Is this one of the greatest games ever made?
Is this one of the greatest games ever made?
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Definitely one of the most influential
it was cooler than keeping my baseball scholarship so yeah
Yes, and it kills me to read on the forums that there's a minority that seems to be turning into a majority that want class balancing so certain specs fit high end content, new boss/raid mechanics etc. If this is implemented, classic will flop.
hopefully blizzard wont do that,if you roll a druid you go heal fucking retard,feral tanks lmao
starting as a nelf and hearing that music with the sheer scope of the game and how magical everything felt, something I'll never forget and possibly the best gaming experience of my life
it's definitely not that good anymore though and you can't get the feelings back
Beartanks are decent for offtanking, and cats are alright DPS if you get the wolfheart helm or whatever it was. You aren't the best at your role but you aren't garbage like people once thought.
It killed the MMO genre literally. Every dev/publisher didn't want to take chances at new ideas, they wanted WoWs normie audience and easy money structure. It also made bad MMO game design choices a staple in the genre which ruined it further.
No, MMOs are a waste of time and objectively aren't fun.
From what Blizzard have been saying it seems highly unlikely they're going to be doing anything like that thankfully.
>It killed the genre
>Because no one had the balls to go against it
Sounds like their problem to me
When experienced as early teenager this game was like door to Narnia for me, it felt amazing
I tried playing it again after seven years and really, it is not the same
>giving low dps specs a 5% increase will kill classic
>we're here to celebrate bad design and not the actual important parts of classic that were good design
yea, nah
I'd say yes to class changes if I didn't know for a fact that modern blizz would actively fuck it up like they do in retail
Many MMOs tried to be original (city of heroes) but they failed because the MMO audience wanted to play WoW and WoW clones instead. WoW is the reason why sandbox MMOs are extinct.
It literally did kill the genre though. Every MMO that comes out includes a dungeon finder or cross server instancing. This is all thanks to WoW
God I'm so hyped bros. Vanilla is the only thing that brings back the magic and wonder of my youth. Is there any chance it gets released this year? I'm tired of wasting time on private servers.
It will release on November
What's there to be nostalgic about modern vanilla? The game will obviously not be vanilla 1:1 because they will most definitely listen to player feedback from normies on their forums.
I used to be able to spend hours just wandering the maps and collecting materials on my huge and noisy low res monitor listening to the musics of the game completely focused on everything the world had to offer
Now I half-ass everything because Im constantly browsing stupid shit on my second monitor, every sound is muted because Im listening to some dumb lore shit on youtube that I dont even actually listen attentively and I speedrush all I possibly can because everything seems tedious
Wish I could just reset my shitty life desu
>play Diablo 2 a lot
>love the social aspect, love the grind, love the various character builds
>play WoW
>enjoy it for a while because my friends played it
>when they flaked out, I realized the game just feels really fucking slow
>in Diablo or other aRPGs, I am constantly involved because I have to manage my footwork carefully and I often have to achieve good positioning and figure out what the random unique monster has for special abilities and enchants, so that I don't get BTFO'd; also, characters feel mobile
>in WoW, I charge at a mob, spam a 1-2 button rotation (it's especially egregious while levelling, particularly on more straightforward characters like Paladins) and it dies slowly
>walking around the world is slow
>grind is slow
>everything is so fucking slow
>still play D2, even just for Single Player
>WoW puts me to sleep every time
>did some raiding on a friend's account back in WotLK as a tank, normally really enjoying heavy CC bruisers in games
>one-button rotation and basically just looking at your stats from one static, fixed, optimal position
>when you die, it's often not because you blew a vital defensive cooldown, it's because DPS #12 did a retarded misstep and walked into some random black tar pit that causes the boss to heal for 300% the damage of the thing you just stepped on, or because your Healer ran out of mana
>in-game voice communication is mandatory in a raid, but everyone's painfully tryhard and you have to mute all the other sounds to hear the raid leader breathe heavily into his mic and people exasperatedly saying "fuck this raid, fuck this trash"
>you spend 6 hours on this at a time.
Maybe I failed to get the right class for myself, but I just prefer aRPGs because they have a more hands-on gameplay approach, at least in PvE. Never played PvP, but I don't doubt it takes a lot of skill from what my friends told me.
WoW pvp for many years was just mainly whoever grinded the most gear and played the most broken spec at the time of the patch. Nothing skillful about a epic geared shaman one shotting a hunter in greens.
Classic will either be out Q2 2018 or late 2019
they either release it before BFA to keep subs high for legion content drought or do the same thing for BFA drought
It won't be the same. People have changed.
