You have 30 seconds to name a non palpatine vidya character that can defeat Kit Fisto
You have 30 seconds to name a non palpatine vidya character that can defeat Kit Fisto
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Any Sanghelli.
Literally anyone with autism and the vocal capability of screeching
are you threatening me user
the senate
I hate Star Wars so fucking much.
I love Star Wars so fucking much.
Anakin with sand in his robes.
Is his species relevant to any plot in Star Wars? Like, canon or eu?
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Clone wars cartoon not sure if they're canon or not though.
do you still love star wars now that disney's in charge?
cgi clone wars is canon since it was made by George
Kyle Katarn
Kit Fisto kicked Grievous' ass in the canon TCW cartoon, though
didn't Count Duke Nukem cut him in half? Wait, who was he again? All I remember is him dying in the second film and that one filler episode of Gendy's series
Wasn't General Grevious nerfed heavily in that show?
Everyone was nerfed heavily in the transition from Genndy TCW to cgi TCW because of how outrageously superhuman Genndy made everyone.
top 10 anime betrayals
wookie feet
aw sithspit
Why do Sup Forumsedditors like Rey (male)?
because you can't understand a character that was a thing before you were born
the only reason sheev beat him was because he was sith juicing and kit left his contacts at home
Don't forget spinning.
Its a good trick.
none, basically a "we need more ok looking fish people". Their female are twilek tier.
>still had a more graceful death than ackbar
thanks rian
For some reason, as a kid I used to be obssesed with this guy and I have no idea why no. I'd go to the pool and swin underwater pretending I was this guy.
But a librarian from Warhammer