Want to buy a switch because all the nintendbros say it's so good

>want to buy a switch because all the nintendbros say it's so good
>The only games I would buy are Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild

Is it worth it?

yes. there are more good games tho.

including but not exclusively:
steamworld dig 2, stardew valley, mario+rabbids kingdom battle, binding of isaac, shovel knight, rayman legends (if not played yet)

emulate zelda and then think long and hard if you want to spend $400 just to play a single game

That thing is stolen as fuck guaranteed.
>no games
>no charger
>no original box

of course, the ad was posted by a nigger

The switch is $300 and this guy is selling it for $150 (stolen). Retard


>go to meet guy
>get my wallet stolen
>get shot
>he now has more stuff to sell

He isn't a Jew, he just want to sell his hard earned stolen merchandise.

OP asked a legit question and used a semi-related pic, you dumb fag

Sounds like he stole it, bet its a nigger

don't forget:
Bayonetta 3
Metroid Prime 4
Splatoon 2
No More Heroes
Dong Freeze
Shin Megami Tensei
Octopath Traveler

They are both excellent games (in my opinion). Do you mean you'd never buy anything else? Or you just don't think there's anythign at the moment?

does it even matter if its stolen? it's still a switch and $150 is a good deal.

This isnt a real post you're looking to buy right?
>Only the portable part
Someone clearly left it somewhere (muh portability) and this dude found it to make a quick buck. Do they even sell the dock by itself?

If it's reported, then the serial number is considering it stolen, which means it can be hard locked from the Internet by Nintendo. Which also means that it's being sold by a nigger, who will more thank likely try to rob you when you show up to buy it

since you also asked for opinion, here it goes: the switch library outside of those you mentioned(they r very good, not perfect tho) consists of hit or miss exclusives(xenoblade 2, mario xcom etc) which you may or may not like(i personally only bought splatoon and didnt enjoy it), ports of old AAA games and new indies, and also dogshit mobile game ports.
id say the library is pretty meh, wait for a year or so
its good for travellers though, kept me from throwing myself off the balcony of a boring ass hotel

Aside from mario+rabbids, he can already play all of those on PC without buying a switch

No it's not worth it, listen to your brain OP. The Switch has 0 fucking exclusives worth buying a whole new console for.

>dogshit mobile game ports
if you're referring to TWEWY i will cut you

But can you play them on the go while everyone looks at you?

>Do they even sell the dock by itself?
You can buy every piece individually except the tablet itself

I actually made money gutting Switch boxes and selling the pieces individually. I have about 10 tablets on ver1.0 for the inevitable CFW and piracy. Will sell them for $500+ each easily

im talking about all these puzzle games with microtransactions which are free on the phone and $15 on the switch

>didn't mention golf story
How to spot a faggot: The post.

"No charger" is craigslist code for "I stole this".

not worth it for just these 2 games

mario is dogshit, completely panderin to 7 year olds, sunshine is miles better and zelda is just meh a huge open world with pointless acitivities and a story that can be experienced in 5 hours if they cut out all the padded content

>If it's reported, then the serial number is considering it stolen, which means it can be hard locked from the Internet by Nintendo
Nintendo doesn't do this you fucking retard

> on PC

on a total potato PC no less.

Who cares, you can buy a dock and charger for like 100, get 100 bucks off

Hey guys, I want to buy a console that only has two games I want to play is it worth it?


>a hunk of plastic and a charging cable is 100 dollars