Euro truck simulator, but in space

Euro truck simulator, but in space

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It's one of my favourite games, Terrans > Argon-scum btw

That's not Elite Dangerous.

That's Elite Dangerous tho

I feel like this is the ony game series, where Humans are on the top of the food chain.

>Hey you know those highly dangerous Xenon ships that kill everyone thats not them?

Fucking Argon niggers

You can have others drive the trucks while you hover in space for 200 hours micro managing

Gets boring once you realize that you can make millions in a minute or two with low time limit assassination missions, and every other mission is a waste of time compared to that.

>where Humans are on the top of the food chain.
Yeah it was incredibly cool, especially since Reunion was my first game so I didn't know any of the backstory, so getting to Terra and being blown away by them was great

wait really? So I spent 40 hours trading for nothing?

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Is this the one where they threw out all the mechanics that made the series good and just turned it into an action shooter? Like, you can't even change ship?

no, you are thinking of X:Rebirth

*crashes with a suicidewinder while speeding*

>Can't even change ship
I mean to be fair, Thats literally how the series began. I should play X:Beyond The Frontier

Rebirth had some really cool ideas, modular capital ships, modular stations and shit like that. Its a shame that it was such a buggy piece of shit AND the ship they give you is ugly as fuck and can't be visually customized, maybe I'll go back to it someday
X4 in 2018 apperantly

Am I the only long time X fan, as in, bought the original X on the day of release.......that actually really enjoyed X-Rebirth?

I dropped it almost instantly because of the annoying co-pilot, pointless station running around, and the incredible amount of bugs and crashes I had. I might try it again someday, I wonder if modding ever kicked of on it, I stopped going to the forums soon after rebirths release

Its not half bad after all the bug fixes and free content updates. But its still pretty jarring to me, after playing X3 for such a long time, not being able to fly all those ships around you

no, i enjoyed rebirth too mate, but i hated those space police sirens, and those fucking tunnels that you use for traveling.

>start up new game
>realize you need mods to make it playable
>hours later
>plenty of mods installed
>start playing
>spend 90% of your time in SETA 10000%
Game has its good sides but goddamn these German devs are autistic.

Does anyone have a fun game suggestion that baiscally actually is Euro Truck Simulator in space?
I played EVE for years but got bored of the constant trolling and goldsellers.
I've not played an X game since the second one I think and it was fun but I never could get COMFY in it, the things I wanted to have fun doing were just not fun.

That latest X game, what's it called, Rebirth? Can I be a comfy space deliveryman in that or do I have to be SUPERCAPTAIN, CAPTAIN OF THE UNIVERSE AND ALL AROUND ULTRA MAN like so many other games. Will there constantly be enemies appearing from nowhere to fuck me in the ass for an empty hold or not?

you get attacked by space pirates yes. But mostly if you stick to dangerous sectors where local patrols are non existent. I mean, I made my 1st million in X3tc hoping between the Ore Belt sector and the surrounding ones

space jews > everyone else

X4 looks like it's shaping to be like Rebirth but far better, most notably being able to pilot more than one ship.

also, Rebirth is bad for trading since you're only stuck with one ship. No being captain of a giant fuckass container ship to haul goods. You need x3 for that

ED is a loading screen simulator not Euro truck sim.

Oh okay that's completely out the window then, screw that.

When people meme about Elite Dangerous being Eurotruck Simulator in space, they're not joking.

Hello, Pilot, Would you like to learn the basics of flying?

Terrans have the best aesthethic

No game has the scope I want from space hauling.
I want to haul stations.
I want to drag massive orbital rigs into place.
I want to suck all the atmosphere off a planet because they chose a different energy supplier.
I don't want to deliver 15 mooburgers to the next-door station for pocket-money, the only thing that changes as I get richer being how many fucking burgers I can haul. I want my ship to block out the fucking sun, I want NPCs to ask MY permission to fuck around not the other way.

I want utter dominance of the game world without ever firing a bullet or laser.

