Friendly reminder that 144 fps is the new standard
Friendly reminder that 144 fps is the new standard
mate you cant see shit on 144p
>he never had the pleasure of 144 FPS gaming
How many fps is real life?
The human eye actually can't see above 25 fps which is why all t.v and movies run at that
Posting cute lizards doesn't make you right.
>being poor
Money is a social construct
Cute geckos!
640x480 142hz master race
I used to have a cute gecko but it got killed by a fucking spider
I burned the fucking spider alive after that
i don't get it, which is better between 60fps at 140hrz and 140fps?
i don't see much difference over 60fps with my basic monitor
And yet the best games are always 30fps or lower... really makes you think...
Any more fps than 30 is wasted. While it's true that our eyes can process 60 fps, real life only runs at 24 fps (which is why movies are recorded at that frame rate for added realism).
How come movies in theaters are blurry when the fighting starts
Can any current graphics card handle 4k at 144hz though?
The special effects of course.
no and the way things are going if one does come out it will be $3000
No, but 4k is a meme anyways.
To further elaborate, advancement in game rendering has taken in a different direction on console because of this 24 FPS limit. Newer games have better rendering technology, so newer games' 30 FPS look better than older games' 30 FPS. While PC gamers indulge themselves in meaningless numbers that have no bearing on reality, console games are now light years ahead in terms of realism.
That's why 60fps is smoother.
Nice meme faggot.
It's much closer to 12fps, the only reason you "see" more FPS is beacuse of placebo effect.
That's why Sony's games are perfect, instead of focusing on FPS beacuse bunch of retards ask them to they focus on what's truly important in video games: graphics and diversity.
If you have bad eyesight maybe.
Seems like a meme.
I got a new TV recently that has a 120 hz panel and hooked my PC up to it and tried some games at 120 fps and didn't feel like it was significant over 60.
Post more lizards
How can 144Hz be the standard when consoles are still shitting out sub 30 fps and most PC tards are stuck at 60?
>a "pet" that is incapable of feeling any affection towards you and just sees you as a walking heat sink
>real life only runs at 24 fps
Tell that to the lazy game devs, in some games my video card is sitting at
real life doesnt work in fps nerds lol
whatever dutyenerate, 12fps is slower.
Past 80 or so fps I really can't see the difference
Reminder that 60fps was the standard for all games until 3D came along
Yes, that's correct. It's also how the military utilizes cloaking technology. By speeding up a jet to 60 fps it becomes invisible to the human eye and allows us to carry out stealth campaigns
Reptile owners are always sociopaths. 100% of the time, every single one of them.
change "heatsink" to "food dispenser" and you perfectly described a cat.
blacks can see up to 27fps thats why they are so fast, everyone else is capped to 11
.....what does that even mean. Do you mean to say you are so low functioning that you’re retard brain can’t process that many frames per second?
but you could just record them with a pc since it can see 60 fps
>Implying peasants in Afghanistan have PCs
lmaoing at ur life
But cats do feel affection for their owners. What I meant is that a reptile's brain is just too simple for complex emotions
Wow an overwatch forum post. What a credible source
the only thing putting me off from getting a small lizard as a pet is the fact that they have no feelings. I cant imagine getting attached to something that could give two shits whether your there or not.
I wonder if this is how fish owners feel....
>responding to bait
clearly user is talking about 144p as in resolution
Tegu lizards are apparently capable of feelings
>cats do feel affection for their owners
Nah, cats have always been cunts in my experience.
Just inform yourself before pulling stuff out of your ignorant ass. I understand this is a video game board and you're probably a.pimple ridden teenager that masturbates to anime, but stop thinking you know shit.
144fps certainly is more pleasurable in vidya than 4k is
He's talking about Lizards, not women user.
I feel so fucking infuriated right now.
He's baiting you you fucking tard.
>It's also how the military utilizes cloaking technology.
We wuz romulans and sheiit
Human eye doesn't see in fps.
Oh wow another highly credible source on the human anatomy.
>Doesnt list sources
Diminishing returns desu
the fps your eyes is able to see is closely tied to your IQ
Are those real? They look so plasticy and fake.
