gauntlet

The problem to me is that SF was too different gameplay wise.

even if mmbn6 gave closure to lan megaman and co.
let us have a new character/make our own and the ability to use custom navis
mmbn gameplay is still something worth doing

I thought 3 was pretty good just because it managed to make the game hard enough and in the post game exceedingly hard, and brought back PAs and beastouts well.

Starforce 3 was better than any BN game
I fucking love BN and hated Starfoce until that game came. It's that good. Noise was fucking amazing and literally saved the series.

And then Capcom fucking killed Megaman.

>cue mmbn gachashit mobage
I'd still be down with that, though

Starforce 3 may be better, but SF2 has better boss music.
If you disagree then Raiko will have a word with you.

How does crimson noise work? Is it just literally a completely random chip or what?

Random chip, but could be anything, S rank a navi for even more rare randoms, include Illegal chips (is the only way to get them, too).

Here I made this for you. It's impossible to do on a 2D plane without making it a mess so you have to imagine in it 3D.

I haven't played Star Force, what's the gameplay there

You're limited to a 1x3 area of movement.

Also you have a shield and can use every chip as if it were stepsword

that'll be battle chip challenge

plays like game & watch

huh, so that's why one of the bonus starforce addons in shanghai limits your starting area size

>that'll be battle chip challenge
exactly what I meant. a new mmbcc mobage would be neat.

actually no, is because a negative addon, but as far as the demo goes, that addone is neccesary to equip the starforce addons or at least for both at the same time.

someone knows the origina of the music in the donaton box's comp? i am sure is a touhou theme but i am not sure which one is, just that is of reimu.

Also if you equip all three the field becomes a star force field

well i just meant that's probably why it's included with the other star force addons

so basically smaller than BN?

watch vid

I've been S ranking medicine trying to get illegal battlechips but all I got are shitty low level chips. What am I doing wrong?


Also, chip codes don't exist, the custom screen is 3x2 grid and you can pick all chips in one row or one column, except if they have the same name/are a power+10 chip etc

ok, but that is a remix, which was the original?

i equipped the three and the field didn't change. but i realized this why that slow bar chip exists, to use better the starforce abilities.

which is more bitch? PC-98 Reimu or Windows Reimu?

>find blue mystery code in the donation's box
>MFW i realized i am literally stealing donations
The miko bitch can't stop me!

Are there any other chip traders?

beat the demo and one 10 chips trader will appear in the secret area.

Only 3 and 10

Are chip traders any good at all?

S ranking medicine with crimson noise is better, but if you fail that, you can use all the extra medicine chips you will get for the 10 trader.

just bad luck, keep trying
>MFW i got two style changes bullying medicine

you can buy recov20 from the nearby table for 100z each (3000z for a 10 roll, which you can get real easy by doing bounties), and you can get better chips earlier than the storyline allows you to. of course if you're already past the story or can bully navis easy it's kinda useless.

What order is the Zero PA? I've tried all the combinations of Saber, Rod and Knuckle but it doesn't seem to work.

is not confirmed if there is a zero PA, but if it does, it will need a dark chip...which is no aviable in the current demo.sportif road

>sportif road
so is that the chip name or did you accidentally type the captcha in your post

the latter.

I was sure i posted this pic with my post.

Hello everyone.


increase difficulty

Is this game good if I really like Battle Network but know next to nothing about Touhou?

Yes, only the characters are touhou

Busting Level Scoring: Within 2 steps of movement (+1 point), counters (+1 point up to 3), multi-delete (+2 for doub., +4 for trip.)
More busting level scoring: Flinches: (0: +1; 1: 0; 2: -1; 3: -2; 4 or more: -3). Virus deletion timing: (Less than 5 seconds: +7; 6-12: +6; 13-36: +5; 37 or more: +4)
More busting level scoring: Navi deletion timing: (Less than 30 seconds: +10; 31-40: +8; 41-50: +6; 51 or more: +4)

He’s absolutely right. How is going from 9 panels of movement to 3 anything but a downgrade?

yes, i am sure most of the anons playing it doesn't know a shit about 2hu. You will miss some jokes and refrences, though.

Ok, I’m onboard
Where do I get it?


Also Raiko a shit.

dude, i said "boss music", final boss music is other thing and of course SF3 beats it.
>MFW i miss raikoanon
He was a bro.

>Tried downloading game
>My fucking anti-virus goes off

No thanks guys.

After much grinding, I made an X folder. It's really good and versatile, got me through the EX5 virus gauntlet easy.

>this bait

Jesus Christ, how did you get those X chips? Med bullying?

but did it walk you through on how to do virus busting though

just send your netnavi in after them you newfag

>he probably has an alphabet soup folder

Thanks mate

holy shit, how much you abused of medicine?