Instead I get "Take this zorblaxian blurblesnurp from alpha centauri betabetagamma to spleegon IV within fifteen hours for 25 interstellar credits, watch out constantly spawning waves of retarded pirates who will happily throw their lives away for loot worth less than the ammo they use on you!"


X3 had some interesting mods.

>I want to haul stations
You can do that in X3. Its one of the job types available
>I want to drag massive orbital rigs into place.
You can't do that. Well, not like YOU want anyway
>I want to suck all the atmosphere off a planet because they chose a different energy supplier.
You can't do that
I don't want to deliver 15 mooburgers to the next-door station for pocket-money, the only thing that changes as I get richer being how many fucking burgers I can haul
>Thats literally how every trader playthrough starts in X3. Start off with a transport ship and 1000 credits and work your way up until you have 50 diffrent Universal traders on your under your command, buying low and selling high, while you're building up a interstellar space trading empire by popping diffrent manufactoring stations like they are pills

This plot was a bitch to finish, but it was worth it because of the lulzy shit you could do with it.

I hate them. I fucking HATE them. They are such mediocre fucking corvettes, yet they one shot EVERYTHING thats not a terran destroyer in OOS combat

>Thats literally how every trader playthrough starts in X3.

That's literally how all trading games work, start to finish. The only difference is the longer you play, the more things you can haul in one go. At the end of the day they're still just amount of [ITEM] in your storage and mean nothing.

I prefer all the ship designs from X2

True. Then again, Trading in X3 is more like a means to an end. Like getting millions of credits to buy one fucking tractor beam

Not only that, boarding them is near impossible.

Funnily enough, Euro Truck Simulator doesn't work like that

>tfw your traders keep going through the xenon sectors to trade

I'm not even a big space game fan, but I'm looking forward to this. Seems like a much more realistic game to look forward to rather than something like the star citizen TPSFPSMMOJRPGRTSSIM


Holy shit turbo nerd alert lol

I like the part where I have to leave my beautiful space complex system because of the risk of mass self destruction by freighters.


>Rebirth and now possibly X4 nerfs this shit

No, that's Elite Dangerous. X3TC is Microsoft Excel in space.

>>Thats literally how every trader playthrough starts in X3. Start off with a transport ship and 1000 credits and work your way up until you have 50 diffrent Universal traders on your under your command, buying low and selling high, while you're building up a interstellar space trading empire by popping diffrent manufactoring stations like they are pills

And then you go a step further and make self-sustaining spaghetti hubs.

Litcube's universe made it interesting.

Terran Conflict or Albion Prelude first? Or only one or the other?

>Microsoft Excel in space
That's EVE online. X3TC is a space jew simulator.

Who hyped for x4? I don't trust the krauts anymore.


How will consoles ever recover?

I played Terran Conflict back 5 years ago and I remember dropping it because the core combat didn't really click with me. This is why I play Starsector a lot, the X4 elements aren't quite there but combat is fucking 10/10.

Does something capable of rendering those numbers even exist?


I remember someone getting mad at someone else for posting that spinning hammership webm because it made everyone think the game was dumb or something. And I realized that's all I thought about the game, I don't even know what it's about other than looking like a strange twinstick shooter.

Its a shit EA game with decent modding scene. dont bother.


It won't be finished for a few years, if at all. No sense in spending money on it now.

I'm happy that the series isn't dead and await the new game, but Hyped? No, never. Besides, this is Egosoft we're talking about. The game is gonna lauch riddled with bugs and optimization issues,


Dont forget that X2 was a mess at release, but got patched well over time.

X3 release was horrible, then they patched it and eventually did a massive redesign with the standalone expansion TC.

X Stillbirth had the same treatment, but less successfully though.

Also, Dont forget that a considerable amount of the content in the game come from post-release content patches.

