They called it the greatest discovery in human history

The civilizations of the galaxy called it...


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Why does Sup Forums suddenly like this shit series all of a sudden? It was fucking tasteless and boring. The worst sci-fi series of all time. Starship Trooper, Halo and even Star Wars had cool stuff. Mass Effect is gay and boring.


You'll find that most people have always liked it, but with an emphasis on ME1 and the excellent worldbuilding and setup, which ME2 kinda sidelined and ME3 absolutely ruined, which is where the 'shit series' designation usually comes from

2 was kino
3 was meh
didn't play 1 and 4.

>2 was kino
>didn't play 1
Why is this combo so prevalent with what feels like the ENTIRE ME community? Both Sup Forums and not Sup Forums seems to either claim they jumped right into 2 and/or just watched the motion comic - which omits a whole fucking lot

They're cunts

The A New Hope of Sci Fi vidya

ME2 did the most when it comes to world building.

Mass Effect 1 was the better RPG
Mass Effect 2 was the better action game
Mass Effect 3 was... I couldn't tell you, the ending and the hackjob they did on the plot make objective analysis impossible. For the rest of eternity, everything will come back to that ending.

>side with the geth, meaning the quarians all die
>choose destroy ending, which destroys the geth
Renegade? More like DEVILISH.


>I enjoyed the infinite ammo in ME1 because it's the future so that's how it should be
Got rid of that in the sequel to make it more akin to COWADOODY
>Even enjoyed the Mako sections (the floaty controls never bothered me)
Got rid of that and replaced it with incredibly bare bones scanning bullshit
>thought the villain was interesting take on the "puppet" style villain
Next one was generic "swarm" type enemy

I still don't understand why people love this series when all it did was get more and more generic as it progressed.

its neo-Sup Forums

They mostly started with ME2 and don't remember that Sup Forums was furious with that shitty casualized hack of a game. They dislike ME1 because its simply too good for them and there isn't enough handholding (even though its not even a complicated fucking game) and the inventory makes their head spin

>the way they made her a brief side quest in 3
>Even Miranda's shitty sidequest was more involved
>you never get to party up with Wrex again
>Mordin dies

Quarians are space rats and Geth are mecha cancer

You found the best answer to this problem. Human/Turian military hegemony is the best solution.

I remember how mad people were, but I still thought 2 was a decent game that shart itself at the end. ME3 was that but magnified. ME1 is the game that hooked all of us and we will never have again

I’ll never forgive them for ruining biotics in 2 and 3.

I did this and would do it again.

3 minute stunlocks on anything not a boss not good enough?

1 Did a good job establishing a new franchise
2 was kino but also lowkey waifu simulator
3 was alright up to Tuchanka, then it goes real bad real quick
I wish I could play the first two games for the first time again. The feeling of being part of this group of alien nerds and murderhobos on a mission across the whole galaxy is something I really miss.

Global cooldowns

ME2 was great, the problem with it was that it didn't build on the story that ME1 setup, it felt more like a giant sidequest.

If we ignore Andromeda I really enjoyed it.

>Mass Effect 10/10
>Mass Effect Trilogy 5/10

Realistically, shunning the Quarians when they have thousands of giant space RV's and superior tech labor would be the dumbest thing any rebuilding races could do, especially since they're the only one of the two that'll actually survive and are in a position to kiss some major ass, the correct choice in waifuing Tali basically ensures a major military power couple

>Starship Trooper, Halo and even Star Wars had cool stuff.


There's a mod that changes that you know.

To be completely fair, there's no way cooldowns weren't getting touched, considering the dumb gun overhauls and less enemies in encounters (also less physics-based biotic fuckery) meant tighter combat. When you unlock cooldowns, vanguard becomes even more of a rape train than it already is, and I had to put ME2 and ME3 on insanity just to be challenged. Chaining ANYTHING in succession after charge is true biotic god-dom, but trivializes a good amount of fights

the reapers are the real threat

1 was 360/PC only, it didn't release on PS3 until they released the trilogy box.


ME3 was the worst game of the trilogy but was still a good game and i enjoyed it

>Joker never ever again

I genuinely miss this franchise.

