Implying there isn't something incredible satisfying and fun about discovering a new settlement, clearing it of junk...

>implying there isn't something incredible satisfying and fun about discovering a new settlement, clearing it of junk, using the junk you've collected from the wasteland to build a neatly ordered settlement with lights, shacks, shops and electricity, set up a system of water purifiers and farms, use the water purifiers to sell water and make lots of money to build more purifiers and make even more money as you slowly attract a growing number of slaves, er, settlers

Creepiest part was when I found out synths can infiltrate your settlement

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, pity it was all utterly pointless in the end.

If they'd actually tied some fucking content to the settlement system, that'd be one thing, but as it stands, even with the MASSIVE improvements Sim Settlements has made, they're still pointless.

Here's a random fucking idea that would have been really simple to implement. If X improvement is built at Y settlement, then named NPC Z will arrive there and have a unique quest or possibly questline related to the local area and problems the settlement or that settler in particular might be facing. Is that really such a fucking revolutionary leap that NO-ONE at Bethesda came up with it?

If I wanted to play the sims, I would play the fucking sims not fallout.

I enjoyed building the first settlement. Because I thought it actually was useful. Then I realized settlements are retarded and the snapping on free build pieces was total ass.

Satisfying would be playing an rpg in an rpg franchise not fallout minecraft for the autistic underage retard market.

>damn I can build and design my own vault!
>first area with the vault door is run down and shitty as fuck, can't design or clean it up in any way
>the area I'm about to build in is small and the building blocks are clean like a new vault, killing the atmosphere cause vault door area is shitty

Bethesda are all about cutting corners.

The only game where they actually tried was Morrowind.

Daggerfall: Procedually generated world and quests so you don't need to design anything by hand.
Oblivion: Retcon lore to set the game in generic fantasy land so you don't need to come up with interesting lore and designs.
Skyrim: The high fantasy aspects that were key to the setting are now only treated as myths so you can streamline magic even more. There is no levitation magic because it was outlawed. Seriously, that's their justification.

It gets better
>build a vault
>npcs refuse to go in a room because theres another underneath it
>when theres a bed time they just gather in one spot and stand there
>all because of some small clipping of the vault tiles
Building a normal settlement there was much more fun

fuck off todd we want fallout rpg not fallout minecraft

I'm not implying it, OP I'm outright saying it: in F4 it is COMPLETELY unsatisfyong to do that shit because stuff respawns. Total immersion breaker

pretty game and just install horizen

Hi Todd, you fuck.

The worst part is, I bet they take Settlements out of the game in the next Fallout thinking it was one of the reasons people didn’t like FO4 when it was one of the only redeeming features.

>Not installing sim settlements and having the settlers build for you

>setup settlement with everything it could need
>guns and missiles everywhere, could easily level an incoming army
>every 5 minutes

everything about the game is a gigantic pain in the ass. its like they intended to make shit tedious with no payoff.

fun fact: ive completed this game twice and not once done any settlement stuff/minecraft building.

And then you realize that there's no reason to do any of it. At least Skyrim could be fixed with heavy modding, "Fallout" 4 is irredeemable trash.

It was one of the reasons I didn't like it.

So you can fuck about with settlements and shit but what's the point?
what's the actual point?
you get nothing out of doing it aside from a few mediocre vendors that sell identical stock to the traders in diamond city
it's just a time sink with no actual payoff.

Fun fact: The game broke it's self for me.

The game never made me pick between the institute, the railroad, or the brotherhood. So there was a mission where they all showed up and fought each other. Then the mission auto competed for me.

They didn't cut out levitation because they cba to implement it, they cut it because the overwolrd is split up into distinct cells and there was no real way for them to stop players from just flying into unloaded empty cities (aside from making open cities but ya know, consoles etc etc.)

I'd rather use this:
And have the NPCs actually do something for a change and help build the settlement up alongside me.

Well good news buddy, you could literally just ignore that part of the game if you didn’t like it. Settlements hardly interfered with any other part of the game, and it wasn’t compulsory that you had to build them.

