Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend

Duel and WC’s tournaments continue today.
PnP may start later.

touched up

>no vermin with long names

It's way too early for this.

it isnt

>no vermin with hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia

Very nice.

If /c(unt)t(easting)t(uesdaysthatleakintowednesdays)/ can start early then so can we

>TFW got used to seeing Vermin threads like an hour after I got up
>Because of college, I had to roll my entire schedule back 2 hours
>Get kinda sad when I don't see a thread even after 2 hours

>vermin with long name
>each evo makes it longer
I'd do that but burnt out at the moment; I have enough 'mins to last two weeks so that might be a sign to take a break.

Why does Scorpionfag hate me?

literally who

>tfw you come up with the final stage of something but don't know how to make stages before
what do i do with this thing?

i mean, if you're really out of ideas, you could always try the "make the third stage the first stage and go from there" tactic.

>we did it again

Either make it a mook or make it the 2nd stage and then work on the 1st and 3rd stage.


That's a Stage 2 to me.

uhh just make it a one form vermin


Bumping the thread with my newest vermin.

Half the time I just sketch up something cool looking and exaggerate/disaggregate for the 1st and 3rd forms.

I need fish/mail-related puns/names.

You can always make it a mook.

>vermin that hardcounter long names

Not interested

*blocks ur path*
*destroys ur pylons*

no but seriously i have no idea who you are

Nah man you're thinking of THIS vermin who's a totally different vermin.

what would be a good engine to make an "engine" in, especially if you have no prior coding knowledge? i already have the details on what the stats would do and the turn order etc. on paper, just don't know how to translate it into code.

You hate so many people?

Warcraft, Gamemaker, Roblox. Pen and Paper.

learn game maker studio it's really easy and fast


i have no idea who you are

Game Maker
If you actually want to start learning code of any kind, Lua + LOVE would be a good place to start.

post scorpions

Would you guys think less of me if I made a Rick and Morty vermin featuring Morty?

Game Maker is super easy and intuitive.
And it doesn't look like shit!


We already have that kind of cancer, you are free to add more to the cancer pile.

Are you talking about the real Morty?



Did we get an official bracket for Gnaw's next tournament?

hi im a host ama

Check booru

I see where you're coming from now.

Why don't you guys like Rick and Morty?
Is it because of that one copy pasta?
Yeah, like a smart Morty hooked on Mega Tree Seeds that slowly turn him into "Rick" "Sanchez"

ayy lmao

I'm glad I could help.

it's because it is unironically poor quality programming

I unironically like Rick and Morty but do something else, literally my mom's Morty would be lazy and lame

>no vermin whose name is an amalgamation of words for thunder from different languages
>no vermin tha calls on Hemminggwayy to deal with belligerents
>no vermin that lives in a tower

>this deep and complex cartoon that manages to keep its consistency throughout an infinite number of universes and timelines is unironically poor quality programming

It just dawned on me this morning that My first vermin and my latest vermin are in the same tournament.

So who was your favorite Xmas champ and who was your least favorite?

it's pretentious

So who is everyone rooting for in gnaw 3?

my min

Glacier Scorpion, Star Scorpion and Siege Scorpion
i never intended things to end up this way

Post them WIPs

Its going to take awhile to go over everyone's stat sheets, but its nice to see a few vermin finally make into something. For now I'm just rooting for my guys.

VCU, Strake, Spongetale, Hoy, Anti-Bully bot, my vermin, Siege, Ayy, Ren, Chacko, Canuckling, Arthur, Emouto and Limit Trasher because he looks like Clay Moore.

Gnaw3 has at least 5 people with multiple entries so I really couldn't care less about this tournament.
But hey, at least thompson finally has a shot at getting a champ now that three of his vermin are in the same tournament.

>Be topcbro
>keep drawing the fucking shark

I'd wish he'd FUCKING MOVE ON.

Also Ghast, since I overlooked him originally

Not that I'm supporting it but why would he? It's become a meme now, so posting more shark is gonna get him more attention than anything new would.

>having taste this bad

I blame Jazzman and the stupid anons who replied to him

You of course only have one vermin in this tourney

I agree, with wish he'd stop being such a faggot and stop shilling that retarded shark nobody likes.

hey wc post feminine benis


too many vermin to root for, so I dont have a whole lot of hype towards it
and it doesnt help I replied to fake host twice

I'd wish he'd stop drawing furry shit. He could draw a robot, skeleton or some shit.


*unzips dick*

>no alex jones vermin


*re-zips dick*

I'm rooting for the tournament to die. Way too many min.

t. not in tourney

>64 min
>he didn't get in

Yeah, its your own fault for not knowing that Gnaw Hosts trip starts with gnaw and for being an eager retard.

Yeah I’m with you user.

>last vermin in a tournament was the christmas tourney
>last vermin to not job was in vbh3
just kill me

newfag here, what's Sup Forumsermin and how do I get in on the action?

>Rules for a truly aesthetic vermin line:
The second stage of a vermin should always be a mix of the first and third stages. The third stage doesn't always have to carry over traits from the first stage but it must from the second. If a third stage does have traits from the first stage it's always a welcome bonus.



me make the vermin

Middle forms are always the most forgotten in vermin lines. The first form is always what a vermin starts out as and they have a chance to stick in your head because that's whats going to be on the tourney rooster before anything else. Like wise, third forms are what you want your vermin to finally become in the end and they tend to be the most fleshed out. Second stages tend to get forgotten because they exist more as a transition between stage 1 and 3.


Honestly vfc was right. We need to just another vermin at this point.
There’s too many hosts, there’s too many people, it’s just a fucking mess.
“Champ” means nothing. Fuck, “tourney” means nothing. There’s like 4 a week and they pass like goddamn popcorn.
When was the last time we had to wait until next week for a tournaments conclusion?
We’ve also got too many idiots who draw lame shit. If I see another human in a halloween costume that some devientart dork is trying to pass off as a vermin I’ll shoot myslef.

Is this pasta? I feel like I've seen this before.
No, really. Is it pasta?

Fuck I meant need to smother vermin

t. Vermin_Fighter

I agree tho

>“Champ” means nothing. Fuck, “tourney” means nothing.
They never did.

Fakemon vermin > monster hunter vermin

They did though retard