The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
fpbp as usual
Burnout Paradise.
The Evil Within.
>Sold to me as "the game that fixes everything wrong with RE4"
>Late game is full of zombies with guns
Doki Doki Literature Club comes to mind. Expected a good story. Turned out it wasn't even a game, just a prank
dark souls 3
final fantasy xv
Bayonetta 2
Paper Mario Sticker Star
overwatch hands down
Pure garbage
well it wasnt shit but it was no re4 either
It was boring tot he point of being unplayable. I couldn't believe that my favourite director, the guy who's made RE1 and RE4, Vanquish and the mother fucking God Hand, really did it. In fact, I still don't think Mikami was very hands-on with the thing.
Mass Effect 2.
Lords of the Fallen
Fallout 4
The Wheelman.
Driver:San Francisco
Shin Megami Tensei II. I found SMT I better.
The Witcher 3
Zero Time Dilemma
Final Fantasy 8
Diablo 3
Dark Souls II
Second easiest 10 seconds of my life.
Fortnite BR
It's PUBG but worse in every way
>RNG aim
>Free to Play (More cheaters and gooks)
>building system allows people to create cover as they run from gunfire, essentially cheating a fair death
>Anti cheat so shitty it IP banned me for having a mod for My Summer Car on my PC
>no Spore
Shame on you, Sup Forums.
movie source...?
Remember Me
If you didn't say spore you are guaranteed underage.
I loved Overwatch on release and I still want it to be good but Blizzard just really doesn't give a shit about people trying to play it seriously. It's so casual its a joke. The best heroes in the game take no fucking skill and it fucking sucks. It's like they only care about casuals.
Fortnite is great but I wish it had first person aiming. The RNG is annoying but definitely manageable. Aiming is so wonky in third person I hate it.
Mass Effect Andromeda
Dunno. Either Milk Money or Blank Check.
Both had some /ss/ going on.
Final Fantasy X
Starfox Zero
Still mad
It's a toss-up between Fable 2 and The Phantom Pain.
Inb4 DS3 nufags would rant about BloodBorne
I 2nd this
That one animal mixing game that was big for like a week before he dumped the PC version for mobile
Also Fire Emblem Awakening
>Sup Forums: omg you giuz gotta play this game it's the best thing EVER!!!
>...what do you mean you don't have any friends? It's shit without friends.
Dragonball Sagas
Picket Fences (s1e14 Bad Moons Rising)
Halo mcc
nice b8
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
Unironically this.
>No traditional dungeons
>Lack of memorable music
>Bosses lacked imagination
>Durability system
>Down time between action spent walking and climbing is too damn long
>Shines and Divine Beasts all have the same textures and music
Compared to the previous games that had moments like pic related, it was a massive disappointment.
I can only assume the unwarranted praises of 10/10s is coming from soyboys that don't have the testosterone to identify a decent game.
Kingdom Classic
FF13 is probably the one that had the biggest gap between my expectations and its actual quality.
I saw the OoT picture and I thought your comments were about OoT at first and I was about to get mad.
Yeah BotW confirmed that nu-Zelda is the new standard and the franchise is essentially dead to me now. I guess all good things come to an end.
Bioshock Infinite
First thing that comes to mind is Killzone: Shadow Fall. Story made little sense, not that it had much story, and it was incredibly boring gameplay. I had to force myself to finish it.
Fallout 4
I built a PC for it, it was shit
heroes of might and magic 10
This is the biggest drop in quality I've seen in a series. The PS1 Spyro games were great, but this is shit.
Sonic Mania
Sonic Heroes.
It's not a bad game, I'll admit, but it was a massive disappointment after SA2.
Like, I'm not sure if I've ever been so disappointed ever by a video game. Still one of my most hated games to this day
Senran Kagura
FFXIII is a runner up though.
TEW is far from great, but boring? Shit's pretty intense. Did you just die a lot?
This one hurts because of all the misleading video footage.
I remember the video clips all showed off "TRADITIONAL TURNED BASED BATTLE"
Even if just for a few minutes, but didn't reveal the lack of stats and exp and everything else
It's a shame too because Color Splash looks pretty beautiful, what a waste of an engine
I had a friend who worked at TRS and let me and some friends demo the game at E3 before launch, this was like, right before a lot of the day 1 DLC got announced and the other cancerous shit that ruined the game
The core concept of the game was really pretty neat. It was almost like playing monster hunter but if a 5th player controlled the monster you were hunting. Neat idea ruined by the darker side of modern vidya practices
This. It's mind boggling how much it sold and how much it's praised when other games like Rabi Ribi, Hollow Knight and even Axiom Verge are better than it, the former 2 by fucking miles.
Fallout: New Vegas.
You guys said it was good.
It was S H I T.
All of the shittiness is because of the combat being bethesda-tier, the game engine being a buggy failure, and the movement speed being half of a snail caught in molasses even at 10 agi. Obsidian did well with what they had to work with, but a polished turd is still a turd.
Boy you'd love Pathologic then.
Fire Emblem Fates
Devil May Cry 2.
Eh, Teaching Feeling isn't objectively -bad-, it's just not for people who want a slave raising game.
The "good" path in the game is to be a betamax "always respect m'lady" bitchboi that ALWAYS does what Sylvie wants.
This is obviously not how you treat an actual slave, where you need equal parts good treatment and bad treatment so you can train them.
I'll kind of agree with this. NV was the only FO game I enjoyed but I generally hate Bethesda games because of how mechanically unpolished they feel to use.
Like, I don't care how good your characters and story and writing are, if the core aspects of your game just feel bad to the touch (walking, shooting, etc.) then don't expect me to enjoy your game much less dump 80-100 hours into it.
"story first"fags must have wills of iron to be able to enjoy such awful gameplay
Bethesda games have awful story and characters too
Raiden V
Pathologic is a resource management game, time being one of those resources.
Yes its combat and its movespeed suck ass, but it has other challenges to contend with. FONV doesn't have scarcity issues, timed missions, or checks to see if you've built your character right. The closest you'll get to scarcity is "It'll be a pain in the ass to have to backtrack to {where I know I can get thing}" or "This combat will be really boring with {low damage gun}".
Destiny, holy shit what a terrible fucking game
Probably Resident Evil 5 and I didn't even expect much. I want my $10 back.
play the 3rd lel
I liked Evil Within more than RE4 personally.
if indie shit count
Castle of no escape 2. Some russian was giving away his game here for free, but it was a sluggish disgrace, pathetic attempt of a roguelite