>the hippie robot despawns once you clear out the settlement
actually why

Are you going to defend that shitty game because it wasn't the only problem I had.

Putting turrets fucking everywhere.
And having a display hall of power armors.

You realize this same exact thing can be said about rpg’s, right?

The point is to use your imagination and invent your own fun.

No, I’m just defending settlements, no pun intended. There’s no reason it should have had a negative impact on your enjoyment of the other parts of the game. Your real beef is that the other parts of the game fucking sucked.

as far as I can tell, settlement improvement is the only way to make boatloads of money in Fallout 4. I had to create an entire water-based empire just to make enough caps to afford regular ammo for all of my guns

wow yeah its so fun to imagine that i've built up a shit looking town full of braindead fuckwits who walk around mumbling about how farm work is hard. What an exciting prospect.
wouldn't be so bad if you could actually make interesting looking settlements but they are doomed to be awkward looking shitholes with 4 wooden shacks.

I agree with you there that there was some wasted potential. The basic idea was fine though, they just needed to do more with it.

Every part of the game sucked. Even settlements were tacked-on and without any purpose. Name me just one thing that Fallout 4 does better than any other game in the series. I'll wait!

And don't say 'graphics' or 'gunplay' because it was competing with a game from SEVEN YEARS BEFORE; it fucking OUGHT to have better graphics after that! And improving over Fallout 3 and New Vegas gunplay isn't an achievement; it's the bare minimum that should be expected from a shooter, which is what the game now is; an open-world FPS, not an RPG.

Dude, you find so much fucking ammo in the wild that unless you're using a fairly exotic gun like the gauss rifle, you should always have plenty of lead to throw at the bad guys.

Yes and that's the problem. Bethesda did the bare minimum possible to have a game that would sell; there was absolutely zero effort put in past that point. There are numerous, EASY ways the settlement system could have been better in THIS game, but no; all that exists is the POSSIBILITY that they'll use it as a springboard for something in the NEXT game. That's just flat-out lazy design. For fuck's sake, New Vegas had MODS that did settlement building better than Fallout 4!

In fact, Fallout 4 has a LOT of features that seem to have started life as New Vegas mods, now I think about it...

>here’s no reason it should have had a negative impact on your enjoyment

Imagine paying full price for a game and one of the major elements of the game is collecting thousand of items.

Even the gunplay is ehh in Fallout 4 because of Bethesda's sheer incompetence to properly balance enemies so every goddamn enemy is a huge bullet sponge in the higher difficulties (which also are lazily done). It's absolutely retarded that a human enemy is able to withstand 6 shotgun blasts to the head from point-blank range, absolutely no effort was made compared to the previous titles.

"Ehh," seems to describe most of Fallout 4 with a few VERY rare exceptions. The DLC was better than the main game, but very little of it was real DLC and while "The DLC is better," is a HUGE compliment to say, New Vegas, it's not really a high bar to pass this time.

But yeah, the enemies are just unforgivable... I mean, power armour and killing a deathclaw in the first hour is fucktarded, robbing the act of any real sense of achievement or reward; the bullet-sponge enemies were dull to fight; the existence of super mutants and the like in the Commonwealth makes NO god-damn sense and is only there so Bethesda can go, "LOOK GUYS! It's a FALLOUT game! Remember these guys? Do ya?! Doesn't this look JUST LIKE a FALLOUT game?!"; and finally fucking LEVEL SCALING... Why. Fucking WHY?! It robs the game of ANY sense of progression if a fucking raider badass in the end-game takes more to kill than an early-game behemoth or deathclaw! Where's the sense of pride from encountering enemies that gave you grief 18 hours ago, but now you can smear all over the landscape? Where are the raiders actually feeling like humans and the super mutants actually feeling like 8ft-tall slabs of muscle and anger problems?

Can we kidnap Todd and make him read this post over and over until its drilled into his charismatic fucking skull.

