How're you enjoying the Splatfest?

How're you enjoying the Splatfest?

Action is filled with shitters
I'm an Action fag

I'm Action too and I had to give up last night. Gonna try again in a few minutes.

I'm not really a fan of the game

Just had 2 matches where 2 team mates were around the spawn area trying to cover every inch the entire match instead of fighting. For people that like action they sure hate confrontation.

>don't really care about the theme this time, I prefer an even mix of action and comedy anyway
>pick action because I figure it'll have more skilled players
>it's actually full of shitters who get dominated every game with me generally picking up most kills and getting rekt anyway


Thanks for your insightful comment.

tfw picked comedy
tfw easily winning

By picking comedy you are admitting that your side is a literal joke.

I picked action and I'm literally winning every game I've played so far.

First match of the morning is Action vs Action...

Let's team up user. I'm tired of being the best on every team only to lose.
>tfw cover tons of ground and splat a few guys only to see my guys are getting raped near spawn
>tfw clear spawn and my guys are still hanging around there

>people think they can easily tell where the wins are going to go from their own playtime
>once again
I'm worried too action guys.

What a horrible mistake we all made picking Action.
I'm going to stop playing now and let the retards fend for themselves.


2265.54 Team action

You are part of the retards bringing action down.

I've been pitted against other Action members five times.

Marina's got this in the bag. A team that's way bigger always loses Splatfest.

>Picked action even though I like both
>action is full of shitters, JPN named faggots for some reason, and level 1s
>half the time I have to fight action anyway
>Switch's wi-fi makes playing a pain in the ass

I think I'm just going to stop at Defender.

Vampire won all three categories, and I'm pretty sure I was getting mirror matches as a vamp.

Last splatfest Pearl won in a clean sweep as well.

>first post-holiday Splatfest
>newshitters who got a Switch for Christmas everywhere
>action attracts more of them
We never stood a chance.

Some guy quit 5 games in a row

I'm new and not very good, I admit, but I at least understand the objective of Turf War. Do you know he many times all the other action team shot off without even inking around the spawn?

I stopped after Defender. I am much more underleveled than I realized.

Lagfags are pissing me off. Agree on the team action shitters though. Sucks.

I hate it. I only hop on for 3 hours because, if I don't, then I would have to play much more than 3 hours to make up for the prize.

you wanna get to mid as fast as possible at start, worth more to ink contested areas. u can ink spawn when u die and are running to battle to charge up special.

>Action Fangirl
>Best Bi

I'm curious if anyone knows a work around for my uni blocking any and all pier to pier connections. I was really looking forward to get a chance to play my first splat fest this weekend. Now that I've gotten a switch over the holidays, but seems unlikely now that I'm back at uni.

When are they going to do "Loli VS Shota"?

Team comedy looking for a 4th FC 1794-4063-3035

I really want those snails but I'm just not in the mood to play today, and it's hard to motivate yourself to play a game you don't feel like playing knowing that you're gonna have to play for like three hours straight to get the best reward.

Go win my action squiddies, make Sylvester Stallone proud.

I'm tired of being top.of the board with a lot of coverage a d 10 splat while my team has 0 splat 0 specials

What? I'm in Action and I won the majority of my games. Ranking up wasn't difficult at all.

What are the best turf war weapons?

I've been using the aerospray a lot, it seems really good at inking, but I basically have to run away from enemies the entire match because it's a crapshoot whether I'll actually hit them in a confrontation.

Post your friend codes or what ever and let's get some teams going.

>First splatfest of the year and Sup Forums is dead

Team Comedy Here.

This is the easiest Splatfest I have ever been a part of.

I'm picking shota.

This is my first splatfest and I honestly don't get the hype
Turf war is an absolute garbage gamemode, 90% of matches are decided in the last 30 seconds and this gets old really fast
Is it just because all the kids who play this game love to compete over dumb shit?


>First match of the morning is Action vs Action...
What happens with those fights anyways? How are they counted towards comedy vs action?

I went undefeated last night playing Action with 3 friends. Tried finishing it up in solo today and lost about 1/3 of my matches.
I'm seeing Comedy a lot, so I'm not expecting Action to win either solo or popularity.

splatoon got old after 3 months I honestly can't be bothered to play

You got it. Also sea snails. Played one splatfest, you've played them all.

Good. That was the only one which really mattered.

They're not counted at all. They only happen so that if one team is overwhelmingly popular everyone who picks it doesn't get cucked out of games and can still level up.

Didn't really care for the options we got this Splatfest and only played for a few minutes. I still enjoy Splatfest but I honestly just couldn't get into this one.

I want to be good and I try, but deep down I know I'm a useless squib who's bringing the team down.

Not even sure why I bought the game. It's Bella fun, but did I somehow think I could get good at multiplayer games, despite being terrible at them my whole life? I don't ever seem to improve in them either. My play style will be much the same a year from now and I'll be just as bad, I'm certain.

