You couldnt tell hes a total faggot by his voice?
actually, no...
Yes, people have partners. They go out, meet people, fall in love and stay together. Get outside once in a while.
Partner is gender ambiguous you moron.
As an aussie, Vaati pisses me the fuck off
He has the most faggoted effeminate tosser voice you can find. Embodies everything about sydney cunts.
I want him gassed.
>linking vaati
Fucking disgusting.
Doesnt surprise me hes a faggot i mean just his voice alone gives it away.
But i am jealous he makes a living just compiling other peoples lore into videos.
australia you cant just gas your problems away
Kill yourself, actually kill it
>Vaati is dating a chinese
Sydney needs to be nuked at this point
Stop making me click this shiity queer's videos not I need to erase my fucken drive again to clean out the aids
Oh no, one of them gays exist. Better freak out because he puts his penis somewhere I wouldn't put my penis.
>implying i wouldn't
Get raped
Fuck off faggot
Being gay is a disgusting mental illness being normalized and induced to the detriment of western civilization
The anal wall is 1 cell thick. It is not by any natural means meant or intended to have germ carrying sex organs introduced into it. It is an exit hole for waste.
The very act of being homosexual centers your reality on the sexual act as a point of focus, rather than the outcome of the sexual act. To little surprise this rise in faggotry goes hand in hand with a worldwide increase in selfishness and inflated egotism and whiny cunts and me me me culture.
You're not supposed to be sexually attracted to a male if you are a male. This is a disorder that leads one to eliminate itself from the gene pool, but then, perhaps that's the point. Maybe being gay is completely natural and simply triggers in the chromosomes of someone who your genetics detects will have severe offspring defects. Perhaps the worldwide increase in awful chemicals and pollution has led to more peoples genetics wiring themselves for self removal.
In any case, faggots are bad, if you're a faggot your brain is stupid and you should probably kill yourself rather than live out a life potentially endangering other normal humans with your likelyhood of carrying hepatitis and a vast array of other things.
ever heard of gossip? even gay people like to gossip.
just because you're wondering if someone is gay, doesn't men you're homophobic.
ya cunt.
>In any case, faggots are bad, if you're a faggot your brain is stupid
Let me guess, pic related is your GOTY, fag?
Did you stop school at 6 or something? Being gay has been a thing since thousands of years.
Sex between men (and women together too) was a part of Greek & Roman societies and commonly accepted.
Now I'm pissed as much as you are by the people trying to identify as "gay" and overplay it but this has nothing to do with men having sex together.
>This entire post
How embarrassing for you.
>You're not supposed to be sexually attracted to a male if you are a male
>Falling for the Vagina meme
Jeez user why are you sperging so hard about homosexuals? Ngl thats kinda gay tbqh
Love is an abstract concept created to facilitate the ego of humans to justify need
There is no such thing as love. There is only patterns and dependency. Love does not exist. It is an otherwise useless amorphous term to coagulate various kinds of human emotion. Love is no singular insular descriptor for anything valid. You don't actually love anything, love doesn't exist. You crave something, you want something, you need something.
You do not love your wife, you expect her because the pattern is set. You do not love that girl you keep ogling, you just want her. Once you have her, you will become more bored and start "loving" the thought of something else. It's entirely pattern based.
Love as a construct is damaging and only seeks to impede progress by propagating law and policy on things which do not exist for the loss of true efficiency and improvement in society.
We will correct and erase this error and fix the planet in time before your kind can even realize what happened.
then pro-tip: He plays dark souls a lot and makes video about its lore
>tfw the literal butthurt caused by this post
keep it up user
Are you Polish or a Leaf by any chance? I feel like I've read this before.
excellent pasta
This is eerily similer to a post I read on tumblr a while back about how straight people can't actually be in love.
Stop it dude.
this is some good pasta
Being gay has been a thing for thousands of years in failure cultures that wiped themselves out into irrelevance or worse.
Homosexuality arises in a civilization in times of extreme affluence and boredom and begins the end spiral of their entire dynasty. The family is belittled and removed, the state is the savior, the state is usurped, the people are replaced.
Nice reddit spacing you autistic faggot. Are you going to rant about theism next too?
is it feminine penis? God damn, we need some lore implications!
I don't get it
why is this worth a thread?
because gossip, cunt
>failures cultures
>literally the cultures that created philosophy and democracy
Sounds like american education is even worse than I thought.
wait what is this thread about.. is Vaati homosexual or what? Fine with me, whatever makes people happy
He's right, y'know
He's shilling his useless fucking shit videos.
Do they forget that modders already made a remastered version?
Best post of the thread. We can end here. Time time pack up.
and being outed as gayman was his plan all along
>have girlfriend
>usually call her "my partner" when talking to other people
shitshitshit have people been assuming that I'm gay?