And classic character driven RPGs from Bioware in general.

Mordin dying was one of the only two good moments in ME3, though. Tuchanka was the only part that actually felt like those who made it gave a shit.

Literally the only good star-trek game that has ever been made. An absolute shit third person shooter, feels reeeeeeaaallly bad. Powers are fun though, and the storytelling and worldbuilding make for one of the best sci-fi fantasy trips you can take in a game.
A solid 3rd person shooter that actually invented really fun and clever ways to let you move around the battlefield. (Vanguard, CQC infiltrator, etc.) However, worldbuilding suffered greatly, which triggers RPGfags. If you care more about gameplay, you probably approved of this direction. Also, the based ME1 writers/artists that were left at bioware snuck in some fun goodies, like pic related.
A good third person shooter. Not solid, good. Shooting and cover mechanics are greatly improved, and the multiplayer is ONE OF THE BEST 3RD PERSON SHOOTER HORDE MODE GAME IN EXISTENCE. Cruise control because people like to pretend that ME3 didn't actually do anything good. However, the story goes completely pants-on-head retarded, and the ending is basically a lazier version of the end of DE:HR, but the developers lied about this fact when selling the game. This triggered autist-Sup Forums, reddit, and gaia so badly (especially waifufags) that they've written off the game despite its redeeming features.
The singleplayer is buggy, incoherent mess in story and technical execution (see sarah's face). The only SP campaign I did not finish. However, gameplay is, once again, improved. The multiplayer had a rocky start, but is now legitimately fun. May even pass ME3 multiplayer if they continue to devote resources.

tl;dr - all of the ME games are decent games, and they all have redeeming features that make them fun in some way. ME1 fags get triggerd because the series took a less classic sci-fi storytelling approach, and because the writing took a nosedive.

I miss Bioware. It's a shame they died

That Agatha?

Yeah, ME2 dropped the immediate Reaper issue, but I appreciate what it did instead. We probably wouldn't have been able to explore character arcs and settings like we did if the final war was already at the forefront of the conflict, so I liked just having that time just to flesh out the characters and different races a bit more.

>the inventory makes their head spin

As someone that has only played ME1 I cannot understand how the game's inventory would fuck with someone. If an item looks like something you're never going to use just turn it into omni-gel then and there. There, no fucking clutter.

I enjoyed it as well but I feel kinda sad that for the entiire trilogy you're building up towards the end, and when the ending comes you get absolutely zero closure. You don't even see the long-term effects of your choice.

It's the second best girl, kawakami

*spends 3 minutes editing a stock image in GIMP*

Here's your waifu, fags

I refuse

I just thought siding with the geth would just piss off the quarians, not wipe out their entire race.

One thing I'll readily defend about ME3 was the sense of crew camaraderie and personal interaction.

I love the first two games, but outside of elevator conversations and a handful of pivotal moments where two characters got mad at each other, your crew hardly ever talked to one another.

ME3 made me feel like they were a genuine team coming together. With them always moving around the ship to meet up and/or calling each other over the intercom to commiserate over the latest mission. The game wasn't perfect, but I think it's a shame that all a lot of people ever want to talk about is the last half hour of the game, or to complain again about some of the shit with Kai Leng.

>letting her die
Awesome BF

Ah, yes, "Reapers".

You get a picture even if she's alive

I think it's hard not to sympathize with the Quarians when pretty much every Quarian we meet outside of the flotilla is a generally nice character getting cheated or screwed over because other races feel no qualms about treating them like shit.

If you didn't take this interrupt, regardless of alignment, ME3 is the game you truly deserved

I agree, but I would have liked it more if the team was bigger, like in ME2. So that all the time you spent in ME2 doing Loyalty missions would be worth more than them being negligible number in your total military strength.

So now that the series is probably dead sans a reboot...Which was the bigger "fuck you" to fans?

andromeda, easily

ME3 at least felt like an ME game, andromeda is just lacking any soul and the characters feel even more joss whedony than in the rest of the series

The ending to ME3. No one reasonable expected Andromeda to be good following the ME3 ending.