War never changes.
but he just said he plays the game on private servers and enjoys it
learn to read you fucking retard
>Spriest, kitty, assassin rogue still eats up too many debuff spots
>Lazerchikin and ele shaman still have a rotation of spell 1, spell 1, spell 1, /dance for 2 minutes for mana regen, repeat
>BM/Demo still have threat issues that get worse with a blanket 5% dps increase
Blizzard would need to fix a ton of interconnected things to balance these classes for pve content. I would rather have the imbalance we had then over the actiblizz balance we have now.
retail vanilla in 2018+ won't be the same as vanilla in 2004. game mechanics will change based on player feedback from the official forums, the audience playing WoW these days are all normies with jobs that can't afford to play hours per day, and all the sense of exploration and wonder is gone because everything has been datamined to hell and back and documented for 10+ years.
>sit and eat/drink before EVERY PULL IN THE GAME
most obvious time wasting mechanic ever to get players to waste their subscription money
>and all the sense of exploration and wonder is gone because everything has been datamined to hell and back and documented for 10+ years.
oh please, shit in WoW got datamined and documented in so fast that fucking open sourced MMOs would've fucking weeped because even they held onto secrets for longer.
Already been confirmed 'vanilla is vanilla' barring backend things like server structure and hardware.
>and all the sense of exploration and wonder is gone
In one hand I am glad I was here to live it
In the other you dont miss what you dont know
>waah i have to eat food/drink occasionally
Either you played a warrior or you're awful.
there's no source saying that blizzard will keep vanilla exactly as it was game balance/design wise.
I dont think i ever played without thotbot open in the background once i found it in ~2005.
try every fucking pull. every dungeon someone has to stop and eat/drink before every pull because HP/MP regen was god awful. 30 seconds to fully mana up times how many fucking pulls in a dungeon = so much time wasted just by sitting on your ass waiting.
I remember it took like 2 and a half hours to clear deadmines because of all the eating/drinking and waiting for people to arrive to the instance since summon stones didn't work.
clips dot twitch dot tv slash SingleOddDiscBleedPurple
>mana spring
>mana efficiency
It's not the game's fault your party doesn't know how to manage their resources.
alliance doesn't have shamans
potions are for emergencies unless you like pissing away money
mana efficiency is a fucking joke in vanilla
It's not a joke, you mongrel. You specifically retain access to lower rank spells for a reason. Don't have enough mana or sustain? Use a lower rank and conserve mana. Must be a hard concept, I know.
And how many times did you run deadmines? Vanilla if you did a dungeon before 55 it was because you had 3 quests in there. They were shit for xp and barring a few memorable items (mostly in scarlet monastery) you replaced the gear within an hour of getting it. I remember spending 4 hours doing a full clear of BRD with a 5 man that was woefully unprepared for BRD after the grim guzzler. We all took screenshots on the throne at the end.
>this is considered good videogame design
now you understand why dungeons like deadmines take 2-3 hours to clear for a average level group. not because the dungeon or mechanics are hard, but because more than half the time you're drinking/eating or using low rank spells with low as shit potency.
It was definietly one of the best life experience I ever had. Sadly no games today come close to the experience and fun I had in this game, and no I don't want to play Vanilla again it's been many years and whatever blizz shits out It won't be that good.
>managing a resource is bad
>spamming spells with abandon is good
Retail is that way, cyan doggo.
that doesn't confirm that they will be keeping all of vanillas class balance. they gave a generic PR answer saying "we know you like vanilla but we don't know what version of vanilla it will be"
So you just spammed low level spells that didn't consume much mana, how is this good design?
this is not just deadmines, this is every dungeon. they take forever not because they're hard but because of the shitty game design mechanic that is spamming low rank spells and non existent hp/mana regen.
At the risk of disappointing myself I'm going to hold on to the belief that they won't sabotage their own classic server to appeal to people when many of those supposedly 'bad' specs were perfectly fine, if niche, and specs thought to be bad were fine with effort.
Reality is going to crash on you hard when you wake up and realize that Activision-Blizzard are the ones redoing Vanilla, not original Blizzard.
>People excited to play a 10+ years old game that has been datamined the shit out, you can min/max certain class and beat everyone, some talent trees are straight useless, leveling isn't hard but grindy, dungeons and raid isn't hard but just grinding.
It's over move on lads.
and what is vanilla? is it 1.1? 1.12? somewhere in between? why is your opinion the correct answer?
If you accept any patch beyond 1.1, you tacitly accept changes to the 'vanilla' experience, so why not new changes?
Just because you're a dead, pathetic husk doesn't mean we all are. He plays vanilla and still loves it; plenty of people do. Classic Wow didn't change, you changed, into a hopeless loser.
Enjoy your movie games scumfuck.