>Painstakingly collect junk over the game to build settlements to your specifications.
>Recruit settlers and give them armor and weapons you've collected.
>Nuka World comes out
>You can raid now! Raid your own settlements hurr durr.

if you've ever seen the official tutorials on how to build a dungeon, basically everything is built by clipping it into something else, nothing lines up, seams everywhere. Clutter exists almost soley to cover up the laziness not add character.

I wanted to make theme'd settlements, you know maybe make a drug lab or something silly. But holy shit theres nothing there with settlements.

If you like Fallout 4 for any reason, even jut a bit, if it's your "guilty pleasure" or you think "it's a good game and just not a good Fallout game" or whatever, you don't belong here.

>unless you're using a fairly exotic gun like the gauss rifle

My regular kit is: Gauss Rifle, Laser Rifle, Railway Rifle and shotgun. I always need to buy ammo

Fallout 4 is saved

Gauss and railway I can kind of see needing more ammo I guess, fair enough. I've never had a problem even with rare ammo though because stealth-sniper is such a bullshit broken build. Practically every encounter ends up with me in the black for ammo expenditure, even on Survival difficulty. In fact, on Survival it's even worse as all damage is multiplied and I need even fewer rounds to drop someone.

That's a problem with all Bethesda games actually... Once you git gud at stealth (easier than ever in Fallout 4 due to the scrapping of skill points), you have the optimal way to approach literally any situation. You will ALWAYS expend more resources and have less chance of success taking literally any other approach.

On the note of stealth too... This is a personal gripe, but does anyone else feel like mines are fucking pointless? They're an exclusively defensive tool (excluding times when you're running for your life and dropping them behind you) and you're constantly the aggressor in Fallout; you're always the one delving into a defended area, rather than the other way around. They COULD be used to ambush people I guess, but I don't recall a single time in Fallout you've ever been told, "Enemies are going to pass through here, get ready for them," and then had a chance to ambush a convoy of plebs out in the wild. I mean, New Vegas would have been perfect for that, but unless I'm missing something, I don't recall ever getting the drop on a column of Legion troops, or ambushing an NCR supply convoy?

Fallout 4 isn't even "A good game, but not a good Fallout game." It's a painfully AVERAGE game. The gunplay is average, the world/level design is average, the weapons are average... The only things that make you think it's 'good' are the fact it's an open world shooter with RPG-lite elements (which there aren't very many of, so your frame of reference is off) and the fact it has visual similarities to a series you also love; FALLOUT. It's ghoulishly wearing the skin of your old friend and because that morbidly reminds you of them, you're willing to give it a pass purely on aesthetic reasons. Looking at the game purely objectively, it's not a good Fallout game and it's not a good game by any other measure either; all its mechanics, storytelling and design just radiate one simple phrase that describes them above all else: "We just don't give a fuck."

>the fact it has visual similarities to a series you also love; FALLOUT.
The fact the it looks like fallout makes it worse. Fallout doesn't seem like the right setting for this type of game. Also the game looks like ass due to all the rubble and crap they had to lay around everywhere even though a ton of shit should have been looted or cleaned up

honestly couldn't think of a more pointless mod but w/e wont even get finished so who cares.

>There is no infinite ammo mod
>Ran out of ammo for multiple guns against a shit-ton of ghouls
>Got killed in a few hits by a glowing one that is much more tougher than a fucking super mutant

>rubble and salvage just lying around
Yet another example of how Bethesda just don't give a shit, same with how everything is still dead and blasted in the Commonwealth, or how the buildings are, ironically enough, not decayed ENOUGH for account for 200+ years of neglect.

Bethesda is still desperately clinging to the superficial trappings of the original Fallout games, even when they make no god-damn sense. I sincerely and honestly think one of the best possible things they could do with the next game would be to physically distance it from the traditional areas of Fallout. They tried that in Fallout 3 but screwed the pooch doing it, so next time, let's see occupied Canada, or maybe set it in China, in the areas that, before the war, America was just starting to land in. The brand new location would give them a chance to completely re-think the design and setting and finally create something that makes internal sense, rather than desperately clinging to old tropes in the hopes of getting nostalgia sales.