>Play bideojames on a TV
>TV has a refresh rate max of 60
>pixel max of 1080p
>Getting a 1080 8 gig soon along with a fancy new case and a bunch of storage space
>Going to be able to play any game I could ever want at 1080p 60fps for many, many years to come.
This is actually true but fags that can't see a difference in frames will always be butt mad about it. They are basically handicapped from birth by a low fps eye.
Top scientists believe the higher IQ and Testosterone levels one has the higher the FPS they can see. Sorry soybois
Of course they are user!
lol no
can lizard giv succ?
If your monitor is 60hz it is mechanically impossible to tell a difference over 60fps.
Not tegus
They're essentially cats that greet you at the door
Wrong, we see a maximum of 60
That's why when a car drives it sometimes looks like the wheels are spinning backwards. Humans have shit vision
>complex emotions
Bees are capable of pessimism, joy and boredome and apparently affection, forbidden love is a criminal offense with bees. They also appologize if they bump into another bee.
Think about that for a moment, bees.
You can be 144hz 1080p
I am.
Try an actual 144 or 240hz monitor and you will rethink your retarded opinion. Humans do not see the world in frames.
>they'll never let us bee together
How do you go about discovering some think like that?
You mean 240 right?
>Humans have shit vision
But our brain fills in the rest. It can be assumed that almost 30% of the things you look at has been fabricated too make sense by your eyes.
Like magenta.
Welm you spot a drone and a worker either fucking and the getting stung to death or you spot the two fleeing together.
Maybe if you give em enough love you'll get some back by reflection.
>144fps is the new standard
tell that to TF2
pets only display affection toward you because they're compelled to. Cats? You feed them. Dogs? Have severe separation anxiety and you're their only source of social interaction. Same with birds. Fish only follow you around the tank because they're anticipating food. You get pets because you want them, not because they want you
59hz is enough for me, aiming is not really hz limited after the typical 60 since assuming your input latency is something below 25 you're fine, and as long as I can aim I don't care about perceived smoothness plus I don't feel it's worth the effort to install a twin vesa mount so I can move my 1440p IPS out the way when I want to play
by that logic people also only display affection because they are compelled
>buy 1440p 144hz monitor
>try to play any game made before 2016
>ui is incredibly small and impossible to read
>try to play classic games like arcanum, baldur's gate, or fallout
>camera is situated somewhere in the stratosphere making it impossible to see anything properly
I fell for the meme, boys
Bing bing bing and you just now cracked the jackpot.
depends on the light source
Just run the games at 1280x720 (half your resolution) and it will still look good without being too small.
>pets display affection because you're compelled
Got any high quality sources on that from reputable animal psychology professors senpai?
No, there's a difference between that and reptiles.
Reptiles literally do not physically posses the part of the brain necessary to feel affection.
I think they're in a state of constant rage by default, at least according to /an/
Dogs and cats do.
It's instinctual, and very base, but they still do.
>I think they're in a state of constant rage by default
>Sup Forums
nice sources there
user this picture has nothing to do with what op said
My source is /an/, so go ask them what their sources are.
I'm inclined to actually believe them considering it's easy as piss to tell when someone's bullshitting or now and /an/ doesn't tend to lie as much as other boards.
Why are soap operas then shot in 60FPS and the difference is clearly visible?
I have never seen 144fps, nobody uses that.
Many games don't even support it.
console plebs S E E T H I N G
Your source is almost certainly wrong
>According to Dr. Sharman Hoppes, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, the main two are fear and aggression, but they may also demonstrate pleasure when stroked or when offered food.
>"A snake that is feeling aggressive may warn you with a hiss," states Dr. Hoppes. "This can occur when you are forcing your attention on the snake, and if you persist, they may strike out. Typically snakes hiss or coil when they are feeling hostile, but most pet snakes are not aggressive animals unless threatened."
>but most pet snakes are not aggressive animals unless threatened."
No mention of rage anywhere. If a snake was constantly in a state of rage it would constantly be agressive.
I have never seen a more apt post to use this image on
it was specifically a reference to chameleons, not snakes.
>mfw in 2008 when 75% of Sup Forums fell for this shit
good times
Maybe try to prove me wrong instead.