>leveling isn't hard
I still remember these Redridge quests with the elite orcs
>hopeless loser
>doesn't play a 10+ yrs old game
which one then?
you're so dumb you didn't even read the post. classic wow done by modern blizzard won't be the same as wow from 2004 or even private servers.
you can make certain changes while keeping the classic core nature intact, Holy paladin being buffer bots is not fun and wasn't something you wanted in the game
I myself want a progressive server but I know that my opinion is not a unanimous one.
How was it hard? Yeah because you wasn't prepeared, but since everything is in a guided form now it's shit. Everything is written down and guided so there is no challange. Class balance is straight shit. Rogue can straight 1 hit most classes without them moving a single step. No one will bring shadowpriests to raid 90% of raids etc etc. game is just trash.
samefag here
Then again nu-blizz won't change a single thing because there would be mass outrage. The change will be only graphical overhaul to current one.
>No one will bring shadowpriests to raid 90% of raids etc et
Barely anyone did back in the day either to be fair
>people still don't understand that classic vanilla was good because due to community, experiencing a new world from a highly anticipated franchise, knowledge about the game was hard to acquire and everything was shrouded in mystery
classic wow was trash in it's class design, quest system, loot, group, raid, pvp... etc, and it wasn't hard, it was the casual mmo of it's time, lmao
>If you accept any patch beyond 1.1, you tacitly accept changes to the 'vanilla' experience, so why not new changes?
Obviously because patch 1.0 - 1.12 was the real game. Adding any quality of life, or content beyond the original game would make it a different game altogether.
>Shit gameplay.
>Invented lootboxes.
>Popularized physical DLC.
>Helped popularize selling storefront cosemetics.
>Helped popularize "paying for server access."
>Prioritized shitty skinnerbox grinding and vanity rewards while maintaining abysmally bad gameplay.
>People that obsessed over vanilla have such bad Stockholm Syndrome they're going to buy a duplicate of the game they already own on the same platform for the world's first ever Double Don Epstein.
the thing that pisses me off the most is that lots of people think vanilla WoW was hard when it was far from it. it was just really tedious and a big waste of time. You can justify playing vanilla WoW for free on a private server, but paying a monthly sub fee in 2018 for this tedious shit is the breaking point.
among most influencial for sure
greatest I have my doubts about that.
what modern mmos get wrong is the challenge during leveling ffxiv is so easy it is just boring
> it was just really tedious and a big waste of time.
perfect for autistic people (repetitive tasks please them) and also for NEETs.
>what modern mmos get wrong is the challenge during leveling ffxiv is so easy it is just boring
they fixing that problem in WoW next patch apparently
I wouldnt mind even 15 or 20 minutes off of the hearthstone but i guess even that is too streamlined
But surely all specs should have a place in high-level "content?" I fucking hate that word. Nobody even blinks when consumers use a cold business meeting term like that to describe their pastime
Looking back, many of the mechanics were clunky and ill conceived, like ranged combat (can't reliably kill things from ledges half the time, guns taking forever to kill things with in spite of hunter's main game being all about DPS), being unable to fight from a mount, all those platforming sections from Cataclysm onward trying to make use of jumping even though jump was originally added as an afterthought, and even most of the RPG mechanics feeling pretty tacked on as there was usually only a single right way to do a specific build and a bunch of items were useless as a result (looking at you, Dark Iron Rifle), and languages ended up being pointless and the language barrier existing in the first place because Forsaken players were saying rude things was a stupid decision that should have been rectified but wasn't until BoA where everyone has stopped caring.
From that perspective, it's pretty clear that WoW began life gradually evolving from the the proto-Moba style gameplay of DoTA and TFT's Horde campaign (being built off the WCIII engine), but this also meant it saw things from a perspective completely outside of every other MMO at the time and carried none of the baggage of previous games in the genera allowing it to work under its own assumptions. Bliz designed WoW as a multi-player version of the hero-intensive WCIII campaigns, redesigning the dynamic so each player represented a "unit", and in that regard they did wonderfully as they knew how to handle that sort of gameplay and make it interesting where everyone before just threw damage sponges at things, and they got better down the line when they upped damage around WoTLK so shooting people a couple of times actually killed them and combat was quick and lethal.
Of course, one thing I always felt that was wrong with WoW was how insistent it was on staying on script when all of its best moments like Leeroy Jenkins, Corrupted Blood, and Jax's parade which got referenced later happened without it.
probably best game ever made. actually makes you feel immersed in another world for the duration of playing it. until cata that is. MoP was good. WoD was dogshit and Legion is even worse
Everquest > WoW
The game that made it socially acceptable to talk about games without sounding like a fucking nerd.