Like I said. Failures. Shadows of their former selves by their own hands. Rome was destroyed when they started boyfucking and orgies and dancing in the streets naked. The state of affluence and decadence killed them because they reached a zenith in their society and didn't know what else to do, so they started shoving statues in their dungovens for fun rather than trying to more perfect and continue their stranglehold on power and culture.
They were effortlessly knocked down by fucking barbarians, because it had been hundreds of years since the actual Roman's who started it were gone. What was left was a society living in it's wake with no real respect or intuition of how they arrived at what they had and how to keep and perfect it.
The west is repeating the same thing today. Bogged down in bullshit issues regarding gender and marriage, while still okay with outdated technology being dripfed through the Gillette model of capitalism, and before you fucking start no communism can fuck off too.
America will be the same as Greece is today at some point. A landmass of past success and current failures. As will much of Europe.
China are poised to take this planet, as they have a keen sense of record keeping, teaching of the past and and learning from it and never giving in. They will be the world power by 2050 and stay that way for the forseeable hundreds of years.
I use the term "partner" when talking to colleagues because it is more refined than girlfriend.
yes, even if you say "roommate" people automatically think that you're in a secret gay relationship. But "partner".. phew
>images of gay cowboys and pirates
Yeah. Stop doing that gay boi.
but doesn't he need to be accused of sexual harassment first?
always use "significant other"
>partner is gender ambiguous
This. He probably just wants to keep his personal life out of his content as much as possible, which I can respect
say you have a girlfriend you retarded fucking idiot
incest also has been a thing since thousands of years, whats your point?
Sup Forums won't appreciate this like Sup Forums would. Too many faggots here
Nice videogame thread you got here as usual day Sup Forums.
Guess I'll actually go and be productive today.
my "friend" would have been easier just for sake of privacy. Or just say "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" what's the matter. Now it turned into a secret gay relationship
Dark Souls stops being fun after Anor Londo
He's just from Texas
>now it turned into a secret gay relationship.
Because of a bunch of over analytical retards who don't know the meaning of a word. That's not his fault
>Sup Forums is this upset Vaati has a gf and they don't
no, Aussie
still funny lol
>giving this turbofag views
>>Vaati is dating a chinese
get it right
You should stop reading legends and actually do some research if you want to argue on the subject.
The reason Rome died was not decadence.
Decadence is only the consequence of Rome reaching its peak, not the cause of its fall.
The cause of its fall is mostly attributed to the law changes, especially the one that said you don't need to do your service in order to because a Roman citizen (which was the main reason Rome had a great army in the first place). The barbarian only seized the opportunity.
It's always true that when something reaches its zenith it can only goes down, and there is was no escape to this considering how our societies are made.
If anything, the gay, women power and multigender shit movements are proof we're reaching the same peak. Our downfall is right around the corner, all the stars are almost aligned for it to happen.
Anyways, this doesn't mean that sex between men is good or bad, it's just the consequence of a human society evolving a natural way.
>>Vaati is dating a chinese
He said the person could make out those characters. You know japanese also uses chink runes too, right?
>significant other
The most atrocious way of saying it. Fuck that irks me physically
it's time to coming out, user and introduce your "girlfriend" to your abusive dad
he's cute
What does this have to do with Vaati?
Finally, someone who actually studied during Junior High
his boyfriend and future brother in law, can't you do any research?
Vaati is on the right
I prefer to say partner too
Ive been with my so for 8 years now and to be married at the end of the year
We both hate the word fiance and gf/bf just seems so juvenile to describe our relationship
Its not exclusively a gay term
I did. Find out that you are familiar with chink cinema about homos
You can't fool me. I know how to RIS. That's some american movie about two asian faggots.
Kys retardo
stop being silly user, vaati and that chink are old news. Nothing wrong with his bf being gay and an c-actor
his bf is an actor retard...
lol why goin all the way to diffuse the situation, it's not like you're Vaati right?
Exactly! And Vaati is making Prepare to Cry video about how they relationship (in this movie) is related to Bells of Awakening
fake, show proof.
This tbqh.
Its not like you posted fake shit and got proven wrong, right?
This and based.
Let me guess, Vaati is the one with bear, right?
girlfriend sounds juvenile.
I don't even understand what everyone is memeing about, this guy is right. Sure it sounds funny the way he's written it and all but this is true. You have a fucking penis. Put it in a vagina. There are no buts and ifs, it's the most basic, simple fact life in this world has. Anything that deviates from that is not normal. You can't have fucking kids otherwise, what more evidence would one need?
now THAT is gay.
I'm saving this pasta thats for sure.
eh.. it's not like you proved anyone wrong by spamming "fake gay fake gay!" in the thread. Doesn't change the fact that his bf is an asian actor, no matter what grade, still an actor.
>no matter what grade
>no matter what nationality
>no matter what descent
>no matter what occupation
>no matter what sex
stop backpedaling, morron!
>come into the thread expecting discussion about dark souls
>it's just bunch of retards talking about homosexuality
That's the same thing
I can barely hear you, step out of the closet, user.