My track record is Ashley > Jack > Tali playthrough waifu-wise, is Liara worth it at any point? I NTR'd her with Jack in 2 because I wanted on-ship action this time around, and she was kinda boring me

I've done 3 full runs of the trilogy series (PC) plus a few runs of the individual titles. One Insanity biotic run, one Insanity Vanguard run, and a Sentinel run on regular difficulty.
Vanguard after ME1 Was the most satisfying with biotic coming a close second. I actually really enjoy Mass Effect for each game being a different flavor. The first game had the real RPG and story elements I wanted, in addition to the slow pace of the combat (which I actually enjoyed). ME2 really had me invested in the wide variety of characters and I enjoyed doing their sidequests, fine tuned the combat (Vanguard also got charge :D) and had a cool villain. ME3 was deeply enjoyable for me, likely because I had the Citadel dlc and got to interact with with the characters again, in addition to the combat flowing like water and the sound design being excellent. one thing I really enjoyed in 3 over 2 was that the combat became more difficult because of the diverse types of enemy classes, instead of getting constantly zerg rushed with rpgs. Andromeda failed to really draw me in all the way, and annoyed me with the profile system. After I nodded it out and increased difficulty to max I enjoyed it more, though most of the characters annoyed me. Drak and Vetra were the saving grace for me, but it frustrated me that I could only play as a human. would have loved to finally play as a Krogan.
any other folks who have done multiple plauthroughs? What was your favorite class?

She becomes boring as shit and the game is pushing her way too hard.

Andromeda has the best movement controls in the franchise, as well as miraculously fixing the vehicle segments. Me3 had the best gun play, squad control, and powers. Combine those 2 games, and Andromeda would've been mechanically near-perfect.

That's fair. I did think that making Edi a robot was an odd choice when she already had an interesting dynamic as the ship's A.I. and the extra time could have been spent on building up or reintroducing another squaddie.

But I was honestly surprised that characters like Garrus, Tali, Wrex, and Mordin even had as big of roles as they did considering that you could have gotten them all killed from the get-go.

you can say the same for the Geth

The only ending to ME3 should've been variations on the destroy ending in terms of your readiness affecting the destructive power of the Crucible. Leviathan was alright, but that's one hell of a lore bombshell from an obscure lore snippet to drop a year after the game, especially when those answers should've realistically been revealed around ME2

Andromeda. Post-patching I don't even think it's the absolute abomination that people make it out to be. But I still don't think it holds a candle to any of the original trilogy.

It's a quick spin-off title that sadly doesn't have the chance to learn from its mistakes to evolve into something more.

>greatest discovery
Nah, Mass Effect was always shit, I'm glad people woke up finally.

>having a cool villain

You must be over 18 to post here.

EDI should have remained as the ship, as she has voice lines in almost every mission regardless. They could spent more screen time on James, since he's not a bad character but there's no reason for a veteran to use him over old allies. My only big complaint is, like 2, Tali is acquired too late in the game. ME1 (and Andromeda) was the only one to get the recruiting done right.

afaik Jacob becomes some sort of leader of some resistance group in ME3, don't know if it was DLC or not.

>tfw the geth were useless

i honestly expected the Geth to have more importance to the plot. Sovereign talked big on how the races in the galaxy were led down a specific path when it came to their tech. I was really really hoping that the time separated from the rest of the galaxy would allow them to take a different branch, maybe coming up with something that would fuck up or protect against reapers.

Our first encounter with the Geth was them impaling civilians on zombie death-spikes.

It wasn't a great first impression.

He helps a bunch of Cerberus scientists defect, and almost gets them all killed. The only reason he didn't abandon them is because he got head scientist lady knocked up, and he was struck by the moral dilemma of becoming his father. Even then he tries to get killed to get out of it.

Destroy_Good is the only real ending

>he didn't convince Mordin that Krogan were space niggers that didn't deserve the cure
My bro retired and started collecting seashells on a beach somewhere


Mass Effect 3 if you're not a whiny cunt who can separate the ending from the game

Mass Effect 1

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 3 if you are a whiny cunt who can't separate the ending from the game

Mass Effect Andromeda

MEA and ME3 have the best gameplay but everything else is garbage

>yfw people that were in 5th grade when ME2 came out are now at least 18.