And another thing that got worse as more expansions came through, taking the player=unit symboligy from the RTS games and taking it too far, to the point that every character of a specific spec uses the same equipment in essence making all endgame players identical clones of each other: all arcane mages play the same, all survival hunters wear the same uniform, and transmog won't mask the fact that the endgoal of the game is to gear up to become a generic unit, and anything less than that just means you're a worst version of said ideal unit. Things that should matter and radically alter how you function as a class like Engineering are nerfed (this especially hurt me since they made you do this long-ass quest chain that could take a month if you were unlucky with drops just to get the ability to pilot a suit of steam armour that in essence turns you into another class: but you can't PVP OR RAID WITH IT, making it nothing more than a toy to faceroll the already gimped OW mobs with.)
Which they are so they don't get in the way of you being a cookie cutter, and I feel it ends up hurting the roleplaying aspect since the later expansions pidgeonhole each class spec into being a specific archetype without any regards to their race, faction, profession, or anything on their end. Modern WoW PCs are heroes and certainly not the faceless nobodies of Vanilla, but their actual character was stripped in the process so they could fill a pre-defined position in the clusterfuch that is Warcrat's "storyline". That all retribution Paladins are the Ashbringer if you want to be actually worth a damn in any of the modern content, for example, or the forced class questline for warriors where you die and go to shitty not!Vanhalla, which makes zero sense for a troll headhunter whose artifact was a weapon used to genocide his own kind!
I feel in trying to make the story more epic, a LOT of the little details were lost. Perhaps even the majority.
is that a good or bad thing
And this leads me back to some projected goals I read back when WoW was still in Alpha. They wanted to hype up the roleplaying aspect and bring it up to a level similar to Morrowind (which is also why TES Online gets so much shit since it goes in WoW's footsteps pidgeonholing characters and staying on script at the cost of gameplay when TES was never about that) in regards to what you could do as a character and what decisions you could make. We had Horde characters questing with Alliance characters and even having to chose between whether they wanted to have access to factional PvP or whether they wanted to be loved by everyone and earn the trust of the Alliance so they can do their quests. Though this was still teasted as late as WoTLK where the original Death Knight quest was supposed to be all about making those sort of decisions, you'd never see something like that entertained in modern WoW as it locks a player out of content by making some of the decisions they make meaningful, I.E. ACTUAL ROLEPLAYING, and we can't have that since they might not be satisfied with their decision!
I sort of wish they went that route, making things more complex and murky and continuing to revolutionize instead of streamlining their experience. Sure, some of it was good, like getting rid of obnoxious randomization mechanics and reducing the damage spongeyness of well, everything (almost everything, fel reavers and steam tanks and such should have remained near-unkillable without specialized equipment or group effort, but now they just feel like another type of mob), but it came at the cost of making it so that WoW can only move in one direction that it can't break without upsetting the current order. The game can streamline, but it can't improve itself and beyond Pet Battles none of the gimmicks its tried have lasted longer than a single expansion. Remember how useful WoD's garrisons were in Legion? Me neither. And guess what's happening to artifacts?
>thinking that normies weren't playing wow back in vanilla
holy fuck the nostalgia faggots are as delusional as it gets
who do you think keeps the game afload? neets in basements that do serios raiding or casuals that just level up and goof around which are x100 population of before mentioned?
WoW was built arond casuals and for casuals. Game was easy since day 1. It just prevented people with jobs and actual life from properly competing because blizzard made damn sure to slow everything as much as possible to suck that sub money
nostalgia fags are the worst
And another minor nitpick that's really just a peeve of mine is the fact that new reagent materials come up for each expansion and barring a handful of cases are entirely incompatible with those of precious ones, and this might seem relatively minor, but it personally breaks my suspension of disbelief the more I think about it. You know how in WoD there was [True Iron], which was literally just the [Iron] of Draenor and was lorewise the same stuff you were using back at level 40? It had no reason to exist beyond working on the same "new expansion=new materials=better than last expansion's materials", when in this case they could have just used [Iron] as the main metal and have it merge with Blackrock ore to make [True Steel]. It would make iron not a worthless filler material which it shouldn't be given that lorewise it still makes up the vast majority of metal use in the series, and would even justify that lore if it could be alloyed with exotic materials to make new versions of steel.
If more previous expansion materials were used in newer recipes in general it would make it so less materials became entirely obsolete and reduce the amount of clutter for professions in general AND encourage people to visit previous content. I mean, take Arcanite for instance, or the Dark Iron that's so important to the Dark Iron dwarves they're making playable soon. Those were a pain in the ass to procure in Vanilla and still aren't a cakewalk today, so what if some newer recipes incorporated their use?
Who knows, maybe Azerite will solve this issue and be something that's merged with old world materials rather than introducing a new tier of metals named after Illidan or something.