>speding 30 hours getting enough money to buy a small strike steam of fighters and a mini carrier.
>they all suicide bomb a corvetter

the most fun thing was grinding my combat status to "x-treme" so that the khaak genocide mission spawns an absolutely enormous number of enemy ships and bringing in my own enormous fleet to fight them. It was absolutely amazing even if at first it brought my FPS down to like 10-15

ETS is still more comfy desu

How much money did you lose

>chilling in your bomber
>enter a kha'ak/xenon warzone
>call your fleet in from hyperspace and watch the battle unfold

How does that goes against the fact that the game is already excellent and with more content than a lot of "completed" games?

>Not having dozens of spaghetti complexes across the galaxy each provided with their own freighter and escort fleet roaming for shekels

I suck at making spaghetti

Yeah the CIA quantum computers made with tech stolen from the ayy lmaos can run that easily

millions upon millions, it was a long time ago so I don't remember specifics but I lost a Tokyo class carrier with full set of 50 fighters in the chaos, I lost a Kyoto class M2, all my springblossoms (it was a terrible idea to bring Springblossoms they are too fast for the AI so they all rammed into shit and died), and several M7's, countless fighters and corvettes were lost as well

it was an absolute mayhem

>1st time playing
>pick up Space Fuel, thinking its actual fuel

Boy was I blindsided

Sorry but Euro Truck I could get into and play immediately. I tried playing those X games multiple times and immedietly ended up uninstalling due to not being able to figure out how or what to do anything. Just play Eve Online instead, much less complicated.

Should've read the manual

>Just play Eve Online
That's like telling someone instead of drinking beer he should try bleach.

>he doesn't know how to set up german autismscripts

That is not true. The game is rather fun and has lots of mods with additional factions and ships. Trading is very difficult or nonexistand because of 30% tariff, though.

The fighting can be very fun though. There are some mods that need to be seen in their context though. That ship that user is flying can slow time for enemies while speeding it up for themselves and has armarments roughly one ship class above its own. Very strong, close to being overpowered. Then there are the Knights templar. Completely broken OP but the Author said it himself: Endgame challenge for bored super captians.

Context, bro.

>mfw enemy Enforcer destroyer shoots two Thumper miniguns at my shields

>get Skirnir
>Stock up on missiles
>Set turrets to auto attack
>Enter a xenon sector
>Watch them get obliterated from 40km away

>pre-order a game
>get access to a beta test
>game is delayed for years and never comes out

Yeah, whatever could be wrong with this.

I don't man, ask my 313 hours in Factorio and my 400+ in Starsector.

I pirated both before I buying, I might add. I didn't buy to fund updates, I did it because they are currently more than worth their asking price.

I like how the main reason why Xenon even exist and the X universe went to shit, was because Some guy (Martin Winters probably) fucked up a software patch

Worth is entirely subjective. Most reasonable people agree the Early Access model is awful.

Does anyone here still play it?

I own both terran conflict and albion prelude, but have only looked into both for a few minutes, which one should I play first?

I still play Sup Forumslancer.

Terran conflict.

Games and their content are relative too and you're the one that keeps bringing EA into this conversation when different devs use it in entirely different ways.

SS and Factorio are both very successful EA games because people think the content they offer is worth it and both had constant updates. Hell, Factorio is one of the highest rated games on Steam. Anyone with half a brain can do basic research and find that out. Meanwhile, what you seem to be implying is that because some devs run their EA shit to the ground that means all devs do it, the opposite of actually finding shit out for yourself. Do you think all

Tell me, Kickstarted games are shit too?

If you're interested in plot, Terran Conflict.

But if you're really interested in plot, I would play the games even before that.

If you don't give a shit about the plot and want to get straight to the sandbox gameplay, Albion Prelude.

You missed the point completely. Go back and read my first post

You are the one that keeps missing the "it's already worth picking up" line that I've said many times. The future of the game is irrelevant, though with it's track record it's incredibly unlikely that it won't be receiving further updates.

Where do I start with this series? Albion?

Plot wise: X: Beyond the Frontier or X2: The Threat

Gameplay wise: X3: Terran Conflict or X3: Albion Prelude (with Litcube's Universe installed)

>Worth is subjective.

Pirate it and buy it later if it gets released.

Sure, I did it at first too, I don't have any arguments against that.