Yeah, he's with a group helping Cerberus defectors get to safety.

In retrospect though, that aspect of his character is a little overshadowed by him potentially cheating on Shepard.

>Killing or betraying Wrex
>Implying Morin would live long enough to make it to a beach after the Reaper War
His reason for joining the suicide mission was the same as Thane's

>The Geth
>Collection of advanced hivemind-like AI that have cut their selves off from the rest of the galaxy and remained isolated until recently
>Still uses the same guns and biotic powers same as any regular thug you fight

the automatic cover is trash and needs to be taken out

The moment you deal with the Geth is when Tali becomes worthless in ME3, as the amount of robotic enemies takes a dive from that point on, and probably where the most actually are in the game just in general. You can respec her to be 100% drone-based, but that's kinda a waste of a party member unless you wanna handicap yourself, because her drones don't do a whole lot on higher difficulties, and she's unfortunately too fragile to shotgun shit for very long if you go the shooty route. I think the only reason TO take Tali with you is if for the relationship-based dialogue in certain places

>him potentially cheating on Shepard.
Yeah those 5 whole people who romanced Jacob were in for a surprise.

Seriously who in the fuck romanced Jacob? Most boring ass character in any Bioware game and is a walking stereotype.

>I think the only reason TO take Tali with you is if for the relationship-based dialogue in certain places

It's the only reason I had anyone with me. Screw combat ability I just wanted the bantz.

Having Mordin sacrifice himself to cure the genophage makes for a better story. It completes the character arc of the best character in Mass Effect.

Even on Insanity there's very few missions that you need to prepare with your squaddies. If you didn't take your romance and second favorite non romance on the last mission with you, why are you playing ME?


Does Dragon Age 4 even exist with Anthem in the oven? Or was Andromeda really the last hoorah for Bioware's classic RPG set-up?

But.... the prize.

Mass Effect 2's story was made retroactively worse because of Mass Effect 3. Because 3 rushed the issue and rushed the war and dropped most of 2's plotpoints.

Honestly, let's hope so.

If Anthem flops, it's all over for them.

The next Dragon Age is openly in development. you can look up articles about it from just a couple months back.

theyre working on dragon age 4 as we speak. whether it actually releases if anthem bombs is another matter

>tfw they added Collectors and "Harbinger's Black Ark" to multiplayer

ME1 was by far the best story. It was immersive and had some really good worldbuilding tied to it.

ME2 however was better in terms of characters. ME2 actually bothered to develop the characters and make you care about them more than in ME1. They might not always be interesting, but at least the characters in ME2 almost always have something new to say after every mission. It made you care about the game in a different way than ME1 did. Whereas ME1 used the world to make you care about the characters, ME2 did the opposite. For example, Tali in ME1 was pretty much a Quarian encyclopedia article, whereas in ME2 she has a little bit more going on regarding her growing up and learning to be more responsible.

It's a shame they never finished the series. I wonder what ME3 would've looked like.

People that make custom Shepards should have their dicks punched off by angry midgets.

we live through this, we GET LOUD

I like Jacob for the same reason most dislike him: he's just a regular dude out in space trying to do the right thing.

nu-Sup Forums everyone. Everyone thinks Andromeda is shit but ME1/2 and you can even say 3 is good if you pretend the "choose 3 endings" shit doesn't exist.

I always brought along whoever seemed most appropriate for the mission for muh immeshun

Only exceptions were for minor side missions where I nearly always just bring whoever I think will have the best banter, meaning some combo of Wrex/Garrus/Kasumi/Legion/Liara most often.

>custom male Shepards

>he's just a regular dude out in space trying to do the right thing.
I bet you like Huge McBeef too

it's way overhyped. I like the first one, but even that has major flaws and the rest are way worse in every aspect except arguably combat in 2 and insanity mode fucks a lot of tactics in that up anyways. Even a deeply flawed game as say Jade Empire beats the entire franchise.

At least the first one has lots of delicious keith david action