Snails are the only reason I try and play anymore.

Winning most of my matches with team funny, but the communication errors are ridiculous this time around. Shit's so annoying.

I don't understand nintendo's logic with making it so you have to have a full team to play teams during splatfests. I play league all the time with me and a IRL friend.


Probably not to split the playerbase up too much, and to have an odd number of scoring categories.

problem catslidefag?

I chose action thinking it would win. Boy was I wrong. Every team I get paired up with is just going for kills and not painting anything.

Tenacity hats are required for these fest.

>no charger or roller/brush and the worst version of the nozzlenose
oh well it is my civic duty to genocide salmon I'll be there after I get my crown

>last night
>end up fighting with massive amounts of idiots on action

i should have chosen comedy, the amount of retards playing at night is amazing. People not even inking the fucking ground and instead letting people inside our fucking spawn area? Jesus christ.

I'm Team Action and was playing for a few hours last night and I think I've done better this splatfest than any other one. Maybe I was just lucky and got paired with good teammates against bad opponents or something though. Maybe the maps I was playing on helped too. When it switch to Moray Towers I was definitely losing more.

Fucking communication errors.

when did they add the ramp to starfish mainstage?


That's the aerospray.

Next step up would be something like the N'Zap, which gives you a little more distance at the cost of so much inking, but it's also very good.

So switch to a support role. Make sure you're putting down that ink, and that the players in front of you engaged in combat have an escape path.


The aerospray fires so fast that at shotgun range you at the very least trade with just about any other weapon and the curling special gives you stupid amounts of ink coverage.

Try the n zaps or the tri sloshers. Not as much coverage but a lot more reliable at fighting


To all the fags claiming it's your teammates fault for the loss, turf war is by far the most carriable mode in the game. Git gud.

It gets old if you don't try new playstyles with different weapons.


already done son. only thing remotely fun now is salmon rush for like an hour at a time

Oftentimes you just get a teammate playing a meme weapon and losing the game for you.

>win 6 games in a row
>lose all the progress with one loss to a team we had no bidness losing to
fucking chargers


>tfw clear spawn and my guys are still hanging around there
Fuck people like this. There's nothing worse than having passive teammates who refuse to move forward when they have the chance. Any advantage you gain ends up not amounting to anything.

I know you're in here soyboy, fuck you my team lost by .1%

How come you guys are having a hard time? I found team comedy fairly simple.

Solo queue Action has a lot of shitters. Peaked at 2347 when playing with a team.

It may have been bad luck, I got paired with skilled players and I dominated the match.

I'm with you user. Besides some multiplayer local, I tune in for splatfests and have some fun, get some chunks, new clothes, then put it down for a while. Otherwise I get burned out like when it was released

I got a couple of decent matches solo, but most of them were shit. Especially coming off a 20+ game winstreak in quads.

1447 30-match loss streak let's go boys!

No seriously, these faggots I get teamed with don't know they have to cover their fucking turf.

The opposite for me, specializing is the most fun for me. I reached S+ in Wii U with only the Splatterscope and I'm getting awfully bored of having to use a very limited amount of weapons because the leveling system and the weapons you get each level fucking suck.

I have to admit that pearl really grew on me over time.
I hated her fucking face at first

I still hate her face. She looks like a baby with down syndrome. Marina is okay. Callie will always be the best.

please do not use images of my waifu to disparage other idols. thank you.


>Tryhards pick muh hardcore Action
>Chill Bros pick Comedy cause theyre cool
makes sense to me

The Splatfest lights make her look like she's got one tooth or something. She looks much better in the studio.

I'd splat her.

Action Queen reporting in. Top kills, top turf inked, lost every fucking game except when playing versus my own team. I hope all action players die violently in an explosion.

Comedy is either great or it's shit. No in between. Action has a lot of decent examples that are mediocre, but still enjoyable. That's not possible for comedy.

You represent Callie poorly. Shame on you.

Be honest Sup Forums, would you?

Yes but Comedy has Kung Pow on its side.

Fuck that was fun. I wish every splatfest had that amount of build up, divisive subject, and shitposting. The the catcuck meltdown was great.

>haven't played in a while
>atrocious at kills but excellent in turf inked
>top of my team every time
>tons of shitters but only lost twice
>only one mirror match and still won

Only two types of people prefer cats over dogs, faggots and women.

I have NEVER met a guy that preferred cats over dogs and didn't end up being a fag.

You're right, I'm sorry. It's not her fault she was a garbage child.

Fucking this. I'm usually calm, but after playing this Splatfest, it's so easy to see how many of these fucks played maybe a round of two of Splatoon before coming to the Splatfest because "lol memes I can post I'm Team Ebin XD"

Currently /comedy/ Defender, just about to level up.
Having a lot of fun shitting on Action babies.

Looking for a comedian to join our room

She's just misunderstood because she's from a different class whereas we are